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Posts posted by Silverpool64

  1. 55 minutes ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

    Lots of awesome music stuff.

    Thank you so much! I have a ton of stuff to explore! This is awesome! I really appreciate the time you took to do this for me!
    I've been practicing the major scales and am just starting to look at chords in more detail. This will help a lot!

    Thank you for the links! I'll check them out! I think I've heard of the Sonatina Orchestra.

    I love this community. I have gotten so much help in the past 18 hours, I don't know where to start! I'm so excited!

  2. @HoboKa
    Thank you SO much for these resources, especially the Alchemy plugin!
    To answer your questions:
    1. Yes, I do know how to load VSTs.
    2. Do you mean layering as in making it so I can play, for example, 5 drums sounds at once? Or do you mean grouping channels together in...groups.
    I haven't experimented with the first one too much, but I do know how to group channels.
    (Thanks to zircon's amazing tutorial!)

    Thank you for the specific topics for me to learn, this is part of what I've been missing!
    Khan Academy has a music course that I can check out, and maybe Lynda.com. Do you have any other resource suggestions for learning music theory?

  3. Submitted!

    @Dextastic suggested I post here. I'd really appreciate feedback from anyone.


    Silverpool - Your samples are poor and stuff is out of tune. This has been a consistent problem in your submissions.
    Please post your workflow setup (DAW, plugins, instruments, etc) somewhere so we can give you some feedback to help you improve.


    Ok, so you have FL Studio, which is a pretty popular choice. I don't use it myself but I know several people here use it so they should be able to give you some feedback on how to use it better. We can all help you better if you can give a little more info:

    What instruments are you using?

    What sliders have you been playing with?

    What musical background do you have? (Do you play an instrument, have you studied music theory, etc)

    Also I suggest you post a link to this thread in a PRC thread and an MnP thread to which you've made a submission. I think you'll get a lot more views and people willing to help that way.

    If you have feedback, please post in this thread to keep the compo thread on topic.

  4. On 8/16/2017 at 0:20 PM, Dextastic said:

    1. What instruments are you using?

    2. What sliders have you been playing with?

    3. What musical background do you have? (Do you play an instrument, have you studied music theory, etc)

    1. I have access to everything that comes with the Producer Edition of FL Studio (you can find a complete list here), but I mostly use the Sytrus synth. Plus, I have bLiNd's sample drum pack.

    2. I'm playing with some of the volume sliders/dials on the mixer and channel rack, and I've been experimenting a little with automation.

    3. I'm taking piano lessons, but I have not studied music theory. I also have a Casio WK-240 digital keyboard that supports midi.

  5. @Dextastic

    This is what you said in your PRC354 vote.


    Silverpool - Your samples are poor and stuff is out of tune. This has been a consistent problem in your submissions.
    Please post your workflow setup (DAW, plugins, instruments, etc) somewhere so we can give you some feedback to help you improve.

    Thank you so much for offering some feedback, I'm starting a thread so I can receive some help as you suggested.

    I'm a 17 year-old ReMix fanatic, and I love listening to video game music. (Especially Sonic!)

    My parents bought me FL Studio 12 about a month ago, so I don't really know how to do anything, except import a midi file, change the instruments, move some sliders, and export it.

    As you can hear, I don't have any experience with making music. I'm really looking forward to getting some feedback on how to do a harmonious ReMix.

  6. 54 minutes ago, Shid0 said:

    Yes, it plays toward the end of the game, when you think your journey is at end and the female protagonist will sacrifice herself to give the world and era of peace, only for a while, since the results are only provisional.


    (tried to keep it as spoiler free as possible)

    Thank you! I'll need to play this game sometime. Is Final Fantasy X available on anything other than the PlayStation 2?

  7. 10 hours ago, HoboKa said:


    • Luke7183 got 1st with 16 points.
    • I got 2nd with 13 points.
    • Classic_gamer_76 got 3rd with 9 points
    • Silverpool got 4th with 6 points

    Luke7183 PM me for the round 77 entry!


    Indeed, the force was with Luke 7183walker. And thank you Silverpool for thinking I deserved 1st place vote ;) 


    You're welcome! And thank you for the feedback!

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