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Everything posted by Steben

  1. QFE although good luck finding GBAs and cables for everyone.
  2. Okay, I'll bite. What's this IV mess you keep talking about? I mean, I guess I know a little bit about how each PKMN's temperment affects its growth... but that's about it. Also, thank God that Nintendo decided to do that automatic-100 thing. I can assure you I won't be playing the game enough to level anything up past 70, much less 100. (I think my record back in the RBY/GS days was 60-something..)
  3. Phantom is old-hat. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Phantom_%28game_system%29
  4. This is fun. A reminder - to fit OCR's submission standards, you're going to have to trim this file down to 6MB. http://www.ocremix.org/info/Submission_Standards_and_Instructions#What_format_should_the_submission_be_in.3F In my opinion, the ending is the strongest part of the piece, while you lost me somewhere in the middle. Perhaps you can find a shorter segue from the beginning to the finish? Also, the bit past 7:44 seems kind of needless... I would have been happy for you to have ended it there.
  5. Nonetheless, no matter how many times you hear it, (SPOILER) Edgeworth's theme sucks. In a moment of weakness, I bought Leaf Green for $20. I'll.. probably get Diamond/Pearl upon release. They'll have Wi-Fi, I'm sure, so I can be a PokeNerd and trade without actually letting any of my friends know that I play the game. D:
  6. It's refreshing to know that we, as gamers, finally have a holiday of our own, totally free from the crass commercialism of those BS holidays like Christmas. Ooooh, look, I can buy a t-shirt!! ... Honestly, I'm unconvinced video gaming needs to have a holiday dedicated to it. Much less an entire week. Also, CAD is dumb.
  7. Like I said earlier, I really didn't like it at first. It grew on me, though. It's still not as good at the original, though. It takes time to adjust to the music, and the typos are a little annoying. However, the "lifebar" is fairly better implemented than the 5 ! system they had in the first game. Case 3 of Justice for All is the best case out of both Pheonix Wright games. "You're the man now, doll!" However, I think Case 4 was the most disappointing out of all the Pheonix Wright games. It's not boring, or the worst, but it had a lot of potential that I feel was wasted.
  8. Those were the coolest Kid's Meal toy ever. I remember the big fuss over getting Pikachus. Not like it was hard to tell if you had one, since the ball they came in was slightly larger than the typical ones. I'm... I'm assuming you're referring to the Burger King toys, of course.
  9. How I understood it, is that they were just going to run through the music in a rehearsal, and not actually perform it.
  10. I've got marching band music for Katamari Damacy. Check the signature. PS: It pains me to support anything to do with Winter-Een-Mas, though. :-/
  11. I'm fairly certain there's nothing to be said in this thread besides fanboy-driven speculation. "The PS3 suxx0rz it will flop DIE SONY!" "Nintendo's gonna give up on consoles and develop games for Microsoft's HUGEBOX 1080!!" I'm content to wait and see how things pan out just a little more before voicing my opinion. PS: But I will say this - the Nokia N-Gage2 will dominate the handheld market. You heard it here first.
  12. I used to be a minor in my school's low brass studio. I found out very quickly that a command of basic sightsinging ability was enough to get me through Music Skills I & II without any work on my own, much less to get past an audition to get me into the program. As for a lack of singing ability, usually sightsinging is based on relative pitch. I could usually set the tonic at whatever pitch I wanted it to be, so range wouldn't be an issue. And they certainly won't count off for singing technique, so as long as you squak out the right pitches, I imagine you'll be fine. Other than that, I guess I can't do anything more than echo what everyone else has said - it depends on your school. At my college, as long as you're competent at your instrument, they'll give you a shot at the program. (You'll have to improve, of course, or they won't keep you around though.) But I'd imagine the stakes are a little higher if you're applying for some fancy-smhancy music conservatory or something.
  13. I remember when I was sick a few years back, in high school, I'd have an out-of-body experience where I was fighting random battles in Golden Sun with my friends, specifically the friends I named my Golden Sun characters after. I won those battles, but what if I hadn't? Dun dun dun. Also, it reminds me of the only episode of Captain N I can remember - where the main character gets sick, and a smaller version of him in his immune system tried to destroy a virus with his Zapper, or something.
  14. Interesting subject, but I'd rather not let this thread get derailed into PPR territory. Perhaps this topic could be brought up there. I'm gonna rename this thread to "funny" consequences. EDIT: Oh yeah, I can't do that anymore. Whoops.
