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Everything posted by Protricity

  1. This is pretty cool. Lots of originality. Creative mastering. Good synth programmings. Singing could be better. Lyrics could actually rhyme. Song could use more bass. Still, these are minor issues with the song, and over all there is a great deal of movement and change ups. Cool YES
  2. OOHHHHHHHHHHHHH YES This song won IMC10 and kicked star and I to 3rd place. And with good cause! YES Masterful and creative.
  3. I heard this long ago and had issues with it. The guitar is out of sync with the drums. There is also significant mastering issues. The lead guitars are way too hollow. They are mastered with too much high and nearly no mid frequencies. Biggest issue is the sync. The concept is real cool as is the skill, but the mastering and arrangement just isnt. NO
  4. Really like how it starts. Moody, wavy. Well produced sax and clarinet. Piano as well. I really really like the middle section. I wouldn't call this minimalistic. There is a lot going on for the most part in every section of the song. Missing percussion, but percussion would lose the feel. Indeed this is a good mix of original and originality so to speak. YES
  5. This, just like Jared's track is far too original and relying quite heavily on the in game vocals. Thing is, that song never went through the panel to my knowledge. I wouldn't pass either of them based on this. You need to do a bit more than original accompany and rain sound effects. Work it into more of a remix rather than an original and resubmit. Sounded very nice. NO
  6. ok, lets move on.
  7. That would be rather counter productive
  8. The original is Magic of Scheherazade (Track 21/31) on the nsf 'magic.nsf' http://www.zophar.net/nsf/magic.zip Main thing that bothers me about this piece is not that the first 17 seconds is exact with the original, but that everything following and between the original choruses’s is very original material. Its one thing to make a piece your own with considerable originality, but complete originality is something different altogether. Second thing is the length. With 3 repeats it is still only 2 minutes and 35 seconds long. I've had this problem with a portion of submissions on ocr; a song being under 3 minutes really needs to come with a good reason to be that short. Usually the genre provides all the reason required - Heavy metal typically is not very long lest it begins to get annoying etc etc. Baroque style orchestra, however, is a genre that is built upon length and variation. This song has the variation where it counts, and in some places where it does not, but as for length, there is really no good reason this song isn't say.. 6 minutes long. It kinda just begins repeats and ends. Third thing is the production quality. It sounds very much like a fake orchestra. Ordinarily the quality of Russell in the past has shown some rather realistic mastering. The release and sustain of the strings is not considered too closely as the strings tend to meld into each other on the fast sections. The best example of this is right at 9 seconds left where the strings become excessively ugly. Less release probably could have helped this, but such a move really requires a different string sample. These sounded like sustain strings to me and just cant pull something like that off. Another issue would be the viola at 1:09. Its attack is simply too low to make a move like that sound good. Orchestra songs have as much relevance and requirement in the mastering process as any other genre. Please make this longer, perhaps twice as long, look into mastering and sample set a bit, and resubmit. NO
  9. Alright, now that thats cleared up, this gets a YES Fun synthage, though the drums dont change much. I would prefer more change ups. Seems to repeat alot. Nothing to trash it for though.
  10. I didn't make the music credited to me either, but to try to cover up my own misdeeds I'll vote NO
  11. Very quiet. Need to hear the original. Hm.. can't find any spcs for this.. ugh... Will get back..
  12. Hmm, off key chimes starting it off. Very underdeveloped at :50 and up. Quite unfinished. 1:28 is way too short. NO
  13. Lots of clipping straight off the bat. This song loses its feel with lack of reverb. Other than that, very repetitive and completely lacking in arrangement. NO
  14. Bubbleman melody indeed does not play well along with the chords chosen. Starting at around 1:50, many of the chords are completely off. Fix the chords and resubmit. NO
  15. Very repetitive. Layered arrangement. Nothing changes. No beat variation, melody variation. At one point, the beat goes away.. and then comes back in layers. Lets try for more... NO
  16. Theres no bass playing in this song. Its dying for some base. Lots of repeating going on here... More or less this song follows the original adding in some original segments that do not appear to fit at all. Definately needs a bassline and some mastering. Interesting stuff. NO
  17. This mix is quite flooded. The strings, lead, and background guitar notes, along with the reverb upon them create this flood of sound that really hurts this song. This song needs to have more concentration on audio quality. Release on the instruments need to be held back a bit as well. Indeed there is a bad chord at 1:00 and it extends into the rest of the track. Finally, this song needs to repeat less and provide more . NO
  18. Basically, I'm not fond of this mix at all. Given, its not enough to reject a song on, I'm still quite borderline. There are other issues I'm taking into consideration; There is some really poor gritty EQing on the synths and strings. This song lacks all the high frequency. There is also a lot of repeating. The thing, however, that bothers me the most is how this song destroys the original's cool chord structure. It plays the oriignal melody over with variation, yes, but its simply nowhere near as good as the original was in production and sound quality. Its quite simply a textbook trance mix without much originality. I cannot reject it based on the fact that I don't like it, but I can reject it based on the poor mastering and overreliance on synth presets. NO Original: http://www.zophar.net/zsnes/spc/megaman9.rar :Coldman.spc
  19. Just like dan said, rather sloppy. It seems we have a higher standard for piano pieces these days, and as this is not live and poorly produced, it doesn't make the cut. Good try. NO
  20. You can't That, or rewire to cubase or any other valid Rewire supported controller that supports tempo automation. I do it all the time. However, there is a bug in reason: if you change tempo while using a delay mod, the delay mod goes into pitch bending spasms and screws your song up. Either dont use delay at all, deal with the pitchbends, or avoid the use of delay during tempo changes. Actually, it's not really a bug as such, as that's how they implemented getting the delay synced to the tempo again when the BPM is changed. The buffer for the delay is filled with data that corresponds to the unchanged tempo, and by doing that pitch bend thing it quickly clears out the buffer. Why they implemented it like that is a mystery to me; it's the only thing really that I'm aware of that would have to be changed to allow "clean" tempo automation. As the implimentation of rewire includes tempo change support deliberately, the delay's inability to perform well is an unintended and detrimental aspect of the reason system. By the accepted definition, this is a bug. It could have easily been fixed. However, to fix the bug would mean to change the system. Changing how the system sounds would be very inappropriate. People have completed songs in reason and would not want them sounding any different (or even being byte-wise different) in the downmix. I know I wouldn't. Thus, they wont change it. Its just unfortunate as it bugs the hell out of me.
  21. You can't That, or rewire to cubase or any other valid Rewire supported controller that supports tempo automation. I do it all the time. However, there is a bug in reason: if you change tempo while using a delay mod, the delay mod goes into pitch bending spasms and screws your song up. Either dont use delay at all, deal with the pitchbends, or avoid the use of delay during tempo changes.
  22. With an overabundance of terra mixes on the site, new terra mixes, in my opinion, must show something new, offer something over the others. This song offers nothing new, and along with the poor sound quality (reverb over everything?) adds up to NO Sorry bud, keep at it.
  23. So yea, like the author said, note for note with the original. Really not much else to say here. Sorry, we have standards. NO OVERRIDE
  24. I bet dave $5 that this would be a note-for-note spc rip. I was right. NO
  25. This is off key note for note with the original. NO OVERRIDE
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