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Everything posted by Steben

  1. The actual dynamic markings are in the score. Of course, woodwind parts are naturally softer than brass parts. But whenever the sax parts are playing in this midi, it's like all you can hear! D: I think maybe some trills in the woodwind parts might make things less bland? I'm gonna look into it.. I realize the woodwind parts are probably terribly easy, technically. I guess it comes from playing trombone for nine years. At least I can chalk it up as a point towards accessibility for high school bands. Thanks for the offer on the midi. I may take you up on it when I'm closer to a final score. Yeah. There's a good chance that I can convince my university's marching band to play it in the stands, so I think it'll be fine for them. But for high school bands... I feel the top note needs to be a C, and I'm hesitating to just drop the part an octave. I'll probably just bump the piccolo part up an ocatve (something I meant to do, but totally forgot about). I wonder if an 8va would do the trick, or if it'd be easier to read if I actually moved the notes up the staff? As for the tubas, their part doesn't go above a high G. As I understand it, the tuba range is roughly an octave below the trombone/baritone range, so a G isn't terribly bad. Maybe I could throw in some alternate notes there. Speaking of which, the octaves in the baritones for that same part are supposed to be alternate notes, but the version of NoteWorthy I'm using doesn't support that. Hopefully I'll be trying out their beta 2.0 soon, and I can add in stuff like that.. True, but I want to write it out, just in case someone does want to march it. But that's a good point to keep in mind - I don't want anything critical in there, because in the stands it wouldn't get played. Thanks a bunch for your help.
  2. http://steben.noplaceforatoaster.com/music/index.htm Yes, folks, it's finally done. Go right ahead and click the link above to download the music for my arrangement of Katmari on the Rocks for marching band. See page 5 for the full announcement. Below is the original post.
  3. klutz has some sheet music of his piano remixes available on his site. I remember downloading 600 A.D. a couple years ago and teaching myself to play it (although my version's much more watered down).
  4. Quoted for emphasis. I had this playing in the car on the drive from college back home for Christmas, and after hearing this song, all I could think about the whole trip was if the second guy was supposed to be Paula.
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