  15. Still wondering if anyone else has picked this up. Having played through most of the game by now, I've decided that (a) the music grows on you, ( it's funnier than the last game, and © it's more challenging than the last game. The only real beef I have with it is a few typos here and there, and a few pieces of evidence which should work at certain points of the case, but don't. For example, in the first case... (select to see slight spoiler) you are supposed to point out the boyfriend is a police officer, but it won't let you use the picture of his body with the police hat in view - you have to use his profile instead.
  16. I'm more of a "lawl" guy. But I'm a bigger culpret of using "zee oh em gee", "pee el zee", and "es ar es el why"... always when I'm being sarcastic, of course?
  17. I was sitting in my Analysis II class the other day. Now, my professor runs the course in more of a open discussion fashion than a lecture. This is odd for a math course, but it arguably is better for the students in the class to learn how to answer questions on their own, rather than being told how to do everything. In any case, our classes often run like this: someone tries to prove an open theorem in the class and the professor will try and find fault with it, even if it is correct. It's up to the presenter, or someone else in the class to defend the proof. So yeah. I've been playing a bit of Phoenix Wright recently... Two days ago, I was in class, watching someone give their proof on the board. It wasn't a very polished thing, but it was essentially correct. But of course our professor was playing devil's advocate, and tried to convince us that the proof was unsound by an example. This example, of course, contained a contradiction. !!! I slammed my hands on the table, and nearly yelled this. ... Of course, after a short moment of awkward silence, I apologized for "accidentally" hitting my desk so hard, and pointed out the flaw in his reasoning. So yeah. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else had a similar situation, where you were playing a video game for a while, and you accidentally reacted to real life as you would have in the game. Partly because I'd feel better about myself, as a person, but also because I'd bet there are some funny stories out there.
  18. Listening to this wip made me very happy. Looking forward to more.
  19. So anyone playing Phoenix Wright Attorney at Law: Justice for All? I'm in the middle of the first case. I'm hoping the music will grow on me, because so far it seems like the only thing that's changed, and I'm not impressed thus far.
  20. I figure there's a few of you who might be interested in this at least. I'm currently in the process of arranging the theme to Snakes on a Plane for marching band. The plan is similar to the Katamari piece I did last - once I'm done, I'll post parts up on the internet (here: www.steben.net) for you kids to download and get your own marching band to play. Here's an early draft of the score and Finale's rendition of it. Music: http://www.auburn.edu/~clontsc/soapMB.mp3 Score: http://www.auburn.edu/~clontsc/soapMB_earlyscore.pdf
  21. Okay, that sells it. "Comm" should be the abbreviation for Community, just so its denizens can be called "Commies". EDIT: Or "ComDisc", as was suggested in the other thread.
  22. Hey DMCouger, welcome to OCR. They've just reorganized things, so I'd like point you to a subforum at the top of Community, Help & Newbies, where you can get started in learning about our forums. As for the Chrono Trigger mixes you speak of, there's a Changelog you can check to see what happened to them. EDIT: Ah, yeah. While I'm sure remixes of those songs exist, they haven't necessarally been submitted/accepted at OCR. In a perfect world, I'd point you to VGmix, but that's currently down for the count.
  23. Does anyone else not like Comm as an abbreviation for Community? It rubs me the wrong way for some reason. I was thinking CF for Community Forum, but that's just me.
  24. Hey, I like the tune to this song. Of course, I love all the music from this series, pretty much. I listened to your version, then I played back the original, then I played yours again. (Incidentally, I have the track names in Japanese. I remembered "Cherry Blossom" = "Sakura" though, so I found the name of the original in Japanese fairly easily: "Sakurairo no Kisetsu". Just... just wanted to show off my very rudimentry Japanese/deductive skills??) Now I like your MP3, but the question is, do I like it because it's the original song, or do I like it because of what you've done with it? I really liked the Katamari on the Rocks bit you snuck in the beginning, first of all. I'm not sure it fits as well when you use it later, but it's neat nonetheless. And I'll tell you what - the one major flaw with the original is that listening to those dang kids sing for six minutes can be trying. So while I'm sure finding a children's choir to sing in Japanese probably isn't in anyone's plan when remixing this song, its absence lets me listen to the song for longer, for sure. Now, there are a few things. First of all, that cymbal high-hat thingy got on my nerves. Maybe it's too loud or something; it's just distracting to me. Another thing is the instrumentation... it's not very different from the original, is it? You get rid of the kids in the original, and you're left with strings, which carries the first 75% of your mix. Not necessarally a bad thing - it's just my observation. Hmm. Yeah, at :50, there's definitely something weird going on with the bells or whatever when they're playing that KOTR motif. Anyway. I hate to criticize, since I'm hardly experienced with electronic music myself (I've stuck to the band scene as far as my music knowledge goes), but overall I like what you've got. Good luck with finishing it up.
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