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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Needs moar opera singers and people dressed like the cast of Wicked But it's pretty great, good work
  2. I liked the saxophone. It was bold. It was brave. It ended suddenly. It died before its time.
  3. Everyone knows Pokemon is a subpar game series. Sonic for the win, because everyone loves Sonic. It's not about obscure music here. SONICCCC sonic They need music they can package and use to the site's advantage pokemon won't do that I hope you realize how hard i'm pulling your chain on this one... or am I?!
  4. It doesn't count as fulfilling a request if the track was made 6 months in advance!
  5. Thanks Rama. I used the second link. Nice little thing, I guess it works, the other guy must have his own problem.
  6. There's an OCR Google gadget? How do I hook that up (when it works again) ?
  7. Is that the last WAV then that you needed for the preview?
  8. Getting shot might not be a bad idea. It worked for 50 Cent. On a serious note, I can't pretend to know how you feel about this because I haven't had a mixpost. But I figure if I did and people had such a negative reaction to it, like even I did to this, I would probably be pretty sad. So I'm sorry for the way I responded here and I now understand where you are coming from with this mix and the general vibe behind it.
  9. I think the main problem is that we all took it really seriously.
  10. Album came dropping at the , to show us how it all began. Larry came running from the underground, "When you hear it, you will understand"
  11. Is this thing gonna broadcast live on G4TV? Cause if not, it should. And it should be on basic DirecTV. That makes me saaddd.... but seriously, any video of the OCR portion specifically?
  12. The only song I'm willing to post for remixing here is In Joy & Sorrow from Xenogears. I am planning to completely remake (and then resub) the song eventually. But it would be interesting to see what people could do with it if they wanted to. If anyone's up for it, I'll post it. And then if you want to sub the remix of the remix to the panel, I'd be honored, especially if it passes. Maybe a little embarrassed, as usual, but worth it perhaps.
  13. Joe, This would have been really rockin' with some auto tune....... also some Kanye west AM I RITE I smell Everclear Hangover V: Radio Edit?
  14. I grabbed tree tracks and shall rock them properly. That sentence references 2 common pieces of terrain. Anosou is funny and makes music. I bet his girlfriend is very hapy.
  15. I may have been harsh with what I said and for that, I'm sorry to all of those involved in the making of this track. Having said that, I think putting more emphasis on the percussion and backing music, and lowering the vocals just a tad and maybe adding some very light reverb, could have done wonders for this track.
  16. The short and skinny of it is that the production is incredibly weak, especially for rap, which shifts the focus to the vocals which, as people have mentioned, are subpar and lazy. As a result, this mix should not have been DPed. It probably shouldn't have even passed the panel. Listen to any rap song on the radio today, then listen to this one. Ok, you got drunk at a bbq, we get it, that doesn't excuse such incomplete production on arguably the easiest genre that people do around here.
  17. I think flatulence should fall under the same musical category as Vuvuzela, if done tastefully. Flatulence is an effective instrument of percussion.
  18. Ok guys, keep making fun of me and my bad eyesight. Hey, it has steampipes in its back, you're lucky I didn't say it was a boat.
  19. If it was so clear as you say, then surely I would have recognized its snaily visage to begin with.
  20. It would have been cool to see the game remade too... Possibly released on arcade (XBLA / PSN).. Oh well. Also Thats the ending of the movie, but with a knife instead of a sword and a huge worm instead of a dragon. *hee hee*
  21. It was a joke, please forgive me. Anyway, I think you covered his question. Remixes are submitted and posted pending approval. ... Sorry. /thread
  22. Get a bunch of drunk friends together and rap about being drunk. Come on, you were all thinking it
  23. Man, that's insane. He does on a giant version of a piano what I can't do on a regular piano. I am really looking forward to your song!
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