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Posts posted by nitrozsz

  1. I knew this was gonna be dubstep before I read it in the description. I just heard it in the intro. Surprisingly, this wasn’t as “in my face” as dubstep usually is. The wubwub was definitely too thin, as timaeus222 pointed out. The kick-bass was more in my face than the actual wubwub was. Whether I like it or not, dubstep is supposed to make me a little intimidated at the thought of blasting the volume as high as it can.

  2. The way this track is arranged almost makes me think of Donkey Kong Country, rather than Mega Man. Abstract would definitely be one way to describe it, as there’s a lot going on. But it’s organized so well, that being abstract actually works. Sometimes it’s kind of hard to invest in the melody, but then there are times where the melody sounds flawless. The end result; this is definitely worth checking out.

  3. Fast paced, intense, very much appropriate for an exciting boss battle. There are a few times that it seemed like the percussion sounded low quality, and that struck me as kind of odd. I loved the percussion work, and I wanted all of it to pulse my ears. The way this was produced really does sound like it could be a regular boss battle, so I can forgive how repetitive it can get, because you’d be too busy trying to kill the boss to notice how many times you’ve heard this track.

  4. Oh my God is this track beautiful. This sounds like the ending theme to a long, grand, epic adventure. Was this actually recorded live? Cause in this track, I get a sense of realism in the production of something that sounds orchestrated. If this was wall programmed, you definitely went WAY above and beyond producing something that sounds orchestrated. Flawless in every way. Anybody who loves orchestrated mixes, or is thinking about doing an orchestrated mix needs to download this track.

  5. I only have one gripe. And that is that the beatboxing almost made me wish that this track included freestyle raps from each of the bears. But I think that’s more wishful thinking than anything else on my part. But I digress, this track is amazing. Everything sounds so catchy, energetic and fun. And the beatboxing is so incredible. From beginning to end, this track is simply incredible.

  6. This is kind of an odd remix for me. The vocalized chorus don’t seem to blend with the beats, almost making them sound out of sync to me. The bass and percussion work is great, and some of the synth work here is pretty good too. Not all, but some. Production wise, it’s decent. But for my ears, I don’t see myself listening to this more than once. Although Rexy does have an interesting point on this track being good for Audiosurf.

  7. I feel like I’m listening to the audio of a short story about the dragons and the machines plotting their grand schemes for the world. Almost like it goes back and forth between the dragons perspective, and the machines perspective. You have to be in the right frame of mind to fully appreciate this track. But it’s so worth the time as everything about this track works so well. It’s so mysterious, creepy, dark, and even a bit beautiful.

  8. The original battle theme for Dracula is one of my all time favorite SNES tracks. So I had high expectations going into this track already. And man does this deliver. The original track was more ominous than anything else. This track retains that ominous feeling, but adds that “cinematic confrontation” vibe which not only creates more tension when thinking about Dracula, but creates a wonderful sense of drama that you’d expect in a final battle. Rarely do final battle themes sound as climactic as they do in this track, and I love it so much.

  9. As already stated, the roughness of this track is truly remarkable. But the track itself doesn’t really do anything for me. Maybe it’s the original source material, or the arrangement? I’m not sure, but it’s kind of hard to rock out to this, as the truly head bopping part starts near the end of the track, while the rest of the track seems more lounge rock. But even then I’m left waiting there, wondering when it’s time to rock. It’s decent though. Not great, but not terrible either.

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