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Everything posted by zircon

  1. A similar camera would be $200.
  2. Yeah but Behemoth has AOE stun around him, and the line stun can separate enemy heroes/creeps, which is just devestating. I haven't played that much against Defiler, except when you play, but I agree she is pretty awesome. Where would you place her on the list?
  3. Why, or maybe the better question is how do you know all this stuff?
  4. Erm, the lens is not movable. When it's off, it is completely retracted, so your suggestion wouldn't work. It's worth noting that the shutter itself is easily movable. It's not stuck at all. It just doesn't open when the camera is turned on.
  5. Jill (pixietricks) and I submitted our music to the Just Plain Folks Music Awards, which I believe covered 2006-2008 in terms of release date. Over 550,000 songs were submitted along with 42,000 albums in a total of 96 genres. Of these, there were about 10 album nominations per category and 20 song nominations per category, so even getting nominated is a huge accomplishment, since it basically means you've done better than about 99.9% of the music submitted. The awards were judged by about 10,000 people (not a typo) and it was NOT open judging - in other words, you had to apply to be a judge, and you needed to have credentials of some sort. The judges ranged from amateur musicians to music industry legends and everything in between. Here were the results for me: * "Antigravity" nominated for Best Electronica Album, won second place * "Depth Charge" nominated for Best Techno Song, won first place * "Throwdown" nominated for Best Electronica Song, won sixth * "Gregorian Dreams" nominated for Best Ambient Song, won fifth * "Standpipe Valve" nominated for Best Techno Song And for Jill: * "Origins" nominated for Best New Age Album, won second place * "Deliverance of the Heart" nominated for Best New Age Song, won fifth * "Walking in the Air" nominated for Best Cover Song * "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" nominated for Best Trad. Holiday Song So, overall, not bad! We were very happy to hear that we got nominated, and while second place for our albums is a little bit of a letdown, we're still honored. It's free to enter these awards so literally everyone here with original music should submit next time. Just go to http://jpfolks.com/ and read up about it - when the next round is ready, they'll post.
  6. Well, I'm sure you would kick ass with anything, because you're really good at the game But come on, look at his abilities. His DOT, at BEST, heals 40 per second for 8 seconds. That just.. sucks. That's usually not even 1/4 of a life bar late in the game, and pretty much every battle I've ever seen ends in well under 8 seconds. His ulti does nothing that I can see, and so does his AOE 'curse' thing.
  7. So, after playing maybe a dozen matches, I've been thinking about how good each individual Hero is. My thoughts; God Tier - Behemoth (Everything he does stuns... literally, everything. He has an ability that multiplies his damage based on corpses AND enemy units on the screen, and one that buffs his next hit by 250%.) S - Swiftblade (Multiple methods of insane AOE damage, generally really high output), Arachna (Ranged damage, auto-snares w/ every attack, great damage output, great ulti), Madman (Sort of like Predator, but more damage output plus stealth), Magebane (Ridiculous ganking abilities, insane dmg vs. casters, very hard to kill, though no stuns) A - Predator (Constant lifedrain, rush attack that snares, built-in magic immunity, but no AOE and ulti is so-so), Pollywog Priest (tons of control abilities, great straight-up AOE nuke, ridiculous ulti, but can't sustain dmg and magic immunity screws him over) B - Accursed (Pretty awesome 1v1 melee attacker, VERY hard to kill due to amazing ulti, heal + dispels, but no AOE, no stun, needs items to ramp up damage), War Beast (Two pets makes him great vs. creeps, especially neutrals, has a passive aura and AOE 'shout' to buff, all-around solid but no stun and no escapes) C - Armadon (His AOE sucks, his ultimate sucks, he's hard to kill.. but no self-dispels, heals or magic immunity), Pharaoh (Seems OK at higher levels, w/ decent self-AOE, but weak on stuns, no method of dealing lots of dmg, ulti is not good), Chronos (Extremely hard to kill, but lacks any form of big damage or AOE) Garbage - Voodoo Priest (Can this guy do ANYTHING? His main nuke is an OK 'aoe', but his heal/DOT is garbage, his ulti is complete garbage, and one of his abilities seemingly does nothing) Feel free to add your own.. might be helpful.
