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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Mitsuda tribute album.... now THAT sounds cool. He's done more than Chronos though, yaknow
  2. Yurp I would like to see more info such as deadlines and stuff like that, but I could see myself grabbing a couple claims for this that I was planning to cover ANYWAY, like , , and You should ask a lot moar people personally about joining this in addition to the thread
  3. I paused the new Opeth song to listen to this. Zyko ftw Your hd-crash was a traaaaagedy I don't think it's beyond including on the album.. toss an mp3 on there..
  4. Lame decision from your "selection panel", can't say I agree with it. You make panels look bad.
  5. I think improvisational genres like jazz are a grey area here where source usage is based on lead melody (and less solo'ing over source chords or a chord progression) I don't know if the improvisational idea would work out too well
  6. Something like this is where I got the name Except "Lady in the Water" of course is the genius M. Night Shyamalan movie starring Paul Giamatti
  7. Aw what, they want to give the whole penny to the developers? Are they trying to raise money for the developers or for charity? EDIT: Ok, I got the pack, and I finished Vvvvv already in 2;30 hours or so. I wanted to ask how is everyone else splitting up their donations? Are you giving more to the developers, or are you giving only to the charity? Or a split of both? I thought since it was for charity that most of the cash should go to charity, it only made sense that way. xD
  8. I think you should allow any genre but orchestral. And I would be on board to do a tune at some point, and hopefully others would too. Though you might have more luck simply doing a Chrono Cross album with a specific track list for people to choose from. And considering CT and RD have albums, making an CC album is not a bad idea.
  9. You've put it at the right place, I think. You could share more details about what you're recruiting for.
  10. Where are you planning to release this album upon completion?
  11. I tried to get this and the paypal button didn't work -- anyone have this issue? o_o
  12. How flippin' expensive are these rooms? o_o
  13. Cool story bro I just wanna point out that Excalibur and Lady in the Water are the same person, just that Excalibur later becomes the lady in the water after accidentally being trapped under ice by Merlin. And she's a little girl, not a man.. and this story thoroughly confuses me
  14. some noob who makes techno i'm joking please dont be mad at me :z
  15. I did put 2 videos on, and also the . The first has 28 views and the second has 115 views. Not good. D:
  16. Apologizing and getting rejected is annoying. I tend to revert an apology if the same happens to me, so I can understand where he's coming from.
  17. The point is he apologized Whether he thinks you got by on your name and didn't like all of your songs is irrelevant and shouldn't prevent you from accepting his apology. Because those are speculation + his opinion.
  18. That's good to know. I'm still hoping to get in on a group buy
  19. There's an internet outside of those sites??? If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them, but I'm no skilled promoter sadly when it comes to manually pimping this in peoples' theoretical faces across the internets. And yeah I'd never hurt my cat, I still lurvers her even though she destroys my expensive things <3 I'll never leave the midi keyboard uncovered again
  20. Mmm yes quite.. x_x Breaking the one thing that helps make me happy was a publicity stunt. Naturally, my cat was in on it the whole time. At 7:51AM after pulling an all-nighter, I have it back together and it's working So here's the turn of events: Cat barfs on midi keyboard. Moisture from barf seeps into keyboard. Later barf is discovered, when lifted keyboard drains water After being drained and drying out, keyboard is turned on. It lights up but doesn't register any notes. I give up, as I'm no electrician, and decide to open it and see what the inside looks like. I open it, and see a chaos of cat hairball, moisture, and general cat gunk all over the circuit board (pictured in this thread) I carefully remove all gunk with a rag / Q-Tip and begin closing it back up, expecting no change. With the help of my dad, we re-connect the wires. It takes about 2 hours to screw it back closed, as the keys, top, and bottom are all seperate pieces and lining the holes up together on all 3 of them without ripping out cables is a PAIN. I accidentally left about 5 or more screws inside the actual body of the keyboard and had to find a few replacements. Not all holes need one, in the end. I plugged it in, opened FL Studio, and it works... bullet dodged, for now. Night and morning well spent. I honestly thought I would have to buy a new one and I'm not convinced this will stay working for long. Having said that, I also have an 88 key keystation I got as a gift about 4 years ago that mysteriously stopped working in a similar manner. I think I will do this to it and see if it works again. IN CONCLUSION, I don't believe I over-reacted, as music is my livelihood, the only thing that makes me happy. I was devastated and thought I would have to buy a new one. I'm a graphic designer and a musician, and my wacom pen is missing. If my midi keyboard broke then I'd be completely destroyed and useless. I'd like to thank you all for your understanding and your concern. tl;dr obvious publicity stunt
  21. My cat destroyed my MIDI keyboard last night. It doesn't work anymore and would be $170 to replace. I haven't sold enough physical albums to purchase a new keyboard so I either need to find a way to buy a new one or just quit. I'll let you guys know what happens and I know it's shameless to ask, but please buy a CD if you haven't already. They're only $5 plus maybe 1 or 2 bucks for shipping. I've probably got around 75 left. I will definitely post again if I manage to buy it myself somehow, and I don't want anyone to buy a CD just for the sake of buying one especially if you don't like the songs. Please preview them first if you can. Picture added as proof. 6:19AM Opened it, cleaned it out, now trying to close it back up
  22. Happy birthday, you gentlemen !! Ha ha ha ha....
  23. Prolly better to make the WIP threads when you've got about 10x what you have here, both arrangement-wise and length-wise This was ok for a few minutes of work I guess.
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