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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Profile Feed is the new Visitor Comment but more like Facebook status sort of? Except... it just posts a visitor comment to your own profile I think.. and that doesnt really go into a "main feed" like Facebook would have... *too old for this lol*

    1. DarkeSword


      It's going to be different from FB and vB. Just gotta get used to it.

  2. Question: Do you love Sakuraba as much as I do?

  3. Random dancing cat, I think I found it on fukung.net :P

  4. RAWR --------------------

    (this space reserved for Mutant Chicken of Love)


    (image found then edited in for great justice)

    (note: that's his neck, not what you think... sicko!)

  5. Replied to you on mine like a dummy

  6. Reply about that mix or i'mma sub it


  7. requiem will pass someday

    They didn't judge the album version

    There was some kind of mixup somewhere

    Gonna try to get the album version in for voting

    if they no THAT, then maybe they'll realize that someday they better yes it because i'm not going to stop until either i'm dead or they quit

  8. Run your GRMRB passed me for some feedback before you sub it :-)

  9. She's doing a light hop, bro.

    also hey bgc!!! D: quit mockin people lol

  10. Silly goose, it's FF2 Victory. :-P

    As for BK-- SOYTENLY!

  11. Since you're the only one who responded about it being a good idea, and I didn't get added to the 'list', maybe I will just be your secret santa and make you a remix. :-P

  12. Slappage: Bass Guitar Library :-D

  13. Small update.. I'm headin' to work until 7am night shift.. then I work tomorrow night too until 7am then 3pm to 11pm that day.. then hopefully... yeaaah.. :cry: I gotta get back on the ball, man!

  14. Smoooth as honey... Lol

  15. So how is the BC song coming, Rozo? Did you figure out how to end it yet? :D

  16. So that remix offer -- are you gonna hold it in your back pocket until you find an opportunity for somethin' big or what? Cause I can tell you right now if you ever had a project going again I'd probably hop on it anyway if I could :-P

  17. So the YES is for Victory and the final NO is for anything else? xD

    Please be more clear! :-P

  18. So..... are you on board for FF3 Victory? ;-)

    Would you like to claim anything else too?

  19. Solid. I guess I'll leave you to your own DEVICES then! Hehe.

  20. Some brain storming, title-wise, mostly really goofy stuff, but maybe something will be inspiring?

    The Tenth Floor

    Mysidian Requiem

    Pill Gigas (it's a pun on Hill Gigas, an enemy, and refers to.. pills.. trippy!)

    Ascension (maybe too srs)

    Maybe something to do with Minwu? The white mage who sacrifices himself to open the door at the top of the tower. Or maybe something to do with Ultima, the ultimate magic found in the room at the top of the tower, which also turned out to be pretty useless and weak IMO :-D

  21. Some lyrics from the new album

    I would rather love a song than change it to please you

    Maybe you should open up and enjoy this song too

    Listen to a genre that you've never heard before

    You will find that music is diverse throughout the world, if you open Willrock's door

  22. Some stuff came up, but I am READY to finish this thing up, so... hopefully it'll be all knocked out in the coming days, eh??

  23. Someone asked me "Why?" earlier and I was like "CAUSE SHE NO LONGER HAS A SHADOW ANYMOOOORE!"

    It has invaded my mind! :cry:

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