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Everything posted by T3KYO

  1. This a re-released track from sometime ago, aiming to make improvements with the composition, but also the mix itself. It uses the frequent melody theme throughout the game/soundtrack. It's a bit crazy sounding. Looking for second opinions and feedback on how it sounds with the mix itself. Remix:
  2. I really like it when classic themes are reinvented for the symphonic style, but I think that's where this track lands, though. I don't think it's really a remix or a rendition to the extent that it does something too different from the original. It's good, really well done, and I like it, but it personally feels more like the original just being recreated for the symphonic style. I think you should try [and that could be the hardest part] to add something else in the composition that steps away, but not too much, to do something else that would then seamlessly blend right back into the original set composition. It would also extent the track in its playtime (I want more). But I mean, if you can do what you did with this track, I imagine you have the skills to try it, right Good job regardless...I want to play an RPG/JRPG now. (P.S. please include the original composition/track link for comparison)
  3. I don't have much to say, but that was cool, yo. I like the originality tossed in there. You stuck to the original, but did a lot of variational stuff to impose your originality. That was legit. Hats off to you, sir!
  4. I felt like I could play this track while I play the original level. I listened to it a couple of times and dug it. The Arrangement It's very minimalistic and subtle in its arrangement, with the impression of a bit hecticness -- considering what the song is based on, the "crazy" road to bowser, I felt like it works for this direction on a subtle level. The song doesn't really go on a "rollercoster" [i'm personally fine with that], and the melody, for the most part, doesn't stray too much from the main melody. I feel like something should be done differently with the composition, just to break away momentarily from the main. I like how you have the switch ups [1:33 was awesome and 1:58 was cool] and then bring back the beginning at the end. I sometimes like it when songs do such a thing, kinda' like, "We went all over the place, but we're back to our humble beginnings". Perhaps you could use the ending to do something slightly different, or add a new layered melody. Just an idea. I feel that the bass and snare hit at the 0:29 mark should hold off till the 0:32 mark, when the melody actually kicks in, try just the high-hats or perhaps have nothing till after the laugh finishes, or is close to finishing [just another idea]. Additionally, your intro drum sequence switches with the applified one at the 0:38 mark through the 0:45 mark, but this version is quickly cut off with the transition. I'd say experiment, and see what it sounds like if you hold off on this version of the drum sequence till the 0:57 mark. Mixing Give yourself another listen, perhaps on another sound system and review the lows, mids, and highs. I feel that the use of one particular snare hit throughout the song needs to be adjusted EQ/velocity/volume/compression wise [ like at 0:57-1:33 ]. I think the main and recurring drum sequence seems really overpowering [ see 0:57- 1:33 as an example ], so maybe some adjustment on the volume/compression on that particular sequence/instruments. In short, no. You did not waste your day. I personally like this track, it's "chill". Then again, if you're working on something you're passionate about, is a day ever wasted? Though I personally like it, not sure if it'll meet the judges standards...but I like it...thumbs up to you. (b-_-)b
  5. Really appreciating the feedback. I didn't want to do too much with the baseline, because there's so much going on, I didn't want the song to start getting "cluttered", but also, the remix is intended to have lyrics (we'll see how it turns). Because the planned lyrics, the baseline is meant to be simplistic so doesn't take away from all that's going on with a life of its own, especially when the lyrics are included in the vocal version. I will totally check out the idea for the 1:48 mark, curious how it sounds now. As far as the kick/snare, I'll mess with the new mix and see if I can give them more attention in the vocal version. BIG THANKS for the feedback/ideas.
  6. Hey, thanks, man. I checked out that sequence of notes that you mentioned, and it does seem that way. I'll look at it more thoroughly tonight...see what exactly I did there...I might have changed it intentionally, but I will look at it. Thanks for the feedback -- I really, really, appreciate it.
  7. I'm looking for feedback for my Sonic Adventure: Speed Highway remix. Link: Link: If I can make improvements before the vocal version is recorded, then any feedback would be a big help.
  8. I'm looking for feedback for my Mute City remix. I wanted to make the track sound really "heavy" and "dirty" if that makes sense. Though it's Mute City, I got a Big Blue intro...hmm. Link: Link: Anyway, if I can make improvements for the future vocal version, then feedback would be a big help.
  9. Yo, I really dug this track. I especially like it after the 1:30 mark....really like the direction in it. I listened to it a couple of times. Seriously, good job. If I may insert some small criticism: 1: On certain notes, the velocity seemed unnecessarily too loud (see 1:00min mark), minor adjustment on these similar sounding velocity notes throughout the track, and it's good stuff, yo. 2. I feel like some "slight" increase on reverb on the main drumming percussion would add more to the track. Also, on the 1:05 mark, I feel there need's to be some reverb on the plucking strings -- I feel like it would add a lot more. 3. The volume does seem rather low. If you like, I can do some quick mastering on the track to increase the volume for you. Just hit me with a message and I'll give you my email. Other than those small nitpicks, awesome track.
  10. Sweet, yo! I'm gonna hit you up with a quick PM.
  11. Falcon Punch, yo... ○)=○}}}}}}
  12. I'm going to give this a go, yo. I already have an idea, too....yoink?
  13. I'd like to jump in! (can I still jump in?) Has the the original post been updated with opening some of the previously claimed tracks?
  14. I still own this game, yo. I'm going to listen to it more and see if I can come up with anything solid to pursue.
  15. I'm not sure if this would qualify for being a submission on OCRemix, so if anyone could let me know, or who to direct this question to, then that would be awesome and appreciated. Track: Sonic Adventure 2 - Escape from the City (Crush 40) Dance Cover/Remix: Original: I'm all up for making tweaks if this track has a chance for being submitted to OCRemix, so let me know with that feedback, yo!
  16. Hey everyone, I'm new to the community and I'm looking for help to try to get some of my remixes posted, so need that feedback, yo. Track: Pokemon trainer battle (B/R/Y) Remix: Original: There are some things I am considering changing before attempting to submit the track to the panel, but I'd like to hear that outside feedback.
  17. Hey everyone, My name is Josh and I'm musician who's looking to share his music/remixes with people to hear and enjoy. I'm also looking to meet other musicians/remixers for possible future projects. I don't game as often as I used to, as most of my time goes into making music and working on my projects...but I find time for it. At the moment, I work primarily as a freelance graphic/web designer, with the occasional composition for an individual. I've known about OCremix for a while, and had another account, but just never took part in the community...changing that now. See you guys around, yo.
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