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Everything posted by Protricity

  1. Pretty creative stuff, but those pads never really go away. They become very grating. Too much phasing Simple drums never change save for the same old hat fills now and again. The whole section from that.. valley or whatever song in the second half is on the wrong key. Though its not technically wrong, it sounds very very bad to me. NO Work on some more variation rather than constant pads and simple repeating progression.
  2. That kick is so ugly. Chill remix. Very very nice improv goin on. That kick is so annoying though. Its good stuff, but I cant abide some annoying element following through the entire song. It pretty much ruins it for me. Needs a better ending. Get a better kick sample and resubmit, plz NO
  3. This song is cool, but has some horrible sync issues. The guitar is way ahead of the drums. It gets worse as the song goes on. I would pass this song if the sync issues were fixed, but as is: NO
  4. Minimal eh? Lets see.. Progressive intro with bad drums and poor chords. Mmm, drumloops now. You'll have to work on your skill with chords and arrangements for this one. Dont rely so much on synth presets and drumloops. Make it your own. NO
  5. Just a note on this song, even though it is indeed accepted already. I listened to the spc recently and concluded that at least more than half the song is exact with the spc, and I mean exact. SPC: Maybe it will change a vote. Maybe not. Either way, I thought I'd mention it.
  6. Now that I heard what appears to be the original, I must say that my vote has... not changed at all. Solid.
  7. Excellent quality. Excellent skill. Great job. This is what OCR is all about. Heard this one way back and was impressed. Still am. Hope to hear more from weed and ubik.
  8. Ack, what a horribly annoying intro. Just..... not cool .. Where's the drums and bass? What's going on? I'm way confused. Ok, try for some drums or something. Maybe some real arrangement. NO OVERRIDE
  9. Good to hear that the NO didn't down your spirits. We really hope no one gets turned off by the judging process. Its for everyone's good in the end. Rustic ambience? yep. I can see this fiting into a game like halo. Still, I'm wondering what the original sounded like. It builds and fades. Well done. Sample quality is in the lows. Could be better mastered. Really holds me. I could loop it all day while playin halo. Borderline YES from me for good orchestral skill. Work on mastering.
  10. THE DUCKS HAVE TAKEN OVER. ITS ALL UP FOR HUMANITY AT THIS POINT. I imagine a lo tempo dance room full of poping baloons and ducks all over the floor. And a bunch of people are stepping on the ducks. ..ok well, I really dont have any other way to explain whats going on here. It could use better instrument choice for the entire beginning and middle. Song only gets good in th e last minute or so. I'd like to have seen more of that going on. One suggestion would be to try working with some of the modern gems of technology - reverb, delay, mastering etc. NO
  11. Indeed, cool spooky ideas. Pitchbend sines got annoying. Could have been better. The piano is really bland. Ack, those annoying sines are back 4th note on the sine progression should go down a full step. Song didn't build up into much. Just kinda went away real fast. Ack, those sines are back at 2:19. They're chasing me around. Interesting ideas. Pretty spooky, but needs more in the way of musical ability. Change it up a bit more. NO
  12. The :20 intro was cool. Thats the best part of the remix. If only the rest of the song could be that cool, alas. As vig stated, this song simplified the chord structure from the original. As the song progressed, everything got excessively simplistic and odd. Good ideas, but work on that sound quality, arrangement, innovation. NO
  13. Hmm, that horrible off key bass REALLY turns me off right from the start. How could you possibly recover now? Hmm, not much arrangement goin on. This is pretty much a piano rendition of the original. Ah, lots more arrangement later on. Second half is better. Perhaps I would reconsider if that horribly off key bass was removed at the beginning. NO
  14. Danny Elfmanish! Pretty much carried by sample quality, but lets see where it goes. The guitar doesn't sound that good. Hmm, Haha, wish I had these drums. Impressive percusive work. Very nice. Bwahaha, good ambience. I like. Everything but that guitar is good. YES
  15. Indeed the recording could be improved. But what about accompany? The flute is all by itself. How about some ambient strings; that would rock. Maybe a bass line? Anything, at least. NO
  16. Probably would be fine if it was played live by a big that had any skill. Watch the attack on that tuba. Needs to have greater attack. Its too slow in the comming. This song sounds horribly fake. Improve your sample quality perhaps. Very nice arrangement. Really like it. Unfortunately, technicalities kill this one. NO
  17. Though theres no limit, the length is still considered in a final decision. Cool, but not nearly as cool as the original, which it pretty much mimics. Work on arrangement. Make a cool song out of it, not just an intro. NO
  18. Fluid, fake sounding, short lived piano piece here. Lots of weak chords around the 1:12 area. Some real .. ugly chords to follow. Sorry, just practice at it. Needs improvement on arrangement, sound quality, chords. NO
  19. I'm pretty borderline as well. Theres a good mix of funk and originality here. Drums don't bother me at all. They fit nicely. Off note at 3:59? I wont push that. Pretty funky. Not entirely carried by sfx; the Sfx were used well. Bordline YES
  20. Some clipping issues. Some EQ issues. The rest of the song is nice. Variation where it counts. Good arrangement. I like the guitar/strings/drumset/bass combo. Overall seems empty. Its lacking the meat, so to speak. NO for now, but I"ll come back to it.
  21. Gotta watch the release on those chims. They are way too long causing them all to blend in the fast sequences into a mess of sound. The song started and stopped.. hmm. Could have done without that. I must say that one part of whats killing this song is how bad the original is. Percussion is rather lo fi. Could have used some EQing. Song is decent. Fix all the problems, work on variation, mastering, and general sound quality. NO
  22. Whoa.. lo fi. Unfortunately this song has some major issues: The guitar harmony does not fit the key very well in several parts. The percussion is horribly low fi. Guitars are poorly recorded, played ok, not great. In the end this song really does sound 'thrown together'. Work on your theory a bit better like with the notation at 2:26. Get a better recording. Get higher quality drums. Then resubmit NO EDIT: I'm considering changing my vote to a yes cause the artist is named 'Ari'.
  23. Man...... Theres this hella annoying vocal sample that plays through the WHOLE SONG NON STOP A great deal of vocal samples, sound effects, and spliced clips. Very weak percussion. Great deal of repeating. Little attention to key with the orchistra clips. I can feel the talent here, but its poorly focused on the wrong elements of the song. Way too underdeveloped, but above all else, its very annoying. NO
  24. This is very nice stuffs. One problem I'm having; the kick is delayed. YES! Its slightly behind the rest. GRRRRR ITS SOOOOO ANNOYING. I doubt many others would notice, but it annoys me. Anyway, this is some well orchistrated shiznit here. Good job with a song that ain't so great. YES
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