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Posts posted by nitrozsz

  1. Definitely not something I’d picture as being inspired from a Dark Souls game. It’s already been pointed out that the flute work here is great. The sitar work is great as well, and the chanting really adds to the tension as well. The percussion sounded great, but then after the 3:28 mark it sounded very muffled to me. It’s a great track, despite the odd production choices near the end.

  2. This should be setting a standard for how to bring metal into remixes and arrangements of Zelda tracks, regardless of which Zelda it is. I can kind of see what timaeus222 is saying about the drums. It is kind of easy to forget about the drum work with the excellent guitar work. But as he says, it’s “enough.” The use of original sounds was flawless, and they served as great transitions to each section of the medley. Overall, excellent remix.

  3. Orchestrated music that’s blended with electronic music could not sound anymore dark and eerie than it does in this track. I loved the entire track, but 2:10 – 2:40 was phenomenal work. The “wub wub” transitions between each section of this track was incredible. It almost makes me fear the “wub wub" for when I hear it, I'm immediately anticipating a ferocious battle on the horizon.

  4. That intro. Wow. Simply spectacular. Actually, everything about this track is spectacular. From beginning to end, I could hear a story of the heroes preparing for battle against Deus and all his demons, followed by that misguided jerk Krelain and his incarnation of Urobolos, and then everyone celebrates winning the final battle.


    An easter egg you say? Welp, all the more reason to wanna listen to this track over and over and over…

  5. This is a very interesting track, blending two games from completely different generations to create something entirely different and remarkable. Sometimes if I hear a remix, I’ll immediately figure out the origin of influence. This track, however, sounds so original and unique, I almost hesitate to call this a “remix.” The vocal work in this track is amazing as well. Very wonderful voice.

  6. For a remix that is meant to be a tribute to Final Fantasy X’s incarnation of Cid, this is a very fun remix. Smooth, almost 80s pop-dance like, and definitely a jam to listen to when traveling, or if you just want to have fun at your work. It’s short, but with the way it’s produced, 2:41 is about the right amount of length for something like this. Doesn’t get old, nor does it try to do more than it needs to.

  7. I’ll give this remix plenty of credit for being original. I certainly would never think of rap associated with any of the original music used in the Smash Bros series. However, part one does nothing for me. Melee music doesn’t translate into rap music very well to me, so I would not want to listen to this again. Seems like there is way too much going on all at once. I would still recommend trying it at least once, as these kinds of remixes are a very acquired taste. Part 2 on the other hand…

    (Edit) I should clarify that Melee music didn't translate into rap music in this case, IMO. A lot of game music, including Melee, can translate into rap. However, I still stand by my preference to part 2 over part 1. But again, I do still recommend giving this a listen.

  8. If any game deserves medley style remixes, it’s definitely Sonic CD. The multiple variations of the stage themes are begging for medley arrangements, so we could enjoy every variation all at once in some form. This remix does an excellent job bringing the JPN version of Palmtree Panic, and most of its variations together into one seamless, and fun medley.

  9. On 12/5/2013 at 9:57 AM, Dubanubiel said:

    It's less music, more horrifying sounds to make you crap yourself. 

    That could very well be the best way to describe the US boss battle theme for this game.

    But yeah, this remix manages to make the horrifying (in a good way) boss theme and make it a little more horrifying, with a dash of excitement. As I was listening to this, I was thinking “man I wish they added an evil horrifying laugh to the mix.” Ask and you shall receive, in spades. Excellent (and downright horrifying) ending.

  10. What an amazing tribute to Seven Force. It sounds like if they did an official remastered soundtrack of Gunstar Heroes, this could legitimately be Seven Force’s battle theme. But the way it’s produced, I don’t think it would work as a video game track unless it was heavily edited to incorporate loops. But all in all, this is an amazing remix of a battle theme.

  11. Oh damn, a solo piano medley using seven tracks from this game? Amazing. Not gonna lie, for a split second, I thought I was listening to Kingdom Hearts. That’s how wonderful and compelling the piano work sounded to me. Not to take anything away from this soundtrack, as this soundtrack is really good too. Very nice, and very soothing. At the same time, this remix does a wonderful job telling a “good vs evil” type of story.

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