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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Bumping this because they've added maybe 5 more games to the bundle, people who donated enough are getting the games retro-actively too! Including Braid! Special note: Go to your unique humble URL they emailed to you.. There you will find new download links and a Steam key, if you paid enough to begin with edit2: 6 games, not 5 edit3: Started up Revenge of the Titans and went afk with my wireless headphones to cook dinner... Wondered why I suddenly started to feel sickly ill, and later realized that the game was pumpin' the music from A Clockwork Orange!
  2. I agree with bgc, also I would like to see the level go beyond 60. I'd like to see some truly badass monsters that are like... level 120.
  3. This is a sweet mix, I really enjoyed it. Silence and Motion is a favorite song from FF8. I'm really glad to see it covered. But you're missing about 18 minutes!
  4. Seconded, this is REALLY good. I like how it evokes the concept of BANANAS Lol OCR isn't preparing for the apocalypse at all. There'll probably be 4 albums or more in the evaluation queue when December 2012 rolls around
  5. Here's a Borderlands remix from the last MAGFest Month, by vikingguitar Borderlands 2, do want.. I only have 69 hours clocked on Borderlands But still need to finish the claptrap DLC
  6. So this is gonna be the "show up with your CC" album that was never meant to be a fully CC album, but is totally going to be a CC album by the time it's over
  7. Why not just have OA make a high-res version of the DodgeBoobs art? By re-drawing or or recreating it, or whatnot? He's a talented guy, and could probably pull it off quite well. Having said that, the new art will probably be great as well whether it features dodgeboobs or not.
  8. Are you implying that I, at any point, had bad taste? Cause it's quite the contrary. Listening (and making) so many OC ReMixes should be proof enough of that! And I would never write a joke that makes light of someone's untimely death. *offended* If you were referring to the bad jokes, such as "What do you call the last snowflake to land? A slow flake" -- I can't take credit for those. I get them from Popsicle sticks, they aren't my own written work.
  9. A Wild Arms mix is actually one of the earliest mixes I posted on Youtube! June 4th 2010. There's also the other mix that has been on my soundcloud page for over a year, at http://soundcloud.com/brandon-strader/atmospheric-evisceration Considering the tracks were removed from this project for having been "leaked", this seems like an egregious oversight. There was never a problem with the songs being on youtube or soundcloud. *shrug* At any rate, here they are now for you to enjoy, which is the most important thing. And here's Lunar Twilight, a collab with Obtuse, which was also made for this project - http://remix.thasauce.net/song/RTS0283/
  10. The thing you fail to realize as a director is that it's not just your project. It's a community project and should be an album for everyone to enjoy, not just yourself. You should put your personal issues, grudges, and biases aside and do what is best for the album. That doesn't involve dropping 5 tracks for no rational reason and then having them not be included on the album just because you were upset. I have not yet even begun to tell you how to direct a project.
  11. That was tasteless. If I hadn't sold my Grandia III to joe_cam, I would play it now in remembrance.
  12. My tv produces a lot of heat. I don't want to go pre-maturely blind by getting too close to it. xD
  13. My ear is damaged internally and on the way out. Just thinking ahead. The docs also said my retinas are thinning and that I will need a transplant for my eyes in the future. But I don't think there's a work-around for that. Ok! Yeah, so if I mixed it in mono, I could pretty much separate it into a stereo mix and it should sound ok, eh?
  14. Hi This is a vague and generalized question perhaps, but let's say someone has learned how to mix with both ears (like anyone would), then they had to mix with only 1 ear because they lost use of one. Would the same mixing methods still work? I could understand setting your volume, or pretty much doing a mono mix in one speaker in the ear that works... Or even panning something 25 right and then "imagining" that it would sound the same way when panned left the same amount. Is this possible and would it provide a same quality of mixes as a whole or is this too risky?
  15. Mechanical sequencing? In electronic music? Shirley, you jest I had heard TGH's songs in the GRMRB and they were always very nice and polished, but ultimately they were enjoyable. I think this song is very enjoyable as well, despite having no knowledge of the game in question or its music. This is a great debut that you should be really proud of, sir.. nice work!
  16. i wrote a 4 page letter to send to make up for having not sent a letter until now you receive anything amy?
  17. Yeah it's not April 1st how irresponsible are you I bet at least 28 noobs emailed djp and asked "How do I join the Yugioh project??" PM me the status of dkc3 sometime.. what are you guys waiting on?
  18. If that was a real thing where you played as infecteds during the campaign... that would be amazing. If they went a step further and made it so people could play the infecteds during the actual campaign online, and just hop into a random infected, that would be epic. Not in silly Versus mode.. i was never too fond of versus mode
  19. Happy birthday Rexy You're 25 years old Birthdays are quite sexy Fact: Scientists were polled Though I'm writing you a poem, Please don't think I am effete Go and eat that farkin' cake Until you've guaranteed defeat
  20. If they could fix the thing that causes headaches, bring back Pictochat, release The Last Story, Xenoblade, and Pandora's Tower in the USA, only then would I consider getting a 3DS. It's cool that they're dropping the price for other people though.
  21. this is the only song they should play at the jam space
  22. I will put that baby through t-Racks3 if you'll let me
  23. The best time to make statements like this is when the staff is out at Otakon and can't respond
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