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Everything posted by Aurora

  1. YAY! any plug is a good plug, even butt plugs (ask rayza he loves them)
  3. OMG OKAY? LISTEN UP. VGDJ ReMix OUR INTRO CONTEST Okay so here's the deal... we thought it would be fun to put out a little contest (though its not really a contest REALLY...) to the wonderful community of musicians listening to our show. We're opening up the doors to people interested in creating or remixing the intro to our show.... see, we're like... working on a new intro (hopefully for show 20) cuz although our first and only original VGDJ intro kicks mega ass (because Rayza is a Masta), we thought it would be a cool change... but we ALSO thought (wow look at ALL this thinking) in the meantime...there's like 4 episodes we could open up to people to provide us with a ReMix (or original) of an intro for us that we would play on 016 to 019, and for any random show we feel like after the fact.... so ya. Here are the GUIDELINES: 1) It must have "VEE GEE DEE JAY" said in it somewhere 2) Must be :45 seconds MAX 3) Can use clips from old shows. That's it! So if you wanna get a mix on our show, here's your chance (or just get DJP off his fat ass and judge your mix already, geezuz) (ikid ) Okay so we hope this will be fun and we get entries...yah? yah. OKAY BYE!
  5. OMG WHERE IS THE SHOW!? The show will be slightly delayed...probably a day or two... Rayza's at the Canadian National Expo the last few days so we'll get one out to you as soon as possible. In the mean time, dont' forget about our 1800 number: 1-800-990-VGDJ (8435) ... call in your comments/questions/concerns, or just be on the show
  6. so now you do listen?
  7. 'deed it does. And I know it. I will be the first to admit that I was completely over reacting for dramatic purposes... Everyone was fooled. You know what this means - your acting skills RoX0rs!!! Well, i think I was also cringing on behalf of our non-ocr listeners... but Rayza made it all better with his eloquence introducing the song. Which I STILL laugh uncontrollably at whenever I think about it... oh geeze.
  8. 'deed it does. And I know it. I will be the first to admit that I was completely over reacting for dramatic purposes... and that if you recall my 'review' of this song, I did appreciate its source and the resulting mix as being a very difficult thing to pull off well. If anyone was going to do it, Mazedude was definitely the one for the job... and so. I LOVE BATTLING ORGANS! *cough*
  9. I ... i mean... but... what ... I.aaahhh...
  10. are you going to call in?
  11. Hellllooooooooooooooooo karma, meet Rayza! Karma indeed. Way to go, Rayza! but... but I think it was my idea...
  12. Hellllooooooooooooooooo karma, meet Rayza! Actually, i think that stinger was my idea...
  13. good point! we did start saying the dates at the beginning... we should do it again. Thanks Darke!
  14. hahah it was very hard to hear that... but I"m keepin the "We've Been" in the shownotes... cuz... that's what I hear! hehe Thanks so much for calling in that was awesome
  15. Guess you're just gonna have to listen to the show! By the pictures it looks like you had a good time
  16. http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~umfisico/VGDJ/shows/VGDJ_ep_001.mp3 http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~umfisico/VGDJ/shows/VGDJ_ep_002.mp3
  17. Your hand + KY does the same thing. Try it. unless your trying to tell me you want me to do vocal work for you
  18. lollz. Any mean person want to take this one? YOU'RE BACK! MY WORDS O' LOVE DREW YOU TO ME ... right?
  19. Ahahahaha! And Prince Azuzu...priceless. Prince Azuzu loves you all.
  20. What are you talking about? I don't see Boston? iwas hoping no one would notice.... OOPS! thanks, pixietricks for motivating my lazy ass to face those notes again...
  21. *rofl* Love the simile there, Aurora! Ya I guess I'm a natural, eh? hahaha IN OTHER NEWS.... VGDJ is now #20 on Podcast Alley! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH nelly!
  22. Well if your POS Mac didn't keep crashing all the time ON TOP OF the fact that your shitty connection was shitty, I would have many less things to worry about. Also the show could be edited faster since everything would be in sync with it being 1 long take. I would suggest you not quitting YOUR day job so you can afford a decent piece of gear. I don't see how this pertains to what I was talking about. I wasn't talking about using Fusion, I was talking about being blamed for using fusion, when I dont' think there is cause for blame. SEE the PS. BUT ANYWAYS. If you MUST: My piece of gear is fine. I need software that I can't afford that won't conflict with each other. That's it.
  23. mega goodstuffs! I really dig the middle section...chill flow and then build up of the beat... i really dug that... though I felt that transition from the chill to the main beat again (2:18/2:19) was a little drowned out by the revvin sound effect you had in there... i could have been a little cleaner but... all round nicely done
  24. But his self proclaimed awsomeness can't be competed with. I think we have 7 voicemails of him saying he's awesome. When a guy just knows he's awesome, he's awesome.. That was an awesome post.. Fusion is awesome, Like cherries have blossoms. I'll keep this short, Reply and retort.. Don't quit your day job... PLUS... YOU chose Fusion as the replacement, and who gets in shit for it... ME! I was in fuckin Vancouver getting a lazy and high... What the fuck is that all about!? PS: the most hilarious thing about the accuser was that a) he claimed never to have listened to any shows, nor did he care to and that he so desperately wanted to accuse us, he couldn't do it over IM or PM or forum... oh no... what a fuckin poser! hehee
  25. Seriously. I genuinely miss The Wingless. Maybe he was so love-sick he couldn't take it anymore. Aurora, you must doooo something! Send him a love PM! (Hehe, get it? Not poem, but PM?) I shall profess this P oe M ... openly. To be Truly Winglessless ... *clears throat* OH, to be without thee Is like a morning without dew, like car without a motor, like a sewer...without the poo. Aye, the latter be a good thing for lack of rank and odor I want you bad I want you back like I want Giorgio Marauder OH BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU!? *awaits the snapping fingers*
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