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Solid Krono

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Everything posted by Solid Krono

  1. Damn. I was kind of hoping the game would be good. Oh well, one more game I won't be getting now...
  2. I have to admit, I found that funny. Good eye sir.
  3. The very last one.
  4. So I found out something funny while fighting ganondorf at the end. I was messing around with items, and I found out that casting the fishing rod in ganondorfs face makes him look at the lure (assuming its close enough to him), which allows you some free hits on him. I don't know if this was already posted or not, but I just thought Id share.
  5. Well his ethnic heritage would be whatever Big Boss' is, being a clone of him and everything.
  6. So I found this on youtube today. Don't hate me if you've seen it already lol, but I thought it was pretty nice considering it seems to be all teengers. And I still vote for Hugh Jackman.
  7. Overall I completely agree with you. I will just point out though that there are plenty of items that don't really achieve giving one player a big advantage, which is why you have the ability to turn off individual items. I'm not trying to argue or anything, but there are just way too many people that won't even keep some of the lesser items on for fun because they "taint" the games. Kinda stupid IMO but whatever makes them happy. I just started to get really bored of the games with my friends after having items off for like... a year. We decided to turn them on and I thought "holy crap this is fun" lol.
  8. As awesome as Hugh Jackman would be, we all know who snake really has to be played by. Steven Seagal. Whos with me? But really, Hugh Jackman really is the best actor for Snake imo, as well as liquid.
  9. That blood elf chicks are lazy bitches that just use magic all the time instead of doing any physical work. Myeah. I'm sure you know real people similar to that.
  10. But the font is perfect generic comic book font. I like it.
  11. So the new BGs info has been released. Called "Eye of the Storm." It's an outland BGs (not too surprising), so its 61-70 only. At first I thought it was just AB and WSG combined, but it isn't really. Best to just look at the pics and read the discreption. Seems interesting. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/pvp/battlegrounds/eyeofthestorm/index.xml
  12. I rolled a rogue (undead) on Illidan, Solidkrono. Don't know if I'll be able to play him much with school right now but hopefully I'll get to group with some of you in the future.
  13. At first I thought you said "I can't hear the casters crying because of the silent shot" which made it kind of funny . nice move though, makes me want to lvl up my hunter again.
  14. So I guess with cross server BGs, you could trade with people on other servers during the fight? Seems rather interesting...
  15. Why is the LFG channel now a world channel? The text box gets completely filled with LFG LOL. Blizz should've at least made two channels then, one local, and one worldwide, like local defense and world defense. Ugh.
  16. So what's the info on this spellbreaker class? What would make it different then the 9 classes there are already?
  17. Don't run into my alliance chars I have on Stonemaul . But good choice, my friends who've playing shamans say they're really fun. Good luck with your quests.
  18. Those are so great
  19. I don't know, I'm actually kinda excited by the way some of the changes look. Until I get to try them out I won't really know for sure, but I think I'll like most of them.
  20. I have a question, one of my friends wants to get the 10 day free trial. I googled it and found a few sites that said it had it for download (if you subscribe to the site), but I didn't see anything about the trial on the WoW site. Could you give me some info on it?
  21. So what exactly does this hammer of wrath do? Sounds like it wont really change anything for the pally but I'd still like to know
  22. I figured the picture was changed from the Zelda 64 one because of the name "saharalahs" home coming, saharalah being from A Link to the Past, but of course, for some reason, its Link's Awakening
  23. Nice! Very good job. And we only had to wait what, 9 months for it? Anyway, it’s nice to finally see this on OCR. I like the violin you have here a lot, and I think the classic/electric thing you have going on is a perfect blend. I like your ending, the way you bring the vocals back and have the heavy (snare?) drums. I think over all, this definitely does the original song justice. Keep it up! I second Krispy. Keep sending more in
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