"This Feeling" is triumph. "This Feeling" is elation. "This Feeling" is hope. "This Feeling" is knowing that the road ahead is long while also holding the keys to the car, at last.
At the risk of tempting fate, I want to affirm this. As I've gone through listening to every ReMix in order, I've been looking at each ReMix's review thread to help me further understand the music and its legacy, especially as I come in to these tracks from beyond the well-weathering passage of time. And there, like a beacon near the bottom of page one or somewhere towards the middle of page two (or maybe significantly later where there's been drama), has been a Snivy and an insightful comment from @OceansAndrew. While I haven't always agreed with his take on a ReMix, his ability to cut through the noise of adulations, teardowns and sidetracks, and focus on the music itself has been such a help as I have traveled from #00001 to here.
OA has been like a role-model to me as, one day, I will return with a proper review in tow, once I have listened to every last ReMix (today we reached #04500, and I have such a long way to go), and I hope to be just as insightful and helpful to those who will follow where I've trod.
And now I get here to #01550 and here is the beginning of something new: OA's not just a reviewer to me, now, but a ReMixer, with dozens of ReMixes ahead to listen to as testimony of making a legacy. That beacon isn't on the page, any more. It's in my headphones.
I remember the dreams of my younger self wanting to have my name etched in the annals of the catalog. To listen to OCR is one thing. To appreciate OCR is another thing, that comes from listening. To fully understand OCR is yet another thing, that comes from appreciating it, and then taking one's quill – or mouse cursor in a DAW – to transform the ideas one has of the pieces of VGM that personally resonate, and then laying it at the feet of the judges to have it resonate with them.
OA has done this. "This Feeling" is where I want to be, too.