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JK FlipFlop

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Chester, PA
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Musics, musics and more musics. Also eating.

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Software - Preferred Plugins/Libraries
    VOPM, ProtoPSG (v0.0.5), Omni Sampler, Genny Beta, Messiah, Journeys
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Metal growls/screams, rapping.

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  1. O.O I've cut out high frequencies from instruments with unwanted harmonics, but it never occurred to me to cut out lows from higher frequency instruments. I was considering rewriting the whole thing, and now that you mention it, I will. And again, thank you very much for your helpful feedback. I might actually be able to make this sound right.
  2. Thank you! That was very helpful! I'm actually having sound design issues, as well as problems with mixing. It seems to get muddy too easily. Not sure if this is an issue with the midi file I used to start the mix. Thanks again for the helpful input.
  3. I came up with a (rather violent) verse of my own. Dunno if I should save it for Ice Trap Zone or use it here. Here's some of it. "I like comedy But fuck nonsense I'm a psychopath Don't have a conscience I'll always remember What this one guy said That he would kill me But you know what I did I popped his eyes Right out the socket Yelled out fore Slapshot like hockey Broke both the knee caps But even more shocking I stabbed him in his ass Until he stopped sobbing" Take that however you want.
  4. More like industrial than house at this point, but what else I could say the other guys who have commented have said. I like the music of Sonic, old and new, and I hope you'll do this one justice.
  5. ??? I'm having a problem loading it. Did you take it down?
  6. I totally went there. I'm pretty sure I'm not the first to do it, but here's what I have so far: http://www.newgrounds.com/projects/audio/1051296/preview All criticisms are welcome. Just don't be a dick about it :v EDIT: SoundCloud's compression really killed the clarity (especially the high end) in this mix. Uploaded to Newgrounds instead.
  7. @Gario Thank you for the input! If you never were able to download this track, I've uploaded it on my Google Drive for download https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8GgUre9SEM3OEZmcTVjX2p0Z2s/view?usp=drivesdk Sorry I took so long, I'm working on a heavy metal song with another Newgrounder I wanted to clarify something as well: I'm no lyricist, and therefore I'm not rapping on this. Someone else here offered to do it. I can only hope he's dope enough and can give me a clean recording. However, incorporating said vocals shouldn't be a problem for me.
  8. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/716328
  9. It's called "Harsh Life," and is a remix of a song called "Harsh" I made early this year. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/713076
  10. Another FlipFlop Trap joint. I tried to give it a little bit of retro party vibe. Or something. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/715152 I'm most concerned about the percussion here. Especially the stomp. It sounds a bit funky, but I'm not sure what to do about it. I plan to work more on the high end of the percussion. The hats are a bit repetitive. Also, if I can get some help with lyrics, I'd love to make an entire trap album of Sonic 3 & Knuckles. "Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Hedgehog In The Trap" xD
  11. That's what's up. You have complete control over the content with the lyrics and structure, even if I have to rearrange the instrumental and rewrite the hi hats to accommodate the verses. And, if you want, I can sing a chorus, with or without autotune
  12. Thank you! I upload something new every Thursday, be it SEGA Genesis music, trap or dubstep. Here's my audio page on Newgrounds
  13. Ah, that makes sense . I mainly used VOPM and some trance VSTs that come with Mixcraft . If you have any recommendations on VSTs I'd be glad to hear them. And you mentioned the SEGA Genesis . Funny thing is that I do make SEGA Genesis music as well: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/700471
  14. @The Nikanoru yes, I do plan rapping for this track. Unfortunately, I'm no lyricist, so I'm hoping for some help as far as that goes. @noTuX I don't think so. The only samples I used were the percussion, 808 bass and those riser fx leading out of the intro. Everything else was VST instruments. @Smooth4lyfe1987 I dunno why the intro should be "in your face." I like it when a song builds up a little bit from the beginning. Well, except when listening to death metal. That's when I'm looking for an auditory assault :v Thank you everyone for your feedback. I'm hoping to get this official on OC ReMix
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