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Everything posted by Protricity

  1. Exactly what Malcos said. Furthermore, it sounds pretty much the same as the original, only, .... not as well done NO
  2. I USED TO LIKE THAT SONG! THANKS ALOT But seriously. Its not much of a remix. The only original part is the drums apparently, and that isnt saying alot. See the above decisions, I need some drugs, been up for 36 hours, wtf am I talking about NO
  3. YES I'm not too into these kinds of songs because they are usually overly simplistic. However, I can recognize talent when I see it. I like the style. It would be fun to play this at a party or to just listen to at home. Interesting take on the original.
  4. Pros: Cons: Cymbols are too loud. tooo much repeatinginginginginging. I've heard this song before. This mix sounds like it really lessened the melody and simplified it. The crash is SO annoying now. The lead synth sounds very out of tune. The detunage is taken to an extreme. This kinda detuning works as an effect, but not as a lead. Work on arrangement and cut the cymbol down NO
  5. This mix made my day. I love every aspect. I see absolutely nothing wrong with this mix from beginning to end. So NICE I was so afraid it would start to suck after a while. but no YES
  6. This music completely lacks in all forms of melodic quality. The beat is VERY well done, but its not enough as it stands. NO
  7. Very well met! Very well played. I rather enjoyed this one. Good addition to OC. LOVE the improv stuff YES
  8. The song is rather simple, but it has a great feel to it. I'll give this a YES unless the original is the same or whatever, (YA KNOW, all the usual.)
  9. Sometimes you can define an artist's style because he or she does things in a unique manner. I can always tell a Star song cause he does things I never heard or ever will hear in other songs. This song lacked neither in quality nor arrangement. Love to see this kinda stuff.
  10. Pros: Good use of drums and a working bass. I like the arrangement quality of this mix. Cons: SIGH....... PLEASE SCREEN THESE SONGS IF YOU AREn'T SURE ABOUT NOTES BEING OFF, SOME OF US WILL BE HAPPY TO HELP YOU WITH THAT. YES Work on song length, off notes. and perhaps a more interesting 'improv' section.
  11. OK. That was a GREAT intro. Everything worked real well. It presented good song elements that I dont see all too frequently BUT It ends at 2 minutes when it should START. It hsould continue into a full range song and not just develop. Please resubmit as a longer more developed song. NO
  12. I would say that the beat was good, but then I realized that its just a long strings of random drumloops. This song is lacking in the areas of melody and lead strength. I like the arangement ability, but the lack of an established melody kills it for me. I LOVE that zipper sound! That works soo well. Please try not to rely too heavily on drumloops in the future. NO
  13. Pros: One thing I can say good about this mix is the interesting take on the beat. I like the congo and movement. Please work on arrangement quality Cons: Off Key Notes from beginning to end. High pitched tinkle songs never goes away. The piano starts getting too quiet and never takes over as lead. Eventually the piano is so quiet that I dont even recognize it as a lead. Use higher strings. NO
  14. 1:30 doesnt cut it as an oc remix in my opinion. Aside from that, too many off notes, please work on musical arrangement some more. NO
  15. I cant judge on this until I have the original. Anyone care to acomidate? EDIT: NO Way to similar to the original. It would be ok if something definite was added, but I notice very little change. Could have really built up.
  16. It sounds to me that the whole thing was off key from beginning to end. Is this intentional? I was thinking that my computer speakers were messed up (I just rebuilt my computer). I'll have to listen to it at work. Sounds completely off key from here.
  17. + So I think that clears it up and besides that the drums are like "BANG BANG IN YOUR FACE" the whole time, to an annoying degree... at least in my opinion. But anyway, hope that clears it up. The obligatory NO D = NO
  18. I remember this game! I loved the main theme. Lets see where this goes.. Synths are rather annoying so far. We are having chord problems at 1:00. This song has general confusion at 2:00. Just too much is happening and none of it fits with the rest. I am liking the ideas displayed. If this were done better, it could really rock. The melody is too undefined and flooded out by distortion and sound effects. The transitions are poorly done and not well thought out. Ugh, I don't remember this theme at all, I need to recheck it out. This song could end better. NO
  19. It seemed to be djp's call here. Also, I think we got 4 votes on something already right? yea.. Tyran or something. I guess thats the one that gets in. But yea, lets not do this again.
  20. NO There just isnt much to the song aside from an original with ugly synths and a drumloop or 5. We got some chord - key problems going as well. The sound effects didn't fit or flow at all. Nothing original done with song.
  21. I'll say NO to the Kraid piece because as piano songs go, its not well played, well arranged, or even well thought out. Its poorly done.
  22. Nice drumloop. This is one of the most repetitive, uninteresting pieces I have yet heard. I don't mean that as a put down, it really is. Please try to do something with the song. NO
  23. I thought the so-called 'off notes' were rather alloweable. They may be wrong notes against the original, but I sure don't think they were off key. The minimalistic nature of the song annoys me. Beat starts, beat stops, beat starts, beat stops. Nothing is really done with the song. Some of the instruments are out of tune - the stereo groove-synth for one. NO
  24. I find the song well done for its style, but it is just sooo boring and repetitive. I would like to see more use of actual harmony and structure rather than just beat + synth. NO
  25. Would be good if it didnt simple repeat twice. I like what was done here, but I'm gonna have to listen to the original. bbl
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