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Everything posted by Protricity

  1. Pros: Nice movement Cons: too short Noteoff ending no variation on the melody or beat It would have been nice if it had just been longer ~4+ minutes and had more varaiety. NO
  2. Stop using Mp3.com Seriously. Stop it.
  3. I see no problem with the sample quality. But I do see a problem in following the song note for note and not doing as well as the original did. Pros: Ok feel Cons: Way to repetitive Nothing happens Way too simplistic Use of chirps as secondary lead at 3:55 really hit me the wrong way. NO
  4. Pros: Very nice work on the drums. VERY nice. A few nice effects. Cons: Cut off ending Killed the feel of the original Thought it was very nicely put together. YES
  5. Ugh, I hate it when whole songs are carried by a single Continuous Drumloop. Other than that, this song sounds great! NO
  6. added by rob the bastard king
  7. That flange is pretty bad, I would never see justification in using flange over the melody. Vibrato kinda eaks me out. The drums seem weak. I like the varation on the melody, but the use of flange and vibrato guitar ruined it for me NO
  8. This beat is interesting, but A. theres too many vocal hits that mess with my mind B. almost no melody, ALMOST, I hear the square. C. Repetitive Maybe it would pass as a good percussionist song, but to me, it just sounds like a continuous beat. Sorry NO
  9. So, is this LOTR sound track or Zelda? It sounds nice, but its too simple, too easy going, and ultimately too uninteresting. I would like to see more happen with remixes that have been done 100 times. NO
  10. Cant get the file. Anyone wanna help out? Review pending Pros: Nice reexpression of these classic themes. Cons: It sounds like 2 different songs stuck together The composition sounds weak and hollow. Im really not sure about this mix. Although I dont much care for it, I am also very tired. I'll let it sit in my mind for a while, listen to it a few more times, etc. Review later Review NOW The composition really lacks, Im gonna have to go with a NO
  11. I like how it is done, but it sounds all muffled and its rather short. I would recommend maybe lengthening it and doign some E&Q. Till then, NO
  12. Pros: Nice Mood, I like how it was arranged. Cons: Very simple, repetitive. Uh... hmm, it cut off. Now the server is down... oh well, I wont hear the ending I guess. I am borderline on it. But I think the 'feel' puts it over the border, so YES
  13. This is bearly a song. Doesnt qualify for the above reasons, along with a few more I cant think of atm. NO
  14. Whats a .mid file sample, rob? anyway, I REALLY HATE mp3.com links blah blah blah etc etc anyway, Pros: Like the effects used. Cons: Drumloops, but lets see if it carrys the song. Looks like he has his own beat there, and the drumloops just help it. This is note for note from the original. Repetitive. Ew on the later effect! Ugh, The resonance just killed my brain. Now Im dead!!! My last breath escapes with a certain, but faltering ..... NO ... and prot is gone.....
  15. I would reject this outright. People need to learn HOW to submit. If you do this on your Tax Return, IRS isnt gonna hold your hand, ya know? NO until proven innocent Too Short, Too boring. This song has been done quite a few times, (with real orchestra, whats more) and I suggest more thought and creativity be put in it would it be OC worthy. NO
  16. Pro: It started out nice. Con: I really dont like where it goes later on. I have some problems with some of the chords done. A few mistakes during the recording kinda EAK me. Sorry, NO -Pro
  17. A. I hate having to register with mp3.com every time Someone has a song on there. (I do this from school, so yea, no cookies. And Im damn hungry, whats more) B. I hate having to look through someone's site to find a song. PLEASE, direct links in the future. There are SO many ways to do this, just ask one of the judges/ops in #oc, for example alright, Pros: um................................................ wasup. Cons: Drumloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop A lot could have been done with this song, but that is not the case, so NO
  18. heh, I had the Gold cartrage! uh wait... was there one out that wasnt gold? Ahck. who cares. anyway, Pros: NICE drums. Like the horns. You definately have a good understanding of the melody here. Cons: The chorus seems muffled, covering everything up. Also, there seems to be some weird high frequency instruments kinda out of place. I'd like you to meet my friend, Mr. Stereo ^^. This gets a YES from me for its inspired and creative nature. Good job, Quinn, hope to hear more from you in the future, complete with STEREO!!!!!! :D -Pro
