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  1. Haha
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 105: Megaman Battle Network 5 - Theme of Nebula   
    I sent you something, check it out. 
  2. Thanks
    TheVideoGamer reacted to HoboKa in MnP 105: Megaman Battle Network 5 - Theme of Nebula   
    Update: just hashing out some stuff with TheVideoGamer.  I forgot that it's horror month coming up.  I usually do something spooky for October soooo.  Hopefully TVG will come around
  3. Haha
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 105: Megaman Battle Network 5 - Theme of Nebula   
    Yeah, the source was too reliant on atmosphere, so that's all i could really do, in terms of MnP. Thanks for your comments anyways! 
  4. Confused
    TheVideoGamer reacted to Ikusa in PRC397 - The Last Hope (Truxton)   
    Can you leave a download link from Youtube !?
  5. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to Garpocalypse in PRC397 - The Last Hope (Truxton)   
    O sweet, a Truxton round. 
  6. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to Dextastic in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    Wow. I’ve only managed to listen to half of the tracks so far, but when I listen to the rest I’ll definitely be comparing notes.
  7. Thanks
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from Dextastic in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    Ok so here is my take on this. I'm speaking this from my view, yours might be different. I don't want to influence your choice, i just want to help a man, with Source Block (Writer's Block but in the context of PRC. What? It's a thing, i'm trying my best lol). Anyways. 
    File Select does not appear on the soundtrack, so that's ruled out.
    These are the ones that are too short to be useful:
    Mystic Invasion (Still a good tune though) The Little Sprite (I find this a little silly, not that it's bad) I Closed my Eyes (It's 30 seconds tops, with only really 10 seconds of material, before it's looped. Same can be said for most of the ones on this category) It Happened Late One Evening (This reminds me of a child's cartoon. No bass either)  I Closed My Eyes is only 30 seconds, and this of course, is with looping. Most of what I've heard on the ones I've mentioned so far (The short ones), is a little on the repetitive side, so it's going to be hard to remix. 
    My personal favourites on the list, that i like, and probably recommend:
    The Oracle (A kickass rave like tune, something for the nightclub)  Meridian Dance (It has a lot of nicely balanced tonal and rhythmical elements, that sort of suit your style) Did you See the Ocean (I really love the melody here....like really really) A Conclusion (Despite it being one sound, the melody and chords are really great) These aren't too short, and they have a lot of interesting ideas, plus they're easy to remix. A Conclusion is a little on the short side, but i really like this one so...
    These ones, are lengthy enough, but have nothing useful to give, musically and sonically (In this case, only serves for atmosphere):
    Ceremony (I find this one too silly) The Curse (I feel it's more Sound Effects, than Music, like a short looped soundscape) And the ones, that sound good, but might be hard to remix:
    Monarch on the Shore (A lot of triplet usage here, not sure about that) Morning is Here (A bit too repetitive, which might make it a challenge) Steel and Snare (The kick, sounds crazy here) In the Dead of the Night (A bit on the short side, and relies on constrained melodic ideas) Prophecy (This one is wacky with the time signatures) These ones are also good, but i find them a bit on the boring side:
    Secret of the Arid Sands (I find this a bit too...er...minimal. Needs more) Calm Before the Storm (I find it a little short and repetitive) These tracks, are really good, but they don't differentiate from each other, in terms of style and genre:
    Fear of the Heavens (Strings and Bass. Pretty much. Chords are great though) Now Flightless Wings (This one is especially good, another favourite, but it's lacking instrumentation in the second half) The Wind Never Ceases (Again sounds good, but i think it's another short one) Eternal Recurrence (Very similar to the others, in terms of style and genre, of course different, in melody) This is what i take on it. You might think differently. Let me know, what your thoughts are, this might be a bit too much for you lol.
  8. Thanks
    TheVideoGamer reacted to HoboKa in MnP 105: Megaman Battle Network 5 - Theme of Nebula   
    Oh, I think I can top you in annoyingness AND difficulty to deal with, mah boi.  I just recently had a meltdown in one of the private chats for a current project, I will say no more beyond that.  One of about 2 dozen ,maybe, in why whole time at OCR??  I can't handle stress for shiiiit.  Maybe that's why I prefer the lax atmosphere in this corner of the woods. 
    On to relevant stuff...I should've at least phoned an entry in.  Ah well.  I like the discreet additions you put in [Nebulous Funk] to switch things up.  Production quality is OK.  I appreciate the generous amount of reverb too, (edit) I love going full-ham on the reverb lmao. 
    Sorry turnout wasn't optimal @Rejwan.  Hopefully your next pick will see more attention. 
  9. Haha
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 105: Megaman Battle Network 5 - Theme of Nebula   
    Source, thal shall be-eth up soon oh great one..
    I can be a handful lol
  10. Thanks
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    Ok so here is my take on this. I'm speaking this from my view, yours might be different. I don't want to influence your choice, i just want to help a man, with Source Block (Writer's Block but in the context of PRC. What? It's a thing, i'm trying my best lol). Anyways. 
    File Select does not appear on the soundtrack, so that's ruled out.
    These are the ones that are too short to be useful:
    Mystic Invasion (Still a good tune though) The Little Sprite (I find this a little silly, not that it's bad) I Closed my Eyes (It's 30 seconds tops, with only really 10 seconds of material, before it's looped. Same can be said for most of the ones on this category) It Happened Late One Evening (This reminds me of a child's cartoon. No bass either)  I Closed My Eyes is only 30 seconds, and this of course, is with looping. Most of what I've heard on the ones I've mentioned so far (The short ones), is a little on the repetitive side, so it's going to be hard to remix. 
