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The Nikanoru

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    The Nikanoru reacted to Jorito in Secret of Mana: Resonance of the Pure Land - History   
    Since we had a deadline earlier this month, it's time for an update
    We've had some shiny new WIPs from ThirdKoopa, Rexy, Kylok and the Eino Keskitalo/Jorito duo and also a great update (two actually) from Chernabogue. Also, as you probably already saw, we gained some more interest and that resulted in claims from ThirdKoopa, Kylok, HeavyViper and HankTheSpankTankJankerson. If I didn't do so yet: welcome aboard, guys! 
    Good progress overall, but unfortunately we didn't receive updates from all of you. For some of you that's okay, because you told us why you couldn't do an update for the deadline and what it means moving forward. Unfortunately there's also some people from whom we didn't hear anything at all...
    So, to prevent claims from being stalled with no tracks in sight, we'll do things slightly different moving forward. If you can't meet a deadline, tell us why and how you'll remedy it and we'll work it out. However, if you neglect to at least tell us why you're not going to make the deadline, your claim will be removed. Of course you can get it back if you send us a WIP, but if somebody else snatches the claim, you're out of luck. We're doing this to prevent tracks being stalled with claims but no progress when other people would have loved to remix them.
    Hope you understand, and let's show those pesky album director people how it's done for the April 30 deadline, hmkay?
    Peace out.
  2. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to TheChargingRhino in I Would Like to Thank You Guys   
    I have gotten Chiptunes from you guys before a few years back.
    I downloaded the Star Fox and Star Fox 2 chips today, and was surprised to find out that you guys had included some "audio" clips. Really, like, really, that is awesome.
    I have been looking for "Scramble/Emergency Call" FOREVER. 
    So, thanks for that.
    I don't know if every game has a chip tune (Sorcerian, I'm looking at you), but we're lucky that a lot of games HAVE Chiptunes available to download, because then, as us remixers, we can listen to the tracks, learn the notes, and then remake the tracks or remix them however we wish.
    Like what I've been doing.
    So, I'd like to thank the mods, the judges, everyone who has made albums, basically EVERYONE on this site, for making of all this possible.
    We're not just remaking video game music.
    And that's awesome.
    So, let me say this again.
    For helping me become a better composer in general, telling me off cause I DID deserve it, and lots of other stuff.
    Dark, thank you for giving me a warning post that will never go away (?)
    Nika, GSO, DMT, and others for helping me with Pieces of Courage. (After this WHOLE TIME, I have completed Dark World. You're welcome.)
    You guys over at Lylat System CLEAR for getting us this far. (WE'RE CLOSE LETS GOOOOOOOOOO!)
    Pichu, Classic, and others for helping me with Records. 
    Nika, DS (Where are yooouuuuu), and Classic for helping me with our collab (That is the awesomeness of rockish synth)
    Gario for telling me to resubmit my failed application (yeah, I know it was a cover, I learned from that. Might remake it later...?) and reviewing various tracks...
    And lots of other people that I maybe have forgotten their names on here.
    One last thing. 
    On the Star Fox 2 Chiptune list, "Corneria" is misspelled in the track names, there are multiple. You guys spelled it "Coneria". You forgot the first "R".
    Please fix.
    Thanks for everything. No, I'm not leaving for a LONG TIME, I'm simply thanking all of you.
    I have no idea if anyone had thanked you guys before, but, if not,
    Allow me to be the first. 
  3. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from HoboKa in OverClocked Records Question: Advertising/Marketing?   
    There was a recent discussion of ads for OC ReMixes on YouTube that some of the staff here MIGHT have heard about.
    I've done a little bit of browsing and investigation and noticed that OverClocked Records has very little - if any - advertising presence outside of OCR itself, aside from a few articles that are two years old. Heck, there's no advertising on the OC Records site itself either. This seems counter-intuitive, considering how much advertising there is for OCR.
    Is there no appetite for advertising this awesome music elsewhere, or is there a cost/legal restraint, or has no one thought about this because they are too busy with other things?
  4. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I didn't mark it orange because I wasn't sure if the ending in the latest version was THE ending - but alright, it IS a full arrangement in it's current form and I'd say about half the overall work is done so yes, I can mark it orange.
