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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I'm making a spreadsheet. NO NEW GAME SUGGESTIONS! Believe it or not, we're up to 71 games. Let's get some voting going on to clear some of these out and get some winners. \ EDIT: Spreadsheet tally of winners (above 4 votes) as of 1/16/2012 at 10:25PM: 1. Super Mario Galaxy series 2. Ace Combat 3. Portal series 4. Okami 5. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World 6. Sonic Colors Keep voting!
  2. My only real gripe was that the main stage was almost at ground level. You couldn't see a darn thing. Stages should be AT LEAST near shoulder-level with people standing on the ground. That's why they hire security to stand in front of a barricade in front of the stage and catch crowd surfers -- obviously less of an issue with MAG, and probably not needed, but the extra stage HEIGHT is a definite MUST just so people will be able to see the band. Major gripe. *salutes*
  3. Pre-EDIT: We're up to like 28 games that have multiple votes.. Please try to vote for games on the list. If you make a suggestion for a new game, it won't be immediately added to the list, but may have a chance to get in somehow, I haven't figured out how yet. Maybe through some kind of elimination process and further stages of voting. Ico is too old, it's from 2001. I'm not allowing the original Kingdom Hearts either, but the later games are allowed. Shadow of the Colossus is from 2006 I think, so it is allowed. I can add it to the list. I'll also count your votes. Nice votes. Adding them. As for Sonic Generations, the songs that are remixes or based on the old songs are not applicable, however any original songs made for the game would be good to go. But since I'm not familiar enough with the OST right now and I am under the impression most of the music is remade from the old games, I'm not gonna add it to the listing. I have Sonic Generations and I need to get around to actually playing it. Ninja'd. Will add your stuff.
  4. Games added. Vote counted. The only place where there'd be an issue is if someone tried to sneak multiple votes for the same game. But I trust people to not do that, and to point it out if it happens.
  5. Yeah. My remixing philosophy is that a remix stands apart from the source material. There's always a way to work with something regardless of how great it is, and your remix doesn't stand in opposition or try to one-up the original material. It might not be as good, or it might be better, that's subjective, but the fact is that it would be unique to your style and probably a great song in its own right.
  6. Plenty of people seem to be voting for Okami, it's one of the frontrunners.. and for good reason.
  7. It is becoming apparent that I need to make a spreadsheet. Though as far as I know to this point, votes counted. I'll have to go through again sometime and put 'em in a spreadsheet. It's an idea I really liked and I pitched it to djp at MAG X -- an album that covers modern games. DJP suggested opening it to community influence in this manner, with the voting and opinions and stuff. It'll probably be a while before I can realistically start it, so I'll get a fair deal of intel from this thread, let some of the OCR albums be released (including ff1 and ff2) and I'd definitely want to start this as soon as the coast is clear. But for the moment, the voting is going to be good just to gain intel on what the community would want to hear the most. And it won't be a single game, it'll probably be the games that get the most votes. That's why I really want to whittle it down to a smaller list of games.. maybe 2 discs worth. ....... :cry: :cry: Can you lower it to 5 of your top picks? If you're suggesting enough games to make a disc on its own, that's no good. This should inspire you to suggest a couple unique games, sure, but try to choose things that others would be able to relate to, and also vote for.
  8. Heck yeah, man! Thanks. Voting for games on the list, especially ones that already have votes, will be very important. It'll separate them from the ones that get cut.
  9. Funny story, I had both Binding of Isaac and Super Meat Boy on my list before I posted it, but I removed them because I deemed them too "small", in comparison to the games they were listed next to like God of War and Dante's Inferno. But I'll add 'em back. As for TWEWY, yes it is modern enough. Just to reiterate, the listing is based on release year more than console or system. Also: <3 Someone said they would have mentioned Skyward Sword, except they expected a buttload of Skyward Sword mixes to pop up on the site over the next year. They're definitely applicable, except for any repeated music, such as the overworld theme from the original NES -- unless it is incorporated into the new music in a substantial way that feels modern. Also: <3 Was this you nominating all 3 or?
  10. Alright folks, I've painstakingly added youtube links for all of the games, and partially tallied up votes, though I think someone like Rexy would be more suited to getting tallies (she's good at it). Maybe she'll volunteer. D: Oh yeah, if they have 2 votes but you only see 1 vote in the thread, the other vote is from me. Not including Eternal Sonata was an embarrassing oversight.
