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The Vodoú Queen

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    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Souperion in MnP 122: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - Candy Constellation   
    It's a small show, but a good one. Vote in. Now I crave sugary goodness.
  2. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC422 - Ruining This Game (Undertale)   
    Ok so here's my detailed feedback, to make up for my rushed mess earlier. It also gives me a chance to properly reflect on what i think on each track.
    Anachronium - I really like this arrangement. The originality shines here. The vocals were a lovely touch, especially in the beginning. I still think you are amazing at brass, i always dig your swells. Now what i said originally was that it takes a while to get going, and to a degree i still stand by that statement. It's very slow in developments, which to me sounds a bit boring. However unlike last time, i've altered some of my meanings behind it, as i do think the way you incorporate simplicity into the melodic touches is amazing. The main focus into why i said that, largely stemmed from a dynamic issue. For me, when listening, the lack of build-up and tension made it a little boring as a result. I didn't hate it or anything, it was mostly i needed excitement. However on a good note your melodic writing is amazing, and i love the way you've taken a simple melody and made it your own, that's my highlight for sure. Well done on this!
    Souperion - Listening to yours, i did not find the arrangement sloppy, a point that has stayed with me when revisiting this. The reason i don't find it sloppy, largely stems from how it transitions from a orchestral feel into a rock feel, lovely touch there. The whole sound is also amazing too, that synth bass is super satisfying and fitting to the music. This is also a good example of electronics blending well with the orchestra. If i had to point out a few improvements which i did not write down, is that the drums/synths to me were getting pushed down by the orchestra. Makes sense to me, since that is the style, however i felt the rock could have been amplified if the drums and synths were taken up a notch. Or maybe tone down the strings. I love your style and arrangement though. Definitely enjoyed this one a lot though. Well done!
    TheVodouQueen - What i dig about this one, as i do with all your compositions, is the sheer level of originality. I love it. Never expect this into a jazz arrangement (Even if mine leans towards that), and that to me is what i love about it. I also like how well all the melodies translate well. Personally for me, and i picked upon this when listening, but some of the sounds felt...soundfont'y to me. Not necessarily low-quality, far from it, yet at the same time it doesn't feel high-quality. What could work as well, and what i noticed, is that i got the impression at the start you were trying to amplify the lo-fi early jazz aesthetic. Again, shows how creative you are. Now i love that, but it slides off around a minute in. It's as if you've forgotten about it. I felt you could have continued it, to really hit it home (Particularly with the use of the Vinyl Crackle). It's only me though, taste is personal. The last part was amazing, i love how you stripped it down into something minimal before brining it back up, really nice touch. Overall i just love the creativity, i think you've done an awesome job on this. Well done!
    Wassup Thunder - I dig that electric bass, very fitting to the track. Feels like it shares similarities with Souperion's track, but more laid back, and not as intense with synths or guitars. I do love the drums in this one. Incredible beats, such a great arrangement, with the beats. The main issue i have with this, and it might be my ears, but the brass doesn't seem to fit right. It could be the attack, but it gives me the impression it's not timed right to the metronome, or grid. I know with classical music and stuff like that, it's supposed to be human, but even humans keep tempo. However again, it's not frequent, so it might be me. Also though, on a good note, that piano is incredible. The chords and harmony used in the piano, just works sooo well. I love how it blends with the rest. Overall this is beautifully done. Well done! 
    HarlemHeart360 - I didn't manage to finish my comment here lol. But nothing's changed here. I loved how you kept it very simple. Nothing too fancy, really amplifies how good the source is. Now listening now, i do think it's extremely bass heavy, and very loud. However at the time, i was out, and didn't have time to properly gather my thoughts, so i rushed it. But i do love the unique ideas here, the vocals were a really good touch. The simplicity is really why i like your arrangement a lot The others did great arrangements, with amazing ideas, but with tracks like this, great ideas start small. Like i said though, sadly it's very bass heavy, and to a definitely short. It feels like it could be expanded on. But it is a great start, with a lot of amazing potential. Really nice job on this though. Well done!
    That's all of them, that felt good, lol.
  3. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in MnP 122: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - Candy Constellation   
    In fact what i'm gonna do, is from now on, the round will be as normal, but there will be an additional 2 day gap for later comers. So it might say closed, but you can still submit (It's sorta like a, late arrivals type of extension, than a normal one.). This gives people who arrived late a chance to still enter. Also i've added an additional 2 days to voting, because of the extension. 
  4. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in MnP 122: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - Candy Constellation   
    Also i'm giving 2 days extra, since there is only 2 entrants (Actually 1 entrant, and 1 bonus entrant.)
    I know it said it ended 8 minutes ago, but that's because i added a sort of late arrivals kind of extension.
    My entrant is out by the ways. (I didn't open it up for this reason. I'm literally giving 2 days for anyone to enter. After that, we vote.)
  5. Thanks
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in MnP 122: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - Candy Constellation   
    Welcome to the Voting Stage!
    There are 3 entries this round. There is 1 Bonus entry(s) this round There IS a voter bonus this round! Souperion have a vote worth 2x.  When Voting, if possible, avoid granting 1:1 covers top spot.  MnP requires a bit of remixage after all.   Don't vote for Bonus entries please.  Do let me know if you have problems voting, and we can sort something out. Try and not make any comments about each entrant until after voting has concluded. Thanks! Participants may not vote for themselves.   Vote ends March 12th 1Pm.  
    Vote here: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP122 
  6. Sad
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Wassup Thunder in MnP 122: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - Candy Constellation   
    I tried to rush something to fit into the late entry window, but couldn't make it in time XD. Next round I'll make more time for it.
