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Dark Heart

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Everything posted by Dark Heart

  1. hm....lezze...well...um...woo...gotta try this on the piano!!!! Its mad good yo!
  2. nice...I get to post the first opinion...hm...based on this..I have to look into this more but...for now I'll have to listen to it carefully...
  3. at first I thought it was going to be one of those pansy faust songs until of course it started up and wow...its sounds great not like one of those stupid songs...keep it up
  4. sounds pretty good and melodic enough....hm....it could be improved in ways but still...its pretty good
  5. nothing to say...except that this song is.......... >_> >_> 10/10!!! wow...
  6. another Star Ocean remix...*sniff* this is fuggin beatiful...make more!
  7. w00t! another damn ass SO2 remix! Lez go and play this over and over until I barf...seriously though...we need more S02 sad remixes...*sniff* this is fuggin beautiful
  8. very nice...considering that you improvised many parts of this...wow, and I'll say it again...wow! Improvising something like this is a hard and painful job but you did a nice job on this
  9. ....I'm surprised not many people aren't rushing to this song... oh well there loss if they dont dl this song!
  10. no....comment....*sniff* downloading...*sniff* wow...
  11. download this ASAP....sounds so calming and...ZzzZZZzz so peaceful...ah....
  12. hm..really good but does this song belong on this category? Heres the list of the songs it plays -FF7 Cloud's Theme -Eyes On Me -Terra's theme -FF6 Opera (*sniff* its fuckin beautiiful) -And the beginning theme of....I think....FF3(?)
  13. Kiru! hm...I liked everything of this song.... -Melody was good... -Voice...its good but it sounds kind of....well....whats that word I'm searching for...everythings good but few times it goes a bit sharp or flat oh well....all in all it sounds good
  14. hm....lets see....it sounds nice pretty sweet tune...sounds like that one village of sylphs in BOF 3....must be my imagination, anywho I sort of picked up the melodies of life theme as well....wow....download this people!
  15. this is one incredible finish for someone whos leaving...wow....niiiiice song
  16. highly recommended to dl...what are you waiting for and reading this DOWNLOAD THIS SONG ALREADY!
  17. hm...nice piece on using the orchestra...you can dl this or not dosent matter but I would since I'm a sucker to orchestra stuff
  18. gotta give it...another type of rating for a game I never heard or saw this musics great~!
  19. gotta love these peaceful songs....I rate it a 9.99999/10, its missing that .00000001 somewhere due to too much greatness in this song...dl this now! or you need to get checked up or something
  20. wow....a soothing music in times of bad times....dl this ASAP!
  21. its ok...just not much comment...you can dl it or not...ur choice
  22. ....DL THIS NOW! HOLY SWEET SONG! I GIVE IT A DAMN fuggin 50/10! its so freakin good! wtf!
  23. I think it turned out to be okay....
  24. james bond! Awesome song and nice way of mixing although...its a bit too...well...anywho I give it a 7/10
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