    Well, I just don't have time to lead it and I didn't want to block the claim if someone else wanted it. There's no reason why someone else can't take the claim and do the same thing.
    For example, I'm still willing to do the Andross voice-over for the intro and I'm sure @TheChargingRhino can still come up with something if asked.
  5. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to Siolfor the Jackal in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I'm pretty close to finalising my arrangement, and hopefully I'll have something not completely horrible to show very soon. I don't anticipate any problems meeting the next check-in since after tomorrow I'll finally have a large chunk of free time for the first time this year!
    It sucks about the Andross thing, I was interested in the idea of a big collab but didn't want to commit until I had something more substantial with Sector Z.
    I was listening to the WIPs last night and I'm still really impressed, inspires me to pick up my game a bit more, great work so far, guys.
  6. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to DarkeSword in Robots vs. Knights   
    Hey folks. I've decided to continue on with the compo. I'll be posting Round 3 match-ups tonight, and Round 1 and Round 2 music together tomorrow night for voting. For those wondering about my family emergency, my mom passed away last week while visiting India. While I certainly appreciate any condolences you have to offer, please do not post them in this thread; I'd like to keep the thread on-topic. A "like" on this post would be fine, though.
    Thanks for understanding! I'm looking forward to everyone's entries moving forward.
  7. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in OCR Secret Santa 2016   
    Mine was pretty clear and gave me a good place to start - still spent two hours in the store trying to find THE RIGHT THING though.
    I should have mine in the mail by Thursday at the latest.
  8. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in OCR Secret Santa 2016   
    I'm glad you liked it, wildfire. Merry Christmas!
  9. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in OCR Secret Santa 2016   
    To be honest, your reaction made it all worth while.
    I'm a big fan of VG lore - I have an original Nintendo Power strategy guide at home for a Link to the Past that details things like landscapes, Hylian fashions, and pre-OoT descriptions of the history of Zelda. I couldn't find anything that 'fit' based on your quite specific instructions, but when I saw this, I had the gut feeling that this was the RIGHT THING - and I'm super happy you like it!
  10. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to M_Blacki in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    This. I'm not proud of my work so far so it's been difficult getting back to it. But I really want to impress thanks to messages like this.
  11. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Just a quick thing:
    @Thomas Neil wrote a few words on his status update I thought I'd share with everyone on the project - you can find it here.
    Keep up the good work ... and no pressure, everyone!
  12. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to Starphoenix in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    The tears... They're real... After a post like that, there is a teeny bit of pressure... But nothing bad, just a drive to continue working towards a quality soundtrack.
  13. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from Thomas Neil in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Well, we're into it now ... I have now submitted the application for this project to become an official OCR release. Or, to become OCR-approved, as I like to say.  
    It will likely take some time for processing and review, so don't expect changes tomorrow; however, I will let everyone know ASAP when I hear back from the Projects Team.
    Once again, great work everyone - we are (hopefully) one step closer to @Thomas Neil's vision. Let's continue making this an album to remember!
  14. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    If we can secure release in late 2018 like I originally planned, then yes; if release is pushed too far into 2019, then I may have to adjust the '25th anniversary' part.
    Either way, the album name will be Lylat System CLEAR.
  15. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from classic_gamer_76 in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I have contracted a professional artist to build us a promotional poster and the cover art for the album - however, he's doing this as favor, so we have to wait for an opening in his schedule. I'm looking to have this by the end of the summer at the latest, but it'll likely be here sooner.
    Also, @Etzaen has agreed to do some character art as well, as we will be sticking with the 'Arwings in space' motif for the poster and covers.
    If you want to submit something, go right ahead. Just keep in mind I'll be looking for a professional level of quality.
    @Starphoenix has agreed to do a website for us. I'm just not there yet on the planning side.
    It'll probably be late this year or early next year before we actually get to this, but @DS394 has some ideas of what to do here.
  16. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I didn't apply in the beginning because I didn't have a solid track list and because I didn't have enough 'star power.' And no, I don't mean @Starphoenix.
    I also thought there was a progress requirement for application ... which is why I kept asking for complete tracks before I applied. Once I found out there isn't a progress requirement per se, I asked myself 'then what the heck is stopping me from applying now?' Nothing. So I did!