    My personal favourites on the list, that i like, and probably recommend:
    The Oracle (A kickass rave like tune, something for the nightclub)  Meridian Dance (It has a lot of nicely balanced tonal and rhythmical elements, that sort of suit your style) Did you See the Ocean (I really love the melody here....like really really) A Conclusion (Despite it being one sound, the melody and chords are really great) These aren't too short, and they have a lot of interesting ideas, plus they're easy to remix. A Conclusion is a little on the short side, but i really like this one so...
    These ones, are lengthy enough, but have nothing useful to give, musically and sonically (In this case, only serves for atmosphere):
    Ceremony (I find this one too silly) The Curse (I feel it's more Sound Effects, than Music, like a short looped soundscape) And the ones, that sound good, but might be hard to remix:
    Monarch on the Shore (A lot of triplet usage here, not sure about that) Morning is Here (A bit too repetitive, which might make it a challenge) Steel and Snare (The kick, sounds crazy here) In the Dead of the Night (A bit on the short side, and relies on constrained melodic ideas) Prophecy (This one is wacky with the time signatures) These ones are also good, but i find them a bit on the boring side:
    Secret of the Arid Sands (I find this a bit too...er...minimal. Needs more) Calm Before the Storm (I find it a little short and repetitive) These tracks, are really good, but they don't differentiate from each other, in terms of style and genre:
    Fear of the Heavens (Strings and Bass. Pretty much. Chords are great though) Now Flightless Wings (This one is especially good, another favourite, but it's lacking instrumentation in the second half) The Wind Never Ceases (Again sounds good, but i think it's another short one) Eternal Recurrence (Very similar to the others, in terms of style and genre, of course different, in melody) This is what i take on it. You might think differently. Let me know, what your thoughts are, this might be a bit too much for you lol.
  11. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to Dextastic in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    Thanks for the suggestion, TVG. I don't think I'll choose that one but at least it got me off my butt. It's actually not too bad to look at a game soundtrack here on OCR and see which tracks already have remixes after all. For reference, the tracks in Secret of Mana that would be eligible for PRC right now are:
    a conclusion
    calm before the storm
    file select
    did you see the ocean
    eternal recurrence
    i closed my eyes
    in the dead of night
    it happened late one evening
    meridian dance
    monarch on the shore
    morning is here
    mystic invasion
    now flightless wings
    secret of the arid sands
    steel and snare
    the curse
    the little sprite
    the oracle
    the wind never ceases
    Maybe I'll choose one of them  
  12. Thanks
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 105: Megaman Battle Network 5 - Theme of Nebula   
    Shame.. oh well I did say SoR 4 is around the corner...hehehehe
    Thanks anyways.
  13. Sad
    TheVideoGamer reacted to HoboKa in MnP 105: Megaman Battle Network 5 - Theme of Nebula   
    Well, time sure goes by.  Wasn't feeling overly inspired, alas.  So, TVG, you win the round.  PM me your pick for round 106
  14. Sad
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    Wait so a group effort? That would be interesting
  15. Like
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    I'm thinking of The Oracle. What do you think about that? It's not been remixed so, and you did say you needed help. 
  16. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to Bundeslang in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    No problem. I want it before the next round ends, so you have 10 days.
  17. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to Dextastic in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    Sorry, I haven’t had time to select a source for the next round yet. It’s hard to find a good one to do for this competition. I wanted to select something from Secret of Mana. Could I get an extension on selecting the source, and could anyone help me find one from Secret of Mana that hasn’t been done yet? 
  18. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to HoboKa in MnP 105: Megaman Battle Network 5 - Theme of Nebula   
    3 day extension you mad lads.  I better get off my ass and make something.
  19. Thanks
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 105: Megaman Battle Network 5 - Theme of Nebula   
    Entry confirmed!
  20. Like
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from Rejwan in MnP 105: Megaman Battle Network 5 - Theme of Nebula   
    Entry confirmed!
  21. Like
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    Heh can't win them all. Dex hasn't won in a while, makes sense for him to win. 

    Congrats Dex!
  22. Haha
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    I'm not sure, if it should be excited or scared lol.
  23. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to Bundeslang in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    Results time
    HoboKa partipated with a bonus mix.
    TheVideoGamer got 9 points, only enough for the last place wooden spoon.
    Dex is the winner with 12 points!!.
    Dex, you are the winner and may pick a source for PRC398. Send the source to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Send your sources as fast as you can, but before next Monday (16 September 2019), 11:00 AM ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT).
    You may select any source from any game, but not a source with an OverClocked remix or a source which has been used in PRC before. An overview of the past PRC's can be found in the following links (I recently updated this site):
    http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above).
    http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/prc396 for the votes and comments.
  24. Like
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in MnP 105: Megaman Battle Network 5 - Theme of Nebula   
    Entry confirmed!
  25. Thanks
    TheVideoGamer reacted to Bundeslang in PRC397 - The Last Hope (Truxton)   
    The People's Remix Competition 397

    Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition!
    In PRC395 it was TheVideoGamer who was able to stop HoboKa (who wasn't allow to enter the contest since he won the last two rounds). HoboKa contributed with a bonus, Silverpool64 entered the contest but his reward was only the wooden spoon.
    Source: Truxton - Hope (Stage 3) (SEGA)
    MIDI File
    Source Information
    ThaSauce link: Click here to submit
    The deadline is Saturday September 28th 2019 at 10:59 am ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. +3 days.
    You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread.
    Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread.
    Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score.
    The winner of this round may select the source for PRC397, the round after next round.
    The winner of PRC395, TheVideoGamer, who picked this source, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. 
    You can find the full rules list at this page as well.
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