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Everything posted by Steben

  1. I did that with Wind Waker, but it was too much trouble, because every time I died or got close to dying, my roommates would yell at me to just pick up a "f'ing heart container". Sounds insanely annoying =[ At times like that, it's time to use an analogy. Lets see.... How about "getting an extra heart is like saying you're going to win a game of chess blindfolded, and then you take the blindfold off part way through the game and leave it off." [Edit] But you'll want to think of a better one... They don't really care - they're just joking around with me. A running joke around the apartment is how I wasn't "good enough" to beat the original Zelda with just three hearts - I got all the way to Ganon, but never beat him. It's kind of rough with him teleporting around all invisible-like, with his OMG I'm Gonna Take Three Hearts Automatically If I Touch You attack.
  2. I did that with Wind Waker, but it was too much trouble, because every time I died or got close to dying, my roommates would yell at me to just pick up a "f'ing heart container".
  3. The lack of bold and italics does bother me. I hate having to use capital letters for emphasis, since it's usually interpreted as yelling, which isn't usually the point I'm trying to get across. but sense most of them talk liek this i guess it doesnt matter lol
  4. Log in and go to My Account -> Notifications. I always used a junk mail address that I never checked, but this sounds like a better plan.
  5. The Wii should still provide power to any USB device that's connected to it, even if it can't use the device itself.
  6. What. I'm very confused as to how you could find Facebook more annoying than MySpace. The entire interface is so much cleaner, and I don't have to listen to your crappy music when I visit your profile.
  7. f is any old function? And what properties does H have? Connectedness? You shouldn't need anything else. You're just considering f's continuity at a point of H which is not a limit point of H.
  8. Which does bring me to an interesting point - how do you take screenshots of a Mii, besides whipping out a digital camera and pointing it at your TV? Can you email a picture to yourself or something? I don't think my roommate has wireless internet at his parent's house, so I probably couldn't get him to send me a picture if I wanted him to, tragically.
  9. I wish I had access to my roommate's Wii over the holidays. We have Kim Jong Il, Tim Robbins, and an irate Middle Eastern man we affectionately call "Moh-Dawg".
  10. Just got out of my Analysis exam. Here's a problem that was pretty easy, but I thought it was fun anyway. Let f:H->K be a function. Show that if x is in H but isn't a limit point of H, then f is continuous at x.
  11. Glad you like it. I'm not sure what T-ROOT is, but keep me posted on anything you've put together.
  12. I'd imagine this would work better with a Guitar Hero controller and a PSX-USB converter, assuming it can be set up to use it.
  13. Just finished Intro to Abstract Algebra I. My professor freaking sucked. Fortunately his tests were ridiculously easy, so I got an A without learning a single thing. Let's see if I can figure this out... I'll let C=(A intersect . To show G/C is abelian, I must show that ab=ba for a,b in G/C. a=gC and b=hC for g,h in G. ab=gChC=gCh as C is normal. gCh=(gAh intersect gBh)=(hAg intersect hBg)=hCg=hCgC=ba. Done! Eh. Does that work? I've never had to write a solid proof for Abstract Algebra before, so I'm not really confident in it.
  14. Eww that looks disgusting. I'm too lazy to do that one. I'm too lazy to do that one, because I'm fairly certain it's not true. Actually, scratch that. Positive. sin(sin(sin(sin(0))))=0 cos(cos(cos(cos(0))))=0.65428979... How does plugging in 0 prove that it is not true? Edit: After plugging in numbers, I don't think it's true since cos cos cos cos x is close to 1 for almost all x (and greater than 0.5 for all x), and sin sin sin sin x is always close to 0. Edit: oops I was using degrees Um. Proof by counterexample? If sin(sin(sin(sinx))))=cos(cos(cos(cosx)))) is true, it must certainly be true when x=0. However, they aren't equal when x=0, so it can't be true for all x. But isn't the question to find such an x? If it is not true for x = 0, there is no reason why it can't be true for another x. Oh. Crap. I've spent too much time in proofs-based math... I thought it was stating an identity to prove, not an equation. I'm dumb.
  15. Eww that looks disgusting. I'm too lazy to do that one. I'm too lazy to do that one, because I'm fairly certain it's not true. Actually, scratch that. Positive. sin(sin(sin(sin(0))))=0 cos(cos(cos(cos(0))))=0.65428979... How does plugging in 0 prove that it is not true? Edit: After plugging in numbers, I don't think it's true since cos cos cos cos x is close to 1 for almost all x (and greater than 0.5 for all x), and sin sin sin sin x is always close to 0. Edit: oops I was using degrees Um. Proof by counterexample? If sin(sin(sin(sinx))))=cos(cos(cos(cosx)))) is true, it must certainly be true when x=0. However, they aren't equal when x=0, so it can't be true for all x.
  16. Eww that looks disgusting. I'm too lazy to do that one. I'm too lazy to do that one, because I'm fairly certain it's not true. Actually, scratch that. Positive. sin(sin(sin(sin(0))))=0 cos(cos(cos(cos(0))))=0.65428979...
  17. No Wii for me. But I do have a DS and Star Fox Command: 688 246 840 611 I can only play online while I'm home, since I lack wireless at my apartment back at school. Hopefully we'll fix that since one of my roomies got a Wii.
  18. I've thought about getting this, but frankly, I'm afraid it might be a little too old school for me. I've played FF and FF2, and I wasn't thrilled. (FF2 had a story to keep me interested, but I'm told FF3 gave the story the backburner to the job system.) Someone convince me I should get it anyway. I've about exhausted Children of Mana.
  19. Master quest wasnt that much more challenging. If you want the games to be harder you could always just make challenges up for yourself. Like limited health or a time limit to defeat it. My roommates always give me a hard time for trying to beat Zelda games with only three hearts. I was playing Wind Waker recently, and the Heart Container from beating the Boko Baba boss (whatever its name is) happened to spawn exactly where Link moved to to talk to the little Kokori thing. I hadn't saved recently, so I bit my lower lip and beat the game with four hearts. They still make fun of me for it. "Yeah, Steven's alright at Zelda, I guess, but he had to have FOUR hearts to do it."
  20. Did you type that out right? Because I'm not sure what 1/(n * N!) means, since you're using n as the place holder for the summation expressions... unless I'm just being dumb.
  21. Well GEE DEE, guys. This is proving harder than I'd like. The general logic I'm trying to use is this: Let x_n be the sequence of n-digit numbers that fit the hypothesis. Then, I want to inductively generate x_n+1 from x_n. If there's any justice in the world, x_n+1 should equal either x_n+1*10^n, x_n+3*10^n, x_n+5*10^n, x_n+7*10^n, or x_n+9*10^n. If x_n is divisible by 5^n+1, then x_n+1=x_n+10^n*5. But if not, I'm having difficulty figuring out which of the other four numbers to use. I tried looking at x_n/5^n mod 5, with no luck at a pattern...
  22. Yeah, so it's easy to brute force the number given the previous number that works. But how do I show that it works for any n? I'm sleeping on it.
  23. I constructed the appropriate numbers for 1<=n<=10 if people want to see. x is the appropriate n-digit number for each n. I smell a pattern.
  24. Before I check it against Wikipedia... EDIT: Yeah, I have the same argument as the Wikipedians.
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