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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Happy birthday two D-Lux and ZeroMaster, two strong pillars of the community
  2. So I gave out like 25 copies of this at MAG X mostly because I was too lazy to give out 50 copies.. actually I think the other 25 are still in the trunk of my car, ha.. ha.. So to anyone who snatched one up, what did you think? Also I want to try to finish my project obligations and stuff so I can work on a follow-up, a real follow-up not an EP like the Wettening I guess I should gauge people's interest in that kind of thing, I appreciated all the kind words and everything so far but I dunno, they don't seem too interested.. someone said to make a Skyrim EP.. meh
  3. If everyone thinks like Darangen and doesn't like OCR on Facebook because they think "someone else will", the whole system will fall apart! And OCR will actually begin to LOSE likes.
  4. Not to be a wiener, but you should totally remake this, with actual rock in it, like rhythm guitars! Panned both ways! And it'd be awesome.
  5. nothing about it goshdarnit dadgummit it's just a goshdarn mother flippin' joke!!! Shut up brandon!
  6. I meant the joke, "That's what she said" http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=that's%20what%20she%20said
  7. I unsubscribed from this thread when it became all wub wub wub and there wasn't music anymore.
  8. Happy birthday Eric and Wii Stee I hope you had a good birthday otherwise Wayne Brady might have to choke a bitch
  9. When I was a 'noobie', I made Teen Agent remixes. It worked for me, and it could work for that fellow as well!
  10. The panel doesn't usually mind too much if a game is more obscure, but they have been known to share their feelings about whether a source "sucks". One case I know where usage of the source actually contributed to the NO of a song. But in general they're supposed to be very receptive of the source and genre of a remix regardless of whether they personally like it. So if you wanted to go off and make a TEEN AGENT remix you could do it, right now. Right now. ..... Right now. As for whether the public audience digs your vocal black metal remix of Teen Agent, it doesn't matter! Make it for yourself and if people like it, great.
  11. Our hate for you is what kept us going, to prove you wrong. I got a lot of NO's between 2001 and now, but over the last couple years is the only time I started following up and fixing NO's and sending stuff back in. I still get the occasional "NO" but the staff can feel confident that I will be right back in their face with a RESUB pretty swiftly. But I did have a lot of NO's and I did get angry and I think I once told Larry that his suggestions "weren't fair"... But if you listen to people like Larry, Stevo, and OA, you'll improve a lot and start getting those mixes past. It's ironic that the mix I made in only a couple hours, Ethnic Rush, was the mix of mine that finally passed after years and years of trying. The post order doesn't accurately reflect that, but.... it's true. Ethnic Rush #1!
  12. Maybe Level 99 is Chaos since he knows whether the future likes campaign was successful or not... We should all keep a very close eye on Stevo... this smells Fishy and the tension is palpable....
  13. They were all Stevo and nobody else. Guy's got a crazy range, he even sounds like Jill when he wants to.
  14. So the new likes campaign worked? Omg! Future likes are awesome!
  15. I like how on youtube, "mine" was the only one that got massive dislikes for it, haha. Even the other Katy Perry one only got 1 dislike.
  16. Hah, I've had that Hurricane Katrina mix for like 2 years and I never deleted it because I was worried I would never figure out who made it or where it came from, AND I forgot who sent it to me. This is awesome. I can delete it now. lol jk... now I feel like I need to keep it forever.
  17. Honestly we can all die in December and it won't matter if the album comes out at least a week or two before then. And if the robots of the future get 50k likes, then heck yeah Robots, thank you! Mark Zuckerbot. Sorry, had to.
  18. Two things can be certain IF YOU KEEP LIKING THE OCREMIX FACEBOOK PAGE: (1) If the album is released in 2012, humanity succeeded. (or whatever the future-tense of succeeded is) (2) If humanity succeeds in gaining the 50k likes by 3012, we can also feel confident that the world does not end this year. (3) If people stop liking the facebook page, none of this will come to pass, the world will probably be destroyed, and there will be no album this year. HOWEVER, I have a LOT of faith and confidence in the mankind of the next 1,000 years that they won't give up or be lazy or whatever emotion future people feel. So I think it'll all work out for the best. (4) The album isn't out YET because time does not work that way. Events don't get "added" to the past, events can only take place in our future, or the future of the future, not the past of the future or our past. Does that make sense? So the album would have to be released in OUR future, but it will not exist in 3012 because that's a different timeline. (And I find it hard to believe djp would still have the site running in 1,000 years anyway. Facebook on the other hand, no doubt!)
  19. But yeah as mentioned this is not a joke. Also murple, time travel goes both ways and maybe Chaos is equally sentient in both periods, which would be awesome. To the people all like hurr hurr what day it is..... why you got to spoil everyone's fun? It's 1 day a year, chill. But you can neither confirm or deny OCR's acquisition of 50k likes by 3012. You'll just have to see if the album drops, then say a quick thanks to the future people and enjoy the album.
  20. Dude you guys need to play Final Fantasy 1 so you'll have a better grasp of the time travel aspect If OCR gets 50,000 likes by 3012, the album will be out in 2012! So get liking!
  21. The ultimate joke is that this actually IS NOT a joke, at all. If OCR reaches 50,000 likes by 3012, Random Encounter will be released in 2012. If you do not like OCR on Facebook Chaos will destroy the universe (this one AND the future one) edit: FINAL ALBUM PREVIEW!!
  22. Teen Agent 2: Teen Harder Big Nose the Caveman: ReMix Album Tetris Assembly and I think... what was it... Cat Scratch Fever: An Alley Cat ReMix Album
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