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Everything posted by Steben

  1. But it didn't work well. *dramatic music* "I'm climbin... climbin' up the Colossus leg... sweet I reached his lower back!" *music takes five seconds to fade out and fade into the heroic theme* "Well that wasn't a very good musical segue OH CRAP I DROPPED BACK ONTO ITS LEG" D: *music takes another five seconds to fade out and and fade back into the dramatic theme* The advantage of sequenced music is that you can do more musically than a simple fade out/in when the music needs to change up. It's all about those few notes of transition that make the difference, in my opinion.
  2. If they allow remixes, I'd like to see Kick Your A or 4FT3R M3 on an actual DDR machine.
  3. I was disappointed when I started playing the Diva's difficulty. Is the only more difficult thing about it compared to Chieftain's the fact that the circles are smaller? Maybe I need to play it more, but I just got Pheonix Wright in the mail today, so...
  4. I was thinking about this earlier today. If I wanted to play a game called Grammar Ninja, I'd probably be wanting to do two of my favorite things. 1) Correcting people's grammar. 2) Throwing shurikens at people with poor grammar. If you really want to get on the ball with this, I think it'd be cool if there was a mode where people pop up and say sentences with a grammatical error. In order to kill them, you have to first select the correct shuriken from your stock (split infinitive? misplaced modifier? capitalization error?) and then drag it to the appropriate phrase in the sentence where the error was made. If you select the wrong shuriken, it bounces off the target, and if you select the wrong part of the sentence, they dodge the shuriken.
  5. Usually www.gamefaqs.com is a better place to look for answers to those types of questions.
  6. Perhaps with 1000 Rupees and good use of the Magic Armor it'd be possible. But it's not exactly a high priority, considering it took me 30-40 hours to beat it the first time (without getting all the stuff, obviously), so I'm kind of in a rush to finish within three days.
  7. I was actually disappointed that he didn't do this. I can see it now, you go to delis and banks across Germany, correcting people's grammar. If they mess up, you send them to Auschwitz.
  8. Actually, the real issue here, is that "cannot" shouldn't have a space in it. "Pigs cannot fly." would be more appropriate. Although you'd probably want to avoid that sentence entirely, as cannot is a verb and adverb combined. ADDENDUM: More issues. The first sentence I made up doesn't work well. "John likes to listen to video game music." The problem with this sentence is that the first "to" is not a preposition - it's part of the infinitive "to listen". Also, if I were to write "John likes listening to video game music," then "listening" would be functioning as a gerund, not a verb. Also also, "video" and "game" are both functioning as a single adjective on the noun "music", which is kind of confusing. Of course, the obvious solution is to avoid such weird sentences. It was just something I noticed. ADDENDUM DOS: Alright, I have one sentence: Steven often sleeps during English class. new Array(new Word("Steven" , "N"),new Word("often","ADV"),new Word("sleeps","V"),new Word("during","PREP"),new Word("English","ADJ"),new Word("class.","N")) Of course, this sentence is kind of weird, because "English" is a noun being used as an adjective. It was weirder, until I removed the "his" before "English". "His" is a possessive pronoun, which functions as an adjective. Another issue that comes up is that articles are adjectives by definiton. So if the instructions tell the user to find all adjectives, does it count articles as adjectives too?
  9. Okay, gentlemen. I'm home until Saturday. My little brother has the GCN version of Zelda. I've beaten the Wii version. The question is, do you think I can beat the GCN version, with only three hearts, in the time allotted? I don't think I can, especially if I decide to go outside or something. But I'm going to try, darn it.
  10. Has anyone had issues with Firefox's Adblock and the new forums? I found that with it enabled, a lot of the background images were blocked. I don't have anything on www.ocremix.org blocked, for sure. I figure those images must have names that match up with one of my entries with a wildcard character, but I don't know which one. If anyone who's had the same problem and has a solution could help me out, you'd be awesome. EDIT: Hmm, never mind. For some reason, once I turned Adblock off and on, the forums were displayed properly. Weird.
  11. kinda I'm not saying anything bad about Zelda games in general, this actually applies to all games, but how often can you sit back and say "wow this is FUN." When I'm playing Elite Beat Agents. YOU BET KID
  12. Tingle tingle, kooloo limpah? Calvin & Hobbes LT: Resizes don't look sharp and the edges are messed up. And whatever that first one is, don't bother with it.
  13. In many gamers' eyes, Zelda OoT is still the standard. I sure hope not, because OoT was still lacking for even its day. Which begs the question, is there any game which is not lacking in some respect? The only real way to make sure you've covered all your bases in creating a game is to make it short and linear - and then you have a problem with people complaining about its length. Besides, Majora's Mask was a much better game than Ocarina - we should compare everything to that.
