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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Not only will this album have singles, it'll have doubles, triples, and home-runs.
  2. I'd like to trade Oblivion GOTY Xbox360 for an equal copy of Oblivion GOTY PS3
  3. Yeah I'm still cool & sorry for snapping at your bgc. I'm sure you didn't intend anything malicious with your comment. i just felt like you were tattling on me to the bosses cause my work was bad
  4. Yeah, I tend to use sarcasm in response to statements I'm kinda offended by. I'd love to hear what you think of it if you could forward your notes to me, I'm not against changing or fixing it if it is something that the directors feel is needed to be done
  5. Oblivion was 90 hours of my life that was not wasted Just as Skyrim will be too
  6. I made it to Joker's specifications but you're bgc, so it only matters what you like.
  7. Your dinosaur has super hero legs........ so muscular
  8. I'll do it, I'm already planning to do guitars for Chernabogue for Flat notes and have done it with him in the past on ff1
  9. Could you make the opposite of this? (A business-suit wearing dinosaur riding a person in a loincloth) I'm not trolling, this is a legitimate request. I saw the picture on your gallery and immediately thought, I'd love to see this the other way around.
  10. I am thoroughly offended by that post. I found it to be very hateful.
  11. Yea bending rules at this point is lame, there were plenty of rules early on that weren't bent and completely changed the outcome of the compo
  12. Stock photos of businessmen Amazing If that were a white man I'd make a joke about how he's making a gun and a fist with his hands, but no single black businessman has ever commuted a crime and that's a fact, you can google it.
  13. Oblivion GOTY is about the best gaming experience you can ever have, ever, regardless of platform
  14. Love it. I could imagine something like this being played by Rainbow, or a similar act from the 70s. Very nice mood and flow, digging the drum tones and the overall appropriately aged sound of the production.
  15. Some people call him Kizyr, I call him Sling... mmhm Looking forward to seeing you both again
  16. Sounds like Will has got a little...... ahem...... sheepish
  17. I agree about leveling. I wish that for the most part they would just make a realistic battle system. So you're not there hitting a human like 50 times with your sword trying to kill him. I can understand if they block it. But when you're hitting something that many times with a sword, it won'y survive THAT long. Let people realistically stab, slice, even decapitate people and monsters... no ridiculous drawn-out battles based on game difficulty. Yeah, I'm one of those guys who turned the difficulty down at some point because I was more interested in following the sidequests and stuff than getting slaughtered by rogues or cops in the wilderness. I know they've changed the battle system, I just hope they've fixed it.
  18. OKAI! Thank you very much and I'm sorry if I sounded harsh or something xD

    Typically my rule of thumb for vocal tracks is to make the track fairly conservative to compensate for having vocals, then you can have a tiny bit more wiggle room vocally, but should still try to use lead melodies for vocals as much as possible :-P

    In the end I can add some arrangement if it needs more conserv or more liberal

  19. No unarmed combat? But how will I punch?
  20. Yeah I saw it pop on and I listened to it.. there's really no source usage in it at all.. I mean I can kinda tell that you used the first 4 or so notes of the riff but for OCR and remixes in general, it needs much more recognizable source than that. They don't usually accept "common key changes" as source usage either :-o

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