  11. Y'all are just being Wood Elves because djp is a Wood Elf.
  12. Sweet. Ok! If people could vote for some of the games on the list, that would be great. Let's try to get it narrowed down, and ones that don't get votes, or don't get as many votes, can quietly be swept away, perhaps... Or just italicized and put on a different list. Let's say... a List of Limbo! Also the game Limbo has no music.
  13. I think it would be easier to go by date rather than system. I would say from 2006 on, but I would be willing to go a few years behind that also. But the idea is to keep it modern, so the newer the better. Maybe I should limit the number of unique games a person can introduce to the list though. XD
  14. Thanks to people voting for stuff on the list already. The idea was to wittle the list down, which will be harder with everyone saying a new game series to add to the list. I'm not discouraging it, I'm just saying if you do suggest a new game, maybe plop down a vote for one on the list too, if it appeals to you. Like Chernabogue did!
  15. I was just the co-director of this thing, and as a result didn't really have too much control over anything. I think this project faltered due to not getting enough support from remixers, and The Maverickk was very ambitious about it. I'm sure seeing the lack of support made him really sad. Before people start saying "I'M GONNA TAKE OVER!" just wait it out and see if Maverickk returns. If the demand was that good, i'd probably be into doing it, but there are not remixers throwing their support in here. The project doesn't need more directors, it needs remixers.. preferably ones that are experienced and capable with the OCR situation.
  16. Great so far guys, I'll prioritize the voting so that games that get multiple votes are higher priority, such as Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. Maybe I'll make it bold. And Skyrim, because with my vote and linkspast, that comes up to like, 7 votes. Some of these obscure games I've never heard of, I will look up on youtube to make sure they're legit. Also 2003 is cool depending on the game, by try to move forward a few years. It is MODERN GAMES after all.
  17. I would, but upon checking your facebook, you only have 2 profile pictures and they aren't of you, it's a cartoon and some kind of bird. You must be the ugliest guy ever to have no pics. Heck, even I have pics, and I've got a face only a mutter could love. I forgot to check out the preview when I got the email, I read the email though. But I was all like... I AIN'T GONNA LOOK AT AN AD
  18. I'm glad to already be signed up. People don't realize how difficult CAPTCHAs can be for someone of my limited eyesight. And when you click the "crippled button" to hear it audibly, it sounds like spirits from beyond the grave chanting random sounds and it scares me. I wish the internet were more considerate. And less scary. P.S. This isn't directed at you Kyle, just CAPTCHAS and the internet in general
  19. Hey. I talked a little bit with djp at MAG X about "Modern Games" that have modern soundtracks. Because ReMixes here, and projects for the most part, mainly cover older games from NES, SNES, Genesis, and so on. Well without going into too much more detail about something that does not have more detail, I'll just open this up for some debate. What would YOU consider a modern game with a good soundtrack? Please don't just post modern games, try to stick with ones that have a good soundtrack. Furthermore, check out my list, and if you disagree then call me out. Let's try to wittle this down to a list of modern games with good soundtracks that are the MOST APPEALING from an enjoyment and remixing standpoint.Full Spreadsheet of Voting Assassin's Creed series (2 votes) (3 votes) (3 votes) (3 votes) (2 votes) Shatter Frozen Synapse inMomentum (2 votes) (3 votes) (2 votes) (3 votes)REDEMPTION! Rayman Origins (4 votes) (6 votes)Heavy Rain (3 votes) (5 votes)Battlefield 3 (2 votes) Deus Ex: Human Revolution (5 votes) (3 votes)The World Ends With You (4 votes) (2 votes)Final Fantasy 12, 13, 14 (4 votes) Please forgive me for my overuse of bold font. A couple rules: * If the music is being played by soundfonts, the game is probably too old. * If the music is a reissue of older music it's not applicable.
  20. I've only ever had 1 can of bud light and I thought it was horrible. I'd love to know if good beer exists, and give it a try.. I ain't the beer brewing type though, i brew tea.
  21. Is this the episode you wanted me to come on? Man I ain't gonna be home gonna be eating delicious chili and spaghetti and cookies.
  22. It's really funny that you necrobumped this thread, I wanted to revisit this in a big way. But I woke up with a swollen uvula. The uvula is pretty much worthless but when it hangs in your throat like a finger... well, that's not good.
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