I was stuck on him for months, and would probably get my vote too, especially because there's no althena statue anywhere(!!) The way I finally beat him was by, in his second phase, taking time to move everyone as far away from each other as possible before fighting. Another thing that helped is . . . you can take out one, or maybe even two of his arms before Lucia heals everyone for the REAL battle (if you gots the mad skills). Everyone should be at or above level 50 to beat this boss, so unless you don't have that many healing items, level up until Hiro gets Triple Strike (you will be SO screwed if you don't have it) and Lemina gets "Catastrophe". I never got that move, actaully, but I heard it helps. I had 8 silver lights, which was more than enough. Between the two angel rings I know of (maybe there are more?), your best bet is to equip them to Hiro and Ronfar, and equip the tri-ring to Hiro to make sure he can't get muted, paralyzed, etc. The key to winning this is, when only two or three people are left standing with medium-low health . . . use Recovery Coin. This move is freaking awsome. Oh, and . . . there is even a THIRD form! Bwahaha! But he's rediculously easy.