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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I don't know why you would think that, honestly. I've been a regular since 2009, have 12 remixes posted and another 25 to be posted, gone to MAGFest twice (and OCR Las Vegas once) specifically to meet up with OC ReMix, not to mention an album coming out here soon and another one that is a couple months away from ending production (hopefully). I've had my share of disappointments with the panel and I have been vocal about that in the past, but nothing has been substantial enough to turn me away from participating, enjoying, and being appreciative of OCR.
  2. Plus the voting goes to, I think you said, June 14th? That's still a LOT of time for new votes! Do you have any plan to end voting if it gets to a point where it goes a few days with no new votes?
  3. Who are you? Who are you? What do you claim to know, Mr. Snacks 'n' Jackson from August 2011?! IRREGARDLESS, the history of The Oinkness has nothing to do with fat person discrimination at OCR..... OR DOES IT? You just blew my mind.
  4. Awesome, you can link builds?! XD Here's mine! http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/demon-hunter#cRYXfV!ebU!YccZbb
  5. Very, very interesting my good man. Ball park estimate, what's the length of the entire set? I'll try to knock it all out now though. :3
  6. Nice spoiler there But yeah they've said pretty straight that they are revisiting that particular story element in the DLC. They also said Diablo is a woman in this game. Explains why she has tits. Check out the CE "Making of" video, which is on youtube. Here, friend:
  7. If you beat the game on normal, you've really seen all there is to see of the game. The Inferno endgame is just for people who will find the good items, sell them for real cash, and bring in more profits for Blizzard. And maybe they'll release a piece of DLC in the future that expands the level cap and introduces some more powerful items that can be sold for more money. I think they'll be making inferno manageable for people because if it isn't, they'll make less money.
  8. I made the mistake of clicking that with the sound turned off. This is going to be one hell of a porno.
  9. OMG MY BATTLE TAG IS bestrader#1558 ADD ME YO!!
  10. If you make moar dubstep I'mma vote for your opponent!
  11. I can't help but imagine Blizzard implementing the new stuff in about 15 minutes, then just leaving the servers down for the remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes.
  12. Half the challenge is figuring out what your battletag is.
  13. I just guess based on how useful the item would be for the class. Or how useful it was for me. I think I sold stuff for a price similar to what I bought it for, so that helps too. If nothing else, use that handy-dandy notepad that comes in your D3 box -- obviously included so you can write down auction house figures and market projections.
  14. Hit level 60 and hopped into Inferno to see if it was really as hard as people say. Got up to the point where I recruit Leah to go search for Cain. I only got hit once, it took my health pretty low but I didn't die. Killed 2 champion mobs in basements. Made about 50k gold. Gold is a lot more plentiful here. The difficulty seemed easier than the start of Hell was for me, but I was pretty much blowing through everything at the end of Hell (in solo mode) so I dunno. Without getting hit it wasn't hard, but I know how much I'd get hit later on, so that may be where the difficulty comes in. Also noticed I sold about 42k worth of items on the AH. So, I'm starting to get into some real cash now.
  15. That's what bothered me, instead of actually finding good items like that, you have to buy them at the AH. I never found a drop as good as the items I got from the AH, and I HAD to buy those items just to progress in the game. And I am still weaker than other people at my level by a LOT! I am super nerfed. So I do think the game is broken. But it is what it is, and I've been having fun with it.
  16. And even then you can reach level 80 in Diablo 2 in about an hour ;/ I mean, online
  17. Hey, if you need any help at all please let me know... I am here to hopefully make things easier for you as much as I can. Just say the word! I'm sorry for the pressure.

  18. Why is that pink squirrel trying to eat bacon!?


    Also why does it look like a ball?

  19. My goal in this round is to focus 100% on loudness, arrangement and enjoyability is secondary.
  20. Are you from Game of Thrones? :-o

  21. This is more a question for the OCR Overlords rather than the judges, but what's with you people and your snooty hate for fat people? It's something I've been noticing a lot for a while, your shirt sizes go up to what, XL? I could wear one of those as a mask. Seriously, do you hate fat people, do the judges discriminate against certain groups of people that they don't like, etc? This is a very serious issue that I think should be addressed by ALL of the candidates in this Overclocked Election season. Less BS, More BS 2012
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