    I'd still like everyone to stick to the goal of trying to get the 'complete' status for their tracks, as having 12 complete tracks is still a goal for the project for April 1st.
    EDIT 2/23: I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone when I said I didn't have enough 'star power' for the application. What I meant by this is that according to the guidelines, I needed to have at least five posted/established remixers on my list in order to apply for OCR-approval, which I did not have when I launched the project.
    My apologies to anyone who took offense at my earlier statement. FWIW, I think we have more than enough 'star power' from ALL our remixers now, published or not.
  17. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to YoshiBlade in Python Man...a Knight Man remix   
    I respond to the response of my response, but that was not my response...this is my response ------> Thank You
  18. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to Snoopy in Vandal Hearts   
    Please remix all songs VANDAL HEARTS.
  19. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in "Pieces of Courage" A Link to The Past Project (ONE TRACK LEFT)   
    ... No, but it is on my list. I've got some LSC stuff to do first, then this. I'll get it to you as soon as I can.
  20. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from oldfan in Sharing some feelings...   
    You're not alone, @oldfan.
    I have a very long history of gaming - got myself hooked on my friend's copies of the first Zelda game, Mario 2, Mario 3, Contra, and the original TMNT. I've been a gamer for 30 years now and as other posts have described, I'm becoming a bit philosophical about it all now.
    A similar experience brought me to remixes in general. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of the Black Mages, but their song Distant Worlds did the very same thing to me. This song helped me realize, in a time of my life when I was very insecure about my gaming, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a great love and appreciation for video games.
    It's funny how music can not only bring back the images, but also the sounds, the situations, the feelings - this track literally brought the WHOLE experience back for me, which is one of the initial contacts I had with OCR. I'd like to voice my support of Von Nebo's statement and say that these times are good, but nothing will beat those old days trying to figure out how to trash Metal Man with just a P-Buster, an E-Tank (if you didn't lose all your lives trying to get it), and a whole lot of determination.
    Thank you, OCR, for giving us a place to give these memories a new life through the songs we create - and hopefully we share of little of the joy we had making these memories with the rest of the world through music.
    "If music be the food of love, play on..." ~William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
  21. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from Starphoenix in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I didn't apply in the beginning because I didn't have a solid track list and because I didn't have enough 'star power.' And no, I don't mean @Starphoenix.
    I also thought there was a progress requirement for application ... which is why I kept asking for complete tracks before I applied. Once I found out there isn't a progress requirement per se, I asked myself 'then what the heck is stopping me from applying now?' Nothing. So I did!
    I'd still like everyone to stick to the goal of trying to get the 'complete' status for their tracks, as having 12 complete tracks is still a goal for the project for April 1st.
    EDIT 2/23: I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone when I said I didn't have enough 'star power' for the application. What I meant by this is that according to the guidelines, I needed to have at least five posted/established remixers on my list in order to apply for OCR-approval, which I did not have when I launched the project.
    My apologies to anyone who took offense at my earlier statement. FWIW, I think we have more than enough 'star power' from ALL our remixers now, published or not.
  22. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Well, we're into it now ... I have now submitted the application for this project to become an official OCR release. Or, to become OCR-approved, as I like to say.  
    It will likely take some time for processing and review, so don't expect changes tomorrow; however, I will let everyone know ASAP when I hear back from the Projects Team.
    Once again, great work everyone - we are (hopefully) one step closer to @Thomas Neil's vision. Let's continue making this an album to remember!
  23. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to Starphoenix in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Awesome! I'm going to overhaul my Boss B track a bit, so hopefully I can get to that in the near future. While not as major, I'm also going to change Macbeth around. Composition is still bugging me in places.
  24. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from Starphoenix in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Well, we're into it now ... I have now submitted the application for this project to become an official OCR release. Or, to become OCR-approved, as I like to say.  
    It will likely take some time for processing and review, so don't expect changes tomorrow; however, I will let everyone know ASAP when I hear back from the Projects Team.
    Once again, great work everyone - we are (hopefully) one step closer to @Thomas Neil's vision. Let's continue making this an album to remember!
  25. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Well, I could have said your woolly Wookies or masterful Minions...
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