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  1. Haha
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    I take that back. Checked it now, and it’s not working. I jumped too early lol. 
  2. Thanks
    TheVideoGamer reacted to Bundeslang in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    I don't know about this bug.
    http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC396 still works, so the songs can still be posted.
  3. Haha
    TheVideoGamer reacted to HoboKa in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    I was wondering about that.  Seems like a brand spanking new glitch.  Great.
  4. Sad
    TheVideoGamer reacted to NovemberRhythm in PRC396 - Star of the Bosses (Phantasy Star 2)   
    Why not show the link on the ThaSauce Compo: PRC page?

  5. Like
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 105: Megaman Battle Network 5 - Theme of Nebula   
    Dam, it just doesn’t want to cooperate with you today...
    Oh well, hope it gets sorted. Then we can get the ball rolling.
  6. Sad
    TheVideoGamer reacted to HoboKa in MnP 105: Megaman Battle Network 5 - Theme of Nebula   
    Well, I tried my Opera Browser for copying/pasting the Round Cover Page.  Still same problem with formatting not carrying over.  So if this isn't resolved soon, I will need to change the layout of the front page to make it easier to re-format.  I'll go buck the OCR feedback some more too.  The WORST thing is that hyperlinks get screwed too.  X_X
  7. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to HoboKa in MnP 105: Megaman Battle Network 5 - Theme of Nebula   
    Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes)
    MIDI: http://compo.thasauce.net/files/materials/MnP105_MMBN5Nebula.mid
    Deadline: Sept 18 Sun @ 1PM
    Vote Ends: Sept 21 Wed  @ 11PM
    submit: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP105
    MnP ARCHIVE  - made by Trism

    The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. SOME reinterpretation is recommended, but not required.

    MnP Instructions/Guidelines
    Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. Most or all of the source notes must be present (but not necessarily in the exact same order), secondly the mood (energy, pacing, feelings being conveyed etc) should also be retained. For example, a source tune that is fast-paced and energetic that's remixed into a mellow/chill-out theme would be a hard sell. If you decide to do a genre swap (i.e. symphonic to techno), make sure that the conditions of #2 are met. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry. Please don't make any comments about people's entries - including your own - until the Voting process is concluded.  BONUS entries are exempt of this rule. Same rules for PRC voting Stage: don't vote for yourself, be considerate and try to give reasonable feedback as to why you liked X or Y entry.  All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct
    - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make ppl's lives easier.
    - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx)
  8. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to Silverpool64 in MnP 104: Sonic Lost World - Tropical Coast Act 1   
    Thank you everyone for your feedback! I really appreciate it!
    Wow, I did better than I thought I would.
  9. Like
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from Silverpool64 in MnP 104: Sonic Lost World - Tropical Coast Act 1   
    A lot of people are interested in the record scratches lol. It’s just a combination of samples pitched. As for effects in general, only delay and reverb are really used. Rest remains unchanged. I only realised after uploading I might have needed more reverb in some parts. 
    Drums are a combination of a DnB break and reggae samples from a pack. 
    Oh well thanks anyways!
  10. Like
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from Mr. L in MnP 104: Sonic Lost World - Tropical Coast Act 1   
    A lot of people are interested in the record scratches lol. It’s just a combination of samples pitched. As for effects in general, only delay and reverb are really used. Rest remains unchanged. I only realised after uploading I might have needed more reverb in some parts. 
    Drums are a combination of a DnB break and reggae samples from a pack. 
    Oh well thanks anyways!
  11. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to Rejwan in MnP 104: Sonic Lost World - Tropical Coast Act 1   
    Wow, thanks a lot guys! Sorry for self-voting, I didn't realise it was against the rules :/
    Much appreciated, I really liked your mix too. Loved the fx and drum sounds used. How did you find the fx? 
  12. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to HoboKa in MnP 104: Sonic Lost World - Tropical Coast Act 1   
    Rejwan got 1st place with 14 points Silverpool64 got 2nd place with 13 points Mr. L. got 3rd with 12 points HoboKa got the Robotnik spoon with 7 points Comments
    Still having format-retention issues when copying/pasting....  I will try Opera when I make round 105 and see if that is a workaround. 
    Rejwan, you can't vote for yourself.  I'll let you off the hook since this is your first time.  I didn't tally your self-vote though, so there's that.  In spite of that misunderstanding, you still won the round.  So there's a plus side to this.  Congraturations.
    Rejwan, Private-Message me your source pick for round 105!! 
  13. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to HoboKa in PRC395 - A Silent Star (Phantasy Star 2)   
    Same feeling regarding first half.  I'm gonna find a way to make a monostereo "warbly" synth that is much more 80's, then I will double the length of 2nd portion with perhaps a touch of original writing.  That might be fun to do.  Gotta get off my ass to do it though. Thanks for feedback
  14. Thanks
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in PRC395 - A Silent Star (Phantasy Star 2)   
    Yeah only 2 entries, Excluding mine.
    As for yours it was really good. Prefer the second half, over the first, however both feature top notch synth design. Drums a bit weak for me (Lacking a certain oomph) in both sections. Props for the sweet trumpet line. I’m total, just better drums and small mixing nuances. Despite that great job.
    Yeah I have no problems in you working on it some more. It sounds really good, even flaws aside. Looking forward to your PRC396 entry anyways.
  15. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to HoboKa in PRC395 - A Silent Star (Phantasy Star 2)   
    *shock horror* You didn't vote this time.  Oh wait.  It's awash cuz only 2 viable entries .  Got any feedback for my BONUS?
    (edit) I'm thinking of working on it some more.  So any crits are welcome.  From anyone too. 
  16. Haha
    TheVideoGamer reacted to HoboKa in MnP 104: Sonic Lost World - Tropical Coast Act 1   
    Great and good. 
  17. Like
  18. Haha
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 104: Sonic Lost World - Tropical Coast Act 1   