  7. Thanks
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in MnP 122: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - Candy Constellation   
    If i'm not mistake your British right? Because the time zone is adjusted based on where your from.
    So if your from the UK you would use BST, or Greenwich Mean Time.
    If your American you would use EST time.
    If your from Russia it would be MST
    And so on. Always check your time zone to see it matches.
    I believe 1pm is for American peeps.
  8. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC423 - Time To Bomb Again (Bomberman Hero)   
    It's definitely good for electronic styled music. 
    If someone orchestrates it, then you are quite talented, because it might be hard to do...
  9. Haha
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to anachromium in PRC423 - Time To Bomb Again (Bomberman Hero)   
    Found that today by chance. He pulled it off quite well for playing every instrument by himself.
    Bad thing only... I wanted to do something along those lines myself 
  10. Haha
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC423 - Time To Bomb Again (Bomberman Hero)   
    Great brass band arrangement. Now i'm wondering who will incorporate strings to the party....
  11. Haha
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Wassup Thunder in PRC422 - Ruining This Game (Undertale)   
    When I first tried reading the votes after the contest, there were HTML tags dripping all over the paragraphs. I'm glad to see that's sorted itself out, now I can read peep's feedback!
  12. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to H36T in PRC422 - Ruining This Game (Undertale)   
    Sorry I didn't give feedback! I saw a section for comments but I was worried the comments would somehow show up in public if I made any in the box when I voted. But now I see they only show after the voting period is ended. I'll give my comments here soon and in the future I'll do them where they are supposed to be!
  13. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC422 - Ruining This Game (Undertale)   
    I rushed it that's why. I was out at the time, and i wanted people to be at least aware of my basic thoughts.
  14. Like
    The Vodoú Queen got a reaction from Wassup Thunder in MnP 122: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - Candy Constellation   
    Mine's in.
    I really like Kirby stuff.
    Didn't want to miss this opportunity. ♡
    BTW it said there was like 9 hrs left to submit a song. I think the deadline was accidentally set to 10 or 11pm instead of 1pm today (unless 10pm was the intended due time). XD
  15. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to anachromium in PRC422 - Ruining This Game (Undertale)   
    Thank you so much! 
    Don't worry too much! There is some truth in early impression feedback that gets lost, when listening twice or thinking more analytically about a track. But that's so important too, because after all that's how people decide whether they like our music or not - on first glance and very often without a second listen.
  16. Haha
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC422 - Ruining This Game (Undertale)   
    Congrats dude, well deserved win!
  17. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC422 - Ruining This Game (Undertale)   
    I had no problems voting. 
    Well...apart from the fact i last minute'd, so i could only get quick thoughts in.
    If i have to be honest, i was terrible at giving feedback, i needed to really gather my thoughts.
    So I'll do it here, hold on.
  18. Like
    The Vodoú Queen got a reaction from TheVideoGamer in PRC422 - Ruining This Game (Undertale)   
    Congrats @anachromium.
    And GJ to everyone else.
  19. Like
    The Vodoú Queen got a reaction from TheVideoGamer in MnP 122: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - Candy Constellation   
    Mine's in.
    I really like Kirby stuff.
    Didn't want to miss this opportunity. ♡
    BTW it said there was like 9 hrs left to submit a song. I think the deadline was accidentally set to 10 or 11pm instead of 1pm today (unless 10pm was the intended due time). XD
  20. Sad
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Wassup Thunder in MnP 122: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - Candy Constellation   
    I'm not gonna make it for this one, personal projects and work have come up. Sorry to miss out on this, but I'll be back to hear what the contestants whip up.
  21. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Souperion in MnP 122: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - Candy Constellation   
    Well, we got a bonus entry at least.
  22. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Wassup Thunder in PRC423 - Time To Bomb Again (Bomberman Hero)   
    I gotta try and get something together for this round, I'd like to experiment with this music style.
  23. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to H36T in PRC423 - Time To Bomb Again (Bomberman Hero)   
    I just wanna make it to the finish line properly this time haha.
  24. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Bundeslang in PRC422 - Ruining This Game (Undertale)   
    It's results time.
    Wassup Thunder did a bonus mix
    HarlemHeat360 collected 7 points and gets the last place wooden spoon.
    TheVideoGamer has 9 points and gets fourth place.
    TheVodouQueen gathered 14 points and gets third place.
    Souperion has 17 points, worth a second place.
    And the winner of PRC422 is Anachromium with 22 points.
    Anachromium you are the winner. You may pick a source for PRC424. Send the source to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Send your source as fast as you can, but before next Wednesday (10 March 2021), 11:00 AM ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT).
    You may select any source from any game, but not a source with an OverClocked remix or a source which has been used in PRC before. An overview of the past PRC's can be found in the following links (I recently updated this site):
    http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above).
    Hopefully I didn't make any miscalculation because I was in a rush. The winner is correct for sure, hopefully the votes are readable because I see a lot of <p> and stuff like that.
    http://compo.thasauce.net/votes/index/PRC422 for the votes and comments.
    PRC423 already started: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC423
  25. Thanks
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to anachromium in PRC422 - Ruining This Game (Undertale)   
    Wow, thank you so much everyone! This one makes me really happy and I'm glad you all could enjoy the track! 
    (And as more people asked in the comments: no french horn, everything you hear from brass is trombone. Alto trombone for the recitative in the beginning and + first quiet organ-verse and tenor trombone for the accompaniment and the solo at the ending.)
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