  8. Jill and I have a simple digital camera (Panasonic Lumix, I believe) in the rectangular point and shoot form factor. A few months ago we dropped it and now when it turns out, the lens.. thingy.. moves out, but then it doesn't open up, and then just moves back. So, it's broken somehow, but it does seem mostly functional. We thought nothing of it at the time because we had a spare camera, but now that's broken. We bought a new camera on our honeymoon and that just got stolen, so now, we'd really just like to fix the old camera. Anyone know how or WHERE to fix something like this? Can it even be fixed? It doesn't look really damaged...
  9. Depends on what you're doing... I've been drawn to quartalism lately, which uses a lot of fourths and fifths.
  10. Fantastic game - played four matches today, having never played DotA before, and I'm already loving it. There goes my weekend
  11. First post updated with new matchups! Arek v DusK BardicKnowledge v Bahamut Shael Riley v Dyne Flare4War v Jakesnke17
  12. Wait, it's not NOH-kee-ah or noh-KEE-ah? What else could it be?!
  13. Episode #068 is now OUT! As always, just check the front page of VGDJ.net to pick up the show MP3 and read the shownotes. ENJOY!
  14. Wow, Feeding Frenzy is just Shark! Shark! with better graphics. It's not even "inspired by", it's basically the same game.
  15. Huh? The progression in bLiNd's Golbez mix is the same as the original. They're both minor. The original is Em -> F# maj/E -> Em -> F# maj/E -> Em -> F#maj -> Gmaj, etc. Pretty much just those three chords over and over. bLiNd's is identical, starting at 0:32 in his mix. Literally.. same chords, same voicing. Later in the song, ie. 0:45, he does change up the bassline, but the chords are still virtually the same.
  16. Well, I guess if you don't care about proof of your achievements... then yeah, proof of your achievements is pointless. Most people like to show off, though.
  17. Why are they dumb? They're just adding to a game's code recognition for what we were all doing anyway.
  18. He was just shooting down the theory that you would always prefer games from when you started gaming, since he started gaming early but prefers more recent ones. Frankly... I'm in the same boat in a lot of ways. Overall, most newer games are way better than old ones. Sure, Streets of Rage or TMNT were both great beat-em-ups. But compare those to The Force Unleashed or Castle Crashers. In my opinion, the latter take the fundamental "fun" of the brawler/beat-em-up genre and expand on it in ways that the early games simply couldn't.
  19. Thanks to everyone who's called in or contributed material to the show thus far! Keep the calls coming. We've been working hard on episode 068 and I think you guys will really like what you hear...
  20. Nice atmospheres at the beginning, though the clicky sine wave synth seemed to clash with the choirs and drone chord a few times. In fact, throughout the piece I heard a number of note clashes. There's dissonance, and there's stuff that just doesn't sound good (or intentional) and to me, this fit mostly into the latter category. Overall, I felt a little confused as to the direction of this piece. The first three minutes were very meandering with no clear direction and a very gradual build that didn't hold my attention at all. The changeup with the acoustic drums is completely unexpected, as is the new texture. Lots of cluttered sections after 3:00, such as 3:32. It's just a mess of random instruments. What is that pounding, pitched drum/synth? Why is it there? It doesn't add anything. So many clashes. Then, we're back to nothing at 3:56. I guess I'm closest to Vig in my opinion. This just doesn't develop. I don't think it works very well as an ambient or soundscape piece because of all the dissonance and weird instrument choices. There also seems to be a preponderance of original material. I'll take anyone's word who says there is more than 50% source here, but I wasn't actually hearing it. Way too many reasons to NO this. Some good ideas and risk-taking here James, but from my perspective it just didn't come together. NO
  21. Again, any decent VA can do that. Zebra certainly can. It's all just simple waveforms through lowpass filters with some lo-fi delay/reverb.
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