  19. Like
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in PRC395 - A Silent Star (Phantasy Star 2)   
    Awesome. I'll have something shortly.
  20. Thanks
    TheVideoGamer reacted to HoboKa in MnP 104: Sonic Lost World - Tropical Coast Act 1   
    Indeed.  My brain filter didn't have an ON button yesterday, it's all grood. 
  21. Haha
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 104: Sonic Lost World - Tropical Coast Act 1   
    Whoops Sorry :S
    Oh well it’s too late now...
  22. Haha
    TheVideoGamer reacted to HoboKa in MnP 104: Sonic Lost World - Tropical Coast Act 1   
    This is why reactionary editing is not reccomended kids.  I probably edited that 20 times.  K that's enough OCD for 1 night.  Cya on the flip side.
  23. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to HoboKa in MnP 104: Sonic Lost World - Tropical Coast Act 1   
    Yeah, I kind of ride off of PRC's coattails.  I'll link you the guidebook anyhow.  It's more geared towards the hosts (duh) but it covers all the bases on rules.  Step 5 is what you want primarily.  Pardon all the edits.
    edit over 9000
    STEP 5 - The Voting Stage
    So, the mixing stage is over. You've got a nice bunch of entries. And now it's
    time to go with the voting stage!
    Since this will run pretty much automatically, you will need to make a post in
    your OCRemix thread regarding it.  State what the voters should do in whatever
    format you want:
    - Visit the stated ThaSauce page and listen to all the entries
    - Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen
    - Fill it in, filing the entries (or if there's four or more, only three) from
    first to third (or in the case of two, leaving the third place tab blank)
    - State a reasoning for it.
    Remember to state the bonuses as well - the vote for the winner of the
    previous round counts twice, as they made an important contribution to
    starting up the contest to begin with. (This rule isn't enforced in special
    contests.)  And all contestants will get three points (the value for a first
    place vote) added to their score if they vote too. Their vote won't work at
    all for two-entry PRCs though, as both their first place vote and bonus will
    cancel each other out.
    And finally, remember to state the final details - the closing date/time for
    voting, and what the winner will receive (in the event of a normal MnP it
    would be the chance to choose the source tune for the next one after that; if
    it's a special one, it would be the prize you stated at the beginning).
    Once you've posted the page, it's all a case of putting all this into
    Let's go back to the "Admin" page on the C:TS server, and back onto "MnP".
    Click on the round.
    You should get two lists underneath the blurb you stated at the beginning -
    a list of rounds and a list of votes.  Hopefully you might have already been
    here to delete any disqualified entries or bonus-ify some mixes.
    When votes come in, they would get tabbed in automatically.  This is where
    the bonuses would indeed be added in. But everything becomes different
    depending on the amount of entries, so this is how everything would be
    tabulated appropriately.
    |               | 1ST | 2ND | 3RD | 1ST | 2ND | 3RD | 1ST | 2ND | 3RD |
    |2 ENTRIES      |  3     2     -  |  6     4     -  |  -     -     -  |
    |3 ENTRIES      |  3     2     1  |  6     4     2  |  3     2     -  |
    |4+ ENTRIES     |  3     2     1  |  6     4     2  |  3     2     1  |
    To apply these alterations and the stated bonuses above, click on the "edit"
    button for any of these entries and replace the "Score" value with the new
    Once you've got the new scores in, make sure you check that you've done the
    right thing. Once you're convinced that you've adjusted the scores to what
    they should be like, you should be doing just fine.
    One last thing - be sure to check for duplicate IPs! Nineko tried to spoil the
    PRC vote with duplicate IPs back in PRC76's Decap Attack contest (and quite a
    few others before that, whenever he took part), so you have to be really
    careful over who submitted what. Luckily, there's an IP address field in the
    list of voters, so if in doubt, cite it. It is also possible to allow multiple
  24. Like
    TheVideoGamer reacted to Rejwan in MnP 104: Sonic Lost World - Tropical Coast Act 1   
    Thanks for the heads up HoboKa! I must have missed that when reading the rules
    I'll submit my votes now 
  25. Thanks
    TheVideoGamer got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 104: Sonic Lost World - Tropical Coast Act 1   
    It’s a shame you can’t share it to others, as this sounds like a good start.
    Keep at it man. People at OCR just want to turn simple hobbies into professional Grade A quality mixes. So many small details people nitpick about. (Especially if we were discussing this piece of work) At least with the Compo scene, nobody cares about quality as much. That’s why i like MnP and PRC. 
    Even regardless of production, the Compo scene is more nicer and friendly. I’m more comfortable and open with talking to you, than what I’ve seen from exploring this website. Wow I sound all soppy lol.
    Oh well thanks for running this anyways.
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