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Everything posted by Jakos

  1. Lately I've been thinking about this type of music... I have been reading about it, doing some research and learning how it was made, and I saw that nowadays this music can't be made without "cheating" as long as you know "The Rules" (or limitations) they had those days and you are willing to obbey them. So... I've been thinking how Kinuyo Yamashita, Nobuo Uematsu, Yuzo Koshiro or Koji Kondo compose those day and how can you do it nowadays? I know, probably trackers are the answer, but I think the trackers we use now WEREN'T like those trackers. If you have ever used one (FamiTracker, MilkyTracker or FastTracker 2) you know you have a lot of options, like editing the samples, evelope volumen and various effect includded (like the famous arpeggio) and I think they didn't have those options. So the question is: How do you compose nowadays like they did those days? or at least, the most aproximated way without "cheating", like some kind of VST that restrict you from use more that in that time you could maybe, I don't know . Also, if anyone knows some documentary about this subject I will be pleased to learn more about it .
  2. Better I should wait to another album and start working on my portfolio. Thanks for the answers. PDD: Also thanks for writing in spanish, made me laugh, it sounded completely like a robot and algo like you were speaking with an old man (by saying "usted", in South America is normal but in Spain is only used to speak to unknown people or old people) Probably my english will sound like you were speaking with an Indian.
  3. Is requiered any type of experience to participate in this album? I didn't make any song/remix before and this could be a good (and hard) challenge for me, or should I make various song before attempt to participate in any project? (for the shake of the quality)
  4. Ok... let's see. 1 - Learn a lot about composing. 2 - Make new friends if possible. 3 - See my abs for 1st time. 4 - Travel to London. Yeah, that's it. They're pretty achievable I think
  5. 1 - Boo (Mario) 2 - Jill Valentine (Resident Evil) 3 - Isaac (The Binding of Isaac)
  6. That's a true discount. They could have give it free for that price.
  7. In my opinion, I think like Michael : The trumpet-saxo-synth was very good (reminded me to the Theme of Lutie of Ragnarok Online). In general I like it. Good Job
  8. It sounds pretty good so far, I'm listening to it and I like it. Good Job
  9. It look so so nice! Let's hope it doesn't last less than 15 hours of gameplay.
  10. I have on the scope Don't Starve, Banished and (Let's hope) Starbound. GOTY Borderlands 2 and Dark Souls Prepare to Die already fall (Dammit, Gabe)
  11. Oh, I didn't thought in your B point, seems the best way to buy the games. That's probably what I'll do. Long live Vic Boss
  12. It goes out the day after tomorrow. Thoughts? I don't know if I should buy it or wait for The Phantom Pain better, because I've already played GZ on PS3.
  13. It sound pretty pretty good! I wouldn't mind hearing that song in the middle of a strategy videogame. I don't find anything bad on it and I think it deserves more feedback, I hope someone can give you more helpful feedback than I can give. If you want me to say something, I would have put the brasses in the first part of the song just a little little bit more back just to coordinate more the drums with the brasses a little more, BUT JUST TO SAY SOMETHING, it sound very good
  14. I think I must try the things first to learn by myself. Is all about seeing it yourself! Thanks for the answer.
  15. Thanks for the full answer digitalxero and thanks for the Noisemaker. It sound very good to be free And about the keyboards, the PSR E423 yes, it only has USB connection, but the M-Audio Axiom 49 has MIDI too, and I'd read that the MIDI has better response than the USB (I've tried to play my keyboard on the PC and has a little bit of latency, even with ASIO but is almost unnoticeable)
  16. Oh, thanks for the information, I should read more about the interfaces. But for what I need it I think something less complex could be enough, I don't know
  17. I was reading and watching tutorials about REAPER right now, seems powerful but It doesn't bring any VSTi, that's bad. So what should I look when I buy a Interface? For me they look all almost the same.
  18. The first song I learned to play was probably Town Theme from FF1 in piano for both hands
  19. Oh yeah, a pair of headphones could be a good choice. Also what do you think about the UR22? I saw that the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 doesn't have MIDI In/Out, and I don't think I will use any microphone or guitar at the moment. :S Also, I should buy a DAW but I'm afraid to buy one too complex or not powerful. I use the free version of FL Studio to train but... that's all, I tried Cubase and was a little bit complex to what I prettend to make (I think).
  20. Hi everyone! I'm new in this big comunnity and I want to use this post to ask for recommendation and say "Hi, I'm new" to everyone who wants to read this. As new as I am, I'm new making music with the computer and I have no idea almost where to start, and all I want to is start learning soon the things you guys know. So the thing is this, only I have around 500 € (600 USD?) of budget to buy things and I thought to buy this: - M-AUDIO Axiom 49 2nd Gen (Around 200 €) - Steinberg UR22 (Around 120 €) - Cables (Around... 10€?) And I only have one Yamaha PSR E423 so... I have no idea what to buy, and I want to use wisely my money. I hope you guys could help to get me more into this world as I would love to bring new things into this community. I appreciate all the feedback you can give to me! Thanks for reading. PS: Sorry about my english, it isn't my first tonge I'm from Spain (Ole toros paella flamenco )
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