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Broadcast Bowsette

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Everything posted by Broadcast Bowsette

  1. ...Unfortunately I don't know Black Mage much, but I didn't want to leave anyone out! So happy surviving another year and still whooping ass you three! <3 <3 <3
  2. Holy cow it's been a year already :o

  3. A great big grats to you for still being alive AND still being awesome! <3
  4. Awesome game. I remember I tried to rush through a little too fast the first time and the game is frustratingly hard if not impossible if you're underleveled too, didn't expect it to be an entirely competent RPG. XD
  5. I haz lubs for you! Happy bday! <3 <3
  6. Belatedly thank ya Gario. Much

  7. True true. Good luck!

  8. You gotta keep practicing at it! It's rough but you really do get better the more ya try.

  9. People can't ask me about this game, I literally gush like a Nintendo whore. ;_;
  10. Aaaah see, I didn't look up any further info on the game or comments when I first played. The simple fact that she asks clued me in there were probably more options, but I wanted to see all the guns anyway, so I machine gunned my way to the first clear.

  11. Hehe, yeah, I totally messed that part up my first run through. Got the wrong jetpack and everything.

  12. I was so sad the first time I played through and I didn't know about all of that. ;_;

  13. How ya do Timber dahlin'?

  14. Ah, but you use a lot of stars as you go, too, like, to fly around, or to user certain abilities on certain places/creatures.
  15. Yes ma'am. Yes Ocre does. Edit: By the way guy with first four letters of a certain abbreviation for a certain website for a name, if you're reading this, I just want you to know that Mario and Luigi are brothers. Also they like mushrooms. BTW you use all kinds of stars in this game. /spoiling.
  16. Overflow some people we know might consider a teensy bit of what you've said 'spoiler' believe it or not, you might want to hide some of the specifics. *grins*
  17. The pleasure is mine, crazy Warcraft 2 Goblin guy.

  18. This may be a really bold statement, but even with the parts that piss me off and kick my ass, this is probably the most I've enjoyed Mario since SMB3. Yoshi's Island might be up that high too though. So good to have lil' green back. ;_; Edit: ...I played until I was trembling from lack of food yesterday and then still delayed pausing to make some for another hour or so. x_x
  19. Issun was so cool by the end of the game though. ...Toad your mind, it baffles me.
  20. *boggles* I'm loving it so far. Seems to combine the elements of New Super Mario Bros with Galaxy quite well. It's a bit 'different' staging wise though, I think I might actually miss the observatory (and I will cry if Rosalina doesn't show up.). To each their own though.
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