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Broadcast Bowsette

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Everything posted by Broadcast Bowsette

  1. Idler Mantis Rip-off Raptor Weaksauce McWhalen Mono Monkey Schalasaur
  2. You're awful bitter for no reason Meteo. Anyway, sorry that it ended coop!
  3. *cheers* That's all I ask for sweetie *winks*

  4. <3 <3 Hope you're still kickin' next year too Coops. XD
  5. Happy Bday to a fellow OCR member who has made this place that little bit brighter with his mannerisms and his amazing sigs. <3 <3 4evah.

  7. Sounds a bit familiar. Just glad to hear you're still kicking in general darlin'.

  8. Mmm, good to be missed darlin'. I've been around. Just not chatting or posting much lately. Unemployment tends to change that though, nevermind the fact that I lost all my music when my external HD blew up and I had no space for backups. Learning experience ya? How about you?

  9. Just dropping in to say

  10. Never realized I double posted sorta here.

  11. Bwahahaha, that's post counts and titles that go with them, good sirrah.

  12. Nifflas has done an extraordinary amount of somewhat small but great puzzle games where you play odd things like tiny defenseless people or bouncing balls to get to the end of the game and save your kid/the world/some cheese or whatever other crazy thing the game's come up with. One of his shorter games, Pterandon, even syncs up enemies and shots fired by them with the music of the game... unfortunately, it's only one song long. Anyway, great games aside, what really makes a lot of his games awesome is they have absolutely fantastic, enjoyable music. ; http://nifflas.ni2.se/ Check him out. Most of the music you can find in the folders after downloading the games... in particular Bugi-nait, The Good Melody, Washed Away, and Some Boss Tune from the MOD archive games is pretty tight, Heaven's Arpeggio 1 and 2 from A Strange Dream, Under and Above, Moon, First Impression, Diamond Meditation, and In a dark tunnel from Within a Deep Forest, pretty much lists my faves, but in all honesty, just about all of the tunes from his games could use some love.
  13. ..Hard mode makes me feel like such a scrub. =/
  14. *weeps* Why are there no remixes of this track? I very much likes it and would love it if someone would take a swing at playing with this already badass song. Not to mention Ristar in general could use a bit more love no? <3 http://ocremix.org/chip/2335 <--- For your sourcez.
  15. Maybe you need to lighten up and get with the tunes brothah. Load up some of those jazz beats.
  16. Hey Level99, came looking on IRC for ya and didn't see ya there, just wanted to let ya know the Skies Hold No Angels for Us made me uber happy and I love it.

  17. Nada much, what's up witchu? XD

  18. I show up every once in a blue moon.

  19. I LOVE this game. In fact, anyone who doesn't love this game is a terrorist.
  20. Ahoy there yon pony Peach

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