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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Yeah, you've got a point -- it IS a staff album after all That may not be what you meant but that's how it came across to me anyway... I would concede and agree with you that I'm only mildly educated when it comes to this, but staff was telling me half a year ago to not even expect a release until 2012. If it's a whole different set of standards for a staff album then I stand corrected.
  2. These won't even be finish evaluated by then. Just sayin, I've seen small projects take a few months, and this one is like 5x bigger -- MMX, DKC3, Wild Arms
  3. It's an album release featuring posted remixers. You can make your post in community. It's not against the rules.
  4. Disco Dan \m/ Where is he? Happy birthday to you wherever you are
  5. I've always enjoyed this mix from the first time I heard it on that early preview. The synth solo timing is a little rough but I think on the whole this is really some of your best work, bro! Love those backing vocals.
  6. This mix... is too long. Totally SEXAY but I'll be the jerk to say that programmed acoustic guitar sounds lame. I've been waiting months to hear this mix, and see who made it. I should have known.
  7. Haters gonna hate Lovers gonna love Hopefully Anti-Syne's gonna continue not syning in the process of producing more tunes.
  8. Pain of Salvation isn't metal. Their latest stuff is also really dirty :3
  9. Compression can be super transparent in metal. So it can be hard to say. But I'd say Necrophagist's Epitaph album.. methinks.
  10. The Fallout NV is not applicable to ReMix because it is licensed music, it wasn't made for the game... The Silent Hill one on the other hand seems to be fine for ReMixing. Great song, I wouldn't be aversa to trying it out myself. Goth / doom metal for the win! EDIT: Probably will do it
  11. This project so big it will take 2 years to evaluate Definitely looking forward to this at Christmas 2013 though
  12. This made me 'lol' as a huge Beatles fan I also enjoy Metallica's Black Album. When I signed on for Sound of Speed, I was really into Coldplay I think people will interpret names to mean what they want them to mean, often times contradicting the artistic vision of the artist(s). If people have a problem with the title because of something they personally interpreted from it, then that's their problem. And taking the thoughts of haters to heart is one of the first things we learn -not- to do. (unless your name is Rexy!)
  13. Hey, that last letter I sent was returned to sender.. no forwarding address for ya.. you want me to send it to new addy, hold it for you (mag), type it up, or just trash it? Dunno if you'd wanna keep it for sentimental reasons even though it didn't get there in time

  14. Nice laid back tune, glad to see more ff8 love for sure. Even EA has become more respectable lately, so the whole "EA" lyric bit is... well... ok. I did think the mix was pretty sparse compared to the type of electronica that passes through here, something as small as a synth pad could have fixed that. The song didn't have a lot of power to it, maybe because the drums were a little weak, a tiny bit cheapy, default-ish sounds.. The panned glitchy effects were a nice touch, as was the panning on the lead -- that helped increase the perceived stereo wideness a bit. A lot of crits (sorry) but it is a good tune, would listen again.
  15. If you keep stalling to add new songs, I'm gonna tell your mom on facebook, and she will punish yooou! (no joke at all here, folks)
  16. A huge thanks to OCR for posting this! If you guys wanna hear what the original sounded like, version 1 before any changes or any halcerations, ! Halc really made it pop.Edit: This post was intended to give insight into the history of the song, not to kill the review thread xD... oops
  17. Brootal. If this ain't out by MAGFest and Westin goes to MAGFest, i will throw water on him... gather it out of the gaylord fountain
  18. Thank you fellers, you could use the album version once that comes out if it would be easier... If it wouldn't be easier I can cook up an mp3 for ya. On a related note, I have that ff9 conditional track, and I've sent the fix a couple times to a couple different people, but I never actually was told what the conditional conditions were (Fishy mentioned there was a skip which I fixed) but apart from that I didn't know.... was the fix not accepted, did it not address the problems? I should send a new mp3 to someone? Or just say to use the album version again, haha? 'Cause Fishy has the fixed WAV
  19. I sent him the wav because he was collecting the MMX Project WAVs at the time, I suppose I could send a new mp3 -- wouldn't they post the album version of the song anyway?
  20. I made a tiny fix to a song of mine, fixed the release on mellotron pad for String chamellotron and sent Enumerator a wav... dunno if you guys have that version or the one right before it without the fixed string release. It's good to hear you'll accept little thangs like that. I fixed it cause larry was all like about them and larry is my best friend ever Only my best friends ever have the power to influence that kind of change in a string pad release time!
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