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Posts posted by nitrozsz

  1. Maybe it’s just me, but it seemed like the intro was building up to something more exciting, only for it to get way more mellow throughout? But that’s all right, because there is a very distinct sound throughout the entire mix. I imagine this is what chilling down-time lounge music would sound like in the distant future. What I like most about the vocal work is how atmospheric it sounds given the mood that this track creates. Very lovely.

  2. I didn’t really care for some of the strings in this track, but this is as tiny of a gripe as I could possibly have for this excellent track. The synth work here (99% of it) is spectacular, and I am absolutely amazed with the percussion and chiptune work in this track. One other gripe I do have though, a much bigger one, is the fade out ending. I didn’t really like it either, as I feel that with the amount of effort put into this track, there could have been some sort of ending added to it rather than just a fade. It doesn’t take away from how good and upbeat the track is though.

  3. I am totally digging the 80s sci-fi action vibe I get from this track. It did sound like the rock instruments weren’t as crucial as the track progressed. It seemed like way more emphasis was placed on the synth instruments after a little while. And I do agree with djpretzel that it does seem longer than 3:14 due to the sheer production behind it. For something that’s supposed to sound like synth rock, it could have been better, but it certainly could have been worse.

  4. I know an audio mixing program did this, but the way it’s edited, it really does sound like this is performed live by an actual orchestra. Everything from the panning, to the reverb sounds so convincing and realistic. I don’t know if it’s the program itself, or the masterclass skills of the remixer, or both, but this is a great arrangement of one of the best, most haunting tracks from Xenogears. Those last four notes; VERY chilling.

  5. Why is this track at the bottom of the reviews thread? It needs to be further up. Much further up. This is an excellent homage to excellent music that is the Super Mario Galaxy soundtrack. It’s electronic without forcing you to feel like you have to jam or dance to it, the orchestrated music manages to capture the spirit of the game, the flue performance is wonderful, the chiptunes add a sense of nostalgia without relying on just the chiptunes, and that ending was excellent. It didn’t feel like you were just adding another track to the medley. It was a very seamless transition that made for an excellent end to an excellent track.

  6. The synth melody is very lucky it had such amazing and wonderful background synth work to support it. Cause without such support, the main melody would sound a little grating to me. So reading the previous reviews, and the description of the track, this could be considered both “light hearted” and “a little spooky.” I would say it falls under the “mysterious and haunting” category. Not a bad track. Definitely unlike a lot of the electronic mixes I’ve heard.

  7. Electronic funk in a medevil-esq town. And I can see why people would make the “two tracks in one” comparison. And yeah it does sound like there is a genre switch midway through, or rather near the end. But the way it transitions to that last part is so smooth, it just evolves from the first part without the switch being super drastic. I just wish that second part wasn’t so short.

  8. Well this track certainly didn’t waste time with any build ups. It just wants to rock your brains out right out of the gates of Hell. What amazing solos this track has too. The piano part a little after the three minute mark was a little odd, but it was very brief, so I can forgive it. As djpretzel points out, this is unapologetically metal. I would be very inclined to agree with this statement.

  9. Great title. I loved the build ups from the chill moments to the fast paced moments of this track. There’s a lot of production value here. There’s enough variety to keep the track fresh as it progresses without that sense of mid-genre switches, or even switches to completely different arrangements. I disagree with Chernabogue when he says the ending was a bit abrupt. Abrupt endings are a peeve of mine, I’ll admit, but I felt the ending here was pretty seamless.

  10. Man I’m a sucker for these piano medleys. I’m amazed that I’m finding such good ones at the bottom of the reviews thread. This one is definitely no exception. It sounds like music that you could actually hear in a Final Fantasy game today. Yeah I know it’s an arrangement of Final Fantasy music, but I mean this specific track that I’m reviewing right now could pass as an official Final Fantasy track.

  11. I have to second a lot of what MrKyle said in my assessment of this track, as I liked this track for the reasons he pointed out. I do want to add to how mellow this track is. It’s so mellow, it’s kind of tough to find the right moment to listen to this. You can’t jump into this track at any time and expect to jam to it right out of the gate. It’s more suited to those chill and down time moments than anything else. But that's not really a bad thing I think. Great job all around.

  12. Man, Jake Kaufman was so ahead of his time when it comes to the music on this site. I was kind of critical of another medley of his I reviewed, Funk Fusion. But this Contra medley is just all kinds of amazing. It was very interesting to hear the original music in parts blend right in with Kaufman’s music. Perhaps the amount of effort and production placed in this track was foreshadowing his eventual involvement in the Contra 4 soundtrack?

  13. The drum sequence was good, but really soft compared to the rest of the instruments used. I think I was more impressed with the bass work than anything else with this track. It does come across as a little repetitive, but at the same time, there was some effort in making this track varied. However, I think the soft percussion kind of set me off of this track.

  14. Wow! What an intense battle theme we have here. The balancing is amazing, given all the instruments used. And I can definitely tell that this artist was inspired by the Black Mages. But I honestly don’t think the Black Mages could perform a battle theme as great and well produced as this. And that transition from the slow part that started at 3:11 straight back to the intensity of this track was absolutely flawless.

  15. Holy crap this does sound like classic Silly Symphonies cartoon! I don’t know if this was done on purpose, but the quality of the entire sounds a little grainy to me, but I love this, as it adds to that classic cartoon vibe that this track creates. This track is so playful and fun, I just wish it wasn’t short. Another three minutes, and you could have had something that could tell a Silly Symphony-esq story. Wonderful track.

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