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Uffe von Lauterbach

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Posts posted by Uffe von Lauterbach

  1. Alucard's Blood Donation? xD I'm sorry, but that just sounds funny. The remix is very serious, though. Great to hear that even after Konami's choice for Pachinko machines, we can still appreciate Castlevania tunes. I remember first playing Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and hearing that awesome theme getting you ready for an exciting game. Loving the chips.

    Oh my god! The beeping lights in this F-Zero remix. So nostalgic! Mute City can never get old. I wish Nintendo would just give us a new F-Zero game already. 1:30 gave me chills. So glad to see there are some people who still love F-Zero enough to remix it. :)

    I had almost not recognized this Kirby them. I normally hear people play it on the guitar, so having a dreamy synth sound was a new approach to me. At 1:29 of this remix, it reminds me of StarTropics. 2:27 sounds really interesting with the bass being different. It could have easily been turned into some electro house tune.

    I like how this went from the Menu and into Final Destination. They are probably the most popular themes in the Smash series. I think I've said it before, but I'll say it again, it's always a joy to hear Smash Bros. remixes.

  2. I thought I commented on this. Not really sure what the scale is. At 4:17, in the original track, I hear three chords play. It's sort of a subtle glissando. That may not be the correct musical term. I guess you can say the notes are a tad more humanized rather than three notes pressing down at the same time. So I wrote out what I hear, and maybe you'd like to throw it into your remix. Someone with a better ear could probably tell you the correct notes. I'm not saying yours are wrong. In your remix, you only have the final note being played, which I believe are A, E, and then D.



    Overall, I like the direction you took from the original. It still has that qualm feeling. This Divine Beast was one of my favorites, as well as the boss, but I felt unsure of what I was supposed to be doing.

  3. I'm very impressed with these. The iris on the last picture looks a bit strange. I hate drawing eyes in general. It's been a long time since I've drawn something realistic looking, though. Keep it up. I can tell you put a lot of work into getting where you are now. Good job.

  4. This can't be allowed to be swallowed into the abyss. This is too beautiful of a remix. I literally felt like I was somewhere else just listening to this. I saw myself in a cave, looking up at an opening where I could see the clouds and sky. Once I climbed out, and below me was a forest, with mountains in the distance. I don't usually say weird stuff like this, but that's the imagery that was there for me.

  5. It sort of reminds me of something from an 80s action movie. I don't know if you intend to have this submitted or not, but if you do, it's going to require some changing. The source itself is fine, you should add your own melodies in somewhere, whether it be a new intro for the original song, or change it somewhere along the way. Take these two for example. Same songs, but sound different from one another in their own way:






  6. On 5/5/2017 at 11:41 PM, Siolfor the Jackal said:

    You know, there has been a couple of times where I've been thinking about this song and suddenly find myself thinking about the SMB Castle theme, but I thought I was just weird. Maybe there is something there after all...

    I do like the idea of using the jingle as a transition to Wart's if I go that route, and yeah I don't think I'd do it if it doesn't sound natural. Seems lazy to just paste it on the end.

    Thanks, dude ^_^

    That's pretty funny that I wasn't the only one who heard the Super Mario Bros. Castle Theme. If you do decide to try that out, I hope to hear it to see how it turned out. If it works, though. Otherwise it might not be a good idea. But I guess we'll see.

  7. Two things occurred to me while listening to your remix, if it's OK to call it that at its current state.

    1. I want to say taking the Castle Theme from the original Super Mario Bros. and layering it on top of your Boss Theme sounds like it could work. I don't know for sure, though. So give that a shot if you want to.

    2. Using the ending jingle, but not as the ending. Before doing your transition into Wart's Theme, if you're going to put that in your remix, do the Boss Theme > Ending Jingle > Wart's Theme. Not like a medley, either. Try to make it flow into one another naturally.

  8. Agreed with Gario. Unfortunately, Act 3-2 is the only remixes done for Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos. There are so many themes in NGII that I'm surprised we haven't gotten anything new. I understand that the game is pretty dated, but still, the classics is where it's at. I really love your version of Act 2, the train level.

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