  14. For my dad, a Frank Sinatra collection of DVDs For my mom, seasons 1 and 2 of Monk For my sister, the Wicked Grimmorie (a behind-the-scenes look at Wicked the musical, or something) For my brother, Final Fantasies 8 and 9 Also, various other smaller presents for my friends. I bought Guitar Hero 2 for myself, but I counted it as my present for my roommates, since they wanted to play it more than I did. (Not that I don't like it too, of course.)
  15. - A book by John Hodgeman (the PC from those awful Mac commercials, he's also on the Daily Show) - Penny-Arcade Volume 2 (Volume 3 coming upon its release) - Bomberman Land Touch for DS - Money and a Books-A-Million Gift Card - Acardia by Tom Stoppard - The Book of Infinity by John D. Barrow - Final Fantasy IV for GBA - The Legend of Zelda cartoon series DVD - Nintendo-branded Monopoly Also, Santa put coal in my stocking. A week back I mentioned to family that I couldn't wait till I was married with kids, just so I could do that to them. Sigh. I was kidding.
  16. How do you get those (I have 1 of the latter, but the others)? That seems incredibly useless since it takes less than a heart to beat the final dungeon, and the hardest point in the game gives you something that would only seem necessary in there AFTER you beat it.
  17. So there's only one upgrade? That's all I was confused about there. Yeah, the one upgrade works on all your bags.
  18. Fixed for the Central Time Zone.
  19. f is any old function? And what properties does H have? Connectedness? You shouldn't need anything else. You're just considering f's continuity at a point of H which is not a limit point of H. I guess since x is in the interior of H, one can take a ball around it that is contained in the interior of H. Using the fact that a function can only have a countable number of discontinuities, this means that the function must be piecewise continuous, and so must be continuous about x. This argument seems stronger than needed though. x isn't in the interior of H. For example, 0 is not a limit point of the integers, as the open set (-.5,.5) about 0 does not contain a point of the integers distinct from 0. The interior of the integers is empty. Here's some useful characterizations to apply for this problem. x is a limit point of a set H iff for every open set S about x, there is a point y in S distinct from x such that y is in H. (It follows that x is not a limit point of a set H iff there exists an open set S about x such that S does not intersect any point of H besides x.) A fuction f:H->K is said to be continuous at x in H iff for every open set T about f(x), there is an open set S about x such that f is a subset of T. On an unrelated note, it occurs to me that we need to have some problems that require more cleverness than upper-level math experience. I should look for some of my high school math competition materials so that more people can participate. Alrighty, here's the proof. x is not a limit point of H, so let S be an open set such that it intersects no point of H distinct from x. Consider an open set T about f(x). f=f[{x}]={f(x)} which is a subset of T. Therefore, f is continuous at x.
  20. lol Scott Kurtz = PvP VG Cats = ... I dunno
  21. f is any old function? And what properties does H have? Connectedness? You shouldn't need anything else. You're just considering f's continuity at a point of H which is not a limit point of H. I guess since x is in the interior of H, one can take a ball around it that is contained in the interior of H. Using the fact that a function can only have a countable number of discontinuities, this means that the function must be piecewise continuous, and so must be continuous about x. This argument seems stronger than needed though. x isn't in the interior of H. For example, 0 is not a limit point of the integers, as the open set (-.5,.5) about 0 does not contain a point of the integers distinct from 0. The interior of the integers is empty. Here's some useful characterizations to apply for this problem. x is a limit point of a set H iff for every open set S about x, there is a point y in S distinct from x such that y is in H. (It follows that x is not a limit point of a set H iff there exists an open set S about x such that S does not intersect any point of H besides x.) A fuction f:H->K is said to be continuous at x in H iff for every open set T about f(x), there is an open set S about x such that f is a subset of T. On an unrelated note, it occurs to me that we need to have some problems that require more cleverness than upper-level math experience. I should look for some of my high school math competition materials so that more people can participate.
  22. I like to think there's a distinct difference between paying to unlock features that are already present on the physical disk you've already bought, and paying to download digital content. You're not as likely to get complaints about paying $1 to download a song off of iTunes, but I'd think people wouldn't be too thrilled if there was an extra track on the CD they've already bought, but couldn't access without shelling out an extra dollar. lol At first I thought this promotion was dumb, but then it occurred to me, that I probably would go buy a value meal at BK and pay the extra $4 for their game, if I only owned an XBox.
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