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Posts posted by nitrozsz

  1. Excellent trance arrangement. The beats and synth work are so well executed and balanced, that nothing sounds too sharp or distracting. The main melody is so catchy, and the piano work is very subtle in that it captures that “frosty” feeling of the original source material. The vocal samples used as transitions were brilliant. About ten minutes after writing this and moving onto another review, I’m still humming this remix to myself. Absolutely loved this.

  2. I was going to write some positive remarks, but I don’t think I can beat:

    ( • _ •)

    ( • _ •)⌐■-■


    But seriously, this remix is very excellent. I love the guitar and synth work here. They complement each other so well. It’s neither too soft to listen to only when you’re trying to relax, or too loud to listen to only when you want music to boost your energy. It’s perfect for both occasions.

  3. This was a very interesting remix. The original track is very fast paced and intense. This remix is a lot slower than that. So slow, I almost feel like the title of this remix is very misleading. There is nothing “thrilling” about this track, and I can’t picture any “chasing” going on either. Having said that, this remix is still great on its own. I absolutely loved the bass work in this remix, and the beats will bring me back to this remix. Although this doesn’t make me think of Hot Pursuit like other Hot Pursuit remixes do, this remix is still great.

  4. An interesting genre choice, but I don’t think this track was executed very well. The percussion work sounds all over the place. Sometimes it works, but then sometimes it will sound out of sync. I don’t know if that’s intentional or not, but it was a little distracting to me. I do agree with Crulex when he says some of the piano notes and drums sounded sharp. Hard to find any strengths in this remix, personally. Not the worst I heard, but it definitely could have been better.

  5. This is an interesting remix. The balance is great, as the loops in the background don’t try to overshadow the main melody. But it’s still faint enough to where it complements the main melody enough. The mid-genre shift really threw me off though. Didn’t strike me as a genre shift, as more of a completely different track being played. Same source material, different tracks. The ending sounded great though. All in all, beginning and ending were great. The middle, not so great.

  6. I find it amazing that a soundtrack like Metroid Prime could inspire something so beautiful as this remix. This almost sounds like it was recorded live and in one take. Very wonderful way to represent a sort of fearful “you and only you versus a whole planet full of horrible creatures” mood. And even if this wasn’t recorded in one take, that’s okay because it’s still amazing solo-piano arrangement. Especially one inspired from a soundtrack full of synthesized instruments.

  7. The organ work in this track makes me think of rock organ heavy artists from the 70s like ELO, and Emerson, Lake, and Palmer. Very progressive rock. It’s a little bit eerie, it’s a little but fun, and a little bit dark. Definitely a very bizarre remix, but it’s so good and so creative, I cannot dismiss this track. Very original, and well put together.

  8. I can see why this would be called Wild Night. I would definitely describe this as something to dance to in the middle of a “wild night” so to speak. At first, I wasn’t sure about this one. Seemed like an odd production of a remix inspired by a Castlevania game. But the more I listened, the more I could tolerate this at a club or a rave. Not every synth sound used worked for me, but there were some synth sounds (mainly the bass) that did compliment the track fairly well. Not for me, but definitely worth a download.

  9. This is a very interesting take on Blanka’s theme. Blanka’s theme is very fun, and comical (which, if you don’t know, was Yoko Shimomura’s intent. To make the music in the game a little comical). But this remix makes Blanka seem so much more intimidating and frightening. I love how the artists found a way to make you hear Blanka torture his opponents while listening to this remix.

  10. Instead of taking an “IN YOUR FACE” approach to representing Sonic, the vocalist sounds like he’s chilling in his crib, soaking in how awesome he is. It’s even in the lyrics; “listen to my ego.” I do love the lyrics to this remix. Very “Parental Advisory Warning” and it’s amazing. The beats and samples blend with the lyrics very well. Great remix that uses lyrics.

  11. 15 minutes ago, TillyFun said:

    Rarh. XD I am playing catch up now!

    And check out the album review threads as well: there are 4 without comments! :) I may review the Doom albums before the end of the month, if I can. They're great! ^w^

    Thanks for the heads up on the album review thread :D 

  12. This genre really works well with the Gym Battle theme from the original Pokemon. The guitar solo seemed a little out of place, but the fact that it was only for a small portion of the track keeps the guitar from being too much of a distraction. I almost wish Nintendo found a way to rearrange this battle theme in a way that is similar to this remix for a Smash Bros game.

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