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Everything posted by zircon

  1. IMO that's way too much information if you're trying to tailor things to ReMixing or even music creation in general... the vast majority of it isn't relevant to most people here. Take it from me, as someone who has written a number of guides, it's better to focus on the most relevant areas and concepts than to try to explain everything. People tend to just glaze over it otherwise. Out of everything listed the primary topic I want to hear more about is overclocking, which isn't on the list.
  2. Well, there's some nice tron material in SS2 which I'm appreciating. So far I love ST2, which I've spent more time with. Believe it or not, despite all my expensive samples, it sucks having to wait for big VSTs like Kontakt and Omnisphere install and then big patches to load. Then when they're loaded they're usually not very inspiring and need to be finessed into a mix. Colossus was a big offender in this area, REALLY disappointing. Meanwhile, the SampleTank2 pianos, EPs and organs just kick ass right out of the box. The basses are even more playable than Trilogy!
  3. Well, when you preface your opinion with "Our song had a good sound, but" that pretty much means, in the English language, that whatever follows the word "but" is going to be superior to what was first listed.
  4. Well, for the record, don't expect to get paid anywhere near most of those values unless you're working for for big companies with big budgets. With independent developers you're very lucky to get paid more than $50 a minute at most. In fact, you're lucky to get paid at all. 95%+ of the gigs I've seen are unpaid.
  5. Funny, but you misread my posts. I didn't say my experience gives me the right to say what's good or not, at all. In fact I said we'll agree to disagree on that. I just said that I think I know how to listen to electronic music properly (it was insinuated that I didn't) because I've been producing it for years. Obviously if I were unable to listen to it, I would have not been able to find work.
  6. I guess we'll just have to disagree on what "good" even means (not a big surprise.) I just don't like the insinuation that I'm not listening to DNB properly. I know how to listen to electronic music. I've been producing it myself on a pro/commercial level for years.
  7. Here's what they said. A pretty ringing endorsement. Quit hating on Kanye. "Stronger" had great chords (quite varied from the original), strong leads, and sick beats.
  8. http://soundtempest.net/how-to-make-money-from-music-licensing/
  9. Pretentious much? I'm a big electronic music aficionado, I just think that DNB in general is a vapid genre. Almost as bad as electro house. I've done a DNB CD myself that has already been licensed and I have plenty of tracks in my collection. There are definitely standout artists... I like London Elektricity for example. My man Dieselboy is pretty awesome too (Philadelphia!) but I'd definitely put Pendulum up there as some of the best. Really, so much of DNB is just uncreative by comparison, and I'm not saying Pendulum always isn't either, but their style is polished to a mirror shine.
  10. You can, by default, receive digital over the air broadcasts with that TV. You don't NEED anything else. You will even get HD channels. However, the TV itself won't get great reception, thus you will ideally need a digital antenna as well (looks like a circular piece of plastic, just ask in radioshack.)
  11. Nah Kanye is actually pretty great at sampling. Don't hate on him. Even Daft Punk said that his sampling of HBFS was better than their original version.
  12. Prophet, actually, Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting was one of the most popular XBLA games ever. It has sold TONS of copies. That was a big motivation for remaking Super Turbo. It's probably the most well-known fighting game of all time. As flashy as Soul Calibur? No, but I guarantee you most Xbox owners know Street Fighter. Well, for one thing, Anso was not the only person not involved with the original project who ended up on the soundtrack. Capcom looked to other SF2 remixes on the site and Dave/Larry looked to remixers with a proven track record. Anso is a ridiculously great remixer who can work extremely fast. He has done things at the drop of a hat for us before (eg. the Leisure Suit Larry & Cheetahmen remixes) and his arrangement & production quality are always pro quality. He's also consistently around on the boards and IRC. With that in mind, why would we go to you over him? Where's your track record of quickly-produced, triple-A quality stuff? When have you volunteered to help us in the past? You've been rejected repeatedly and your production skills are solid, but often below our bar. You've hardly done any electronic stuff whatsoever, and certainly not in the style of the music present in HDR. This isn't a slight on you personally because we passed up hundreds of people for the same reasons. You're a great arranger and performer, and if the soundtrack had involved saxophone music in some way, I'm sure your name would have come up. But can you really say you would have been the best person for the job for THIS project?
  13. Wow, where to begin? Believe it or not, BotA was easily on par with most modern video game soundtracks. I don't know how carefully you're listening but the ReMixers here are pretty damn good. I can't tell you the amount of times I've listened to modern game OSTs and thought "wow, we could do better than that." Capcom was STRICT with quality and only wanted fitting stuff, but even that said, they took a lot of BotA as-is. If it was just something to throw the fans a bone, they wouldn't have been hardasses about it, so no, the reason it attracted them was because it was damn good.
  14. Umm... who "helped" them? How did they "reject" the scene? It's their music, they can do whatever they want. They don't owe anyone anything. If you noticed none of their influences are other