  19. HMM, I guess I shouldnt review this cause like, this is one of my most favorite songs in the world and uh... yea, etc But I will!! BWAHAHAHAHA Pros: I like the drums! Very nice. Cons: Background doesnt follow Lead at all. Lead isnt timed right, it seems off from the progression. The intro piano sounds weak and ugly (maybe from compression) Some of the piano seems out of place later on. The lead flute has these odd moments where it goes into the right speaker and disappears. It sounds rather odd. Ending could be better. Drums dont vary at all. I believe I stayed as unbiased as possible about this. I really think there are way too many things wrong with it to pass... OH, I forgot to mention the song is way too short. Ok thats about it. NO -Pro
  20. ABSOLUTELY NOT THIS SONG IS A DIRECT RIP OFF OF A GREAT TECHNO SONG MADE BY AMSTROCITY. NOT ONLY IS THIS A DIRECT RIP OFF, BUT THE NEW SAMPLES DESTROYED THE SONG, I mean, REALLY, destroyed the song. This submission really makes me sad. NONONONONONONONONONONONONO -Pro PS. I must strongly suggest this song get NO YES votes because it is a rip off. PSS. I suppose I must display proof. Well, aside from the fact that I was blaring out Amstrocity remixes for the past week, trying to spread his long forgotten glory (^^), many to whom I sent this song along with some 83 others can back me up. Secondly, here it is in its original form, (A very kick ass mix, btw, until it had to be destroyed) www.public.asu.edu/~arasulin/lbat7.s3m
  21. Kentaro adun, young templar. No wait, thats not right... anyway, so Pros: Nice intro organ! The song has potential, but the potential is not fulfilled. It seems like this song could be so much more. I like the drum break down in the ending. Cons: Crappy guitar and strings. Now, though I am rather accepting of crappy samples, it is only the case when I see them put to good use. I really dont like the 'strumming' of that lower guitar, Its muffled and doesnt help the song. The song is continuous and doesnt really change much, it seems to repeat a bit, thought I could be wrong about that. Nevertheless, it has the 'guise' of a repetitive song. That is, it really doesnt go anywhere, or vary, it just... keeps going. Way too short; please make songs longer in the future^^ NO -Pro
  22. Pros: Like the use of fade in effects and Stereoization. Cons: Whoa, answer the phone, its your neighbor tellin you to CUT THAT DAMN NOISE OUT NEXT DOOR!! j/k Heh, Im gonna loop this for a while while I do my lab report, I'll finish the review in a bit Alright, Im back and I really like the creativity put into this song. The recording quality is pretty bad, to say the least. But the use of stereo channeling of the guitar and the effects really helped the play. When the cellphone came in, I laughed. I thought, wow that sounds sucky, but its so cool!!. I must ask, did you program that your self? or did you download it off the net? The question is now, even though this is pretty cool, is it OC worthy? I must say this goes way beyond a typical guitar recording for one reason: The use of effects, (cool edit? acid?) to enchance the guitar and ofcourse, that ROCKIN Cellphone. This song exhibits some decent guitaring skills, not really the bright point of the mix, but also, it exhibits some REAL creativity. It makes me smile to listen to. I never played the game, but I like it. It gets a YES -Pro
  23. ah, Exactly! Its what Im pushin to stop around here. Unfortunately no one really seems to have any interest in rejecting those 10 minute midi/drumloop rips as long as they 'sound nice' so whatever. ANYWAY, downloadign at 1kbps..... too slow, gonna finish and review later back, Pro: Love the lead flutes! Great feel. Love that background ... uh... harp? whatever it is. Cons: That low chanting doesnt ever stop. Im jewish. er, j/k It repeats, not much happens. weak ending. I am sorry to fail this song, but it just repeats. It really should try to expand and do something interesting. NO -Pro btw, please dont leave http://www.mp3.com/ in the tag. If its possible, change it to http://remix.overclocked.com/ -Pro
  24. Excellent. Great way to use whatcha got. Love it. YES
  25. Too short, Nothing really happening. Lets get those over 3 minutes and expand on the melody a bit, eh? EDIT: and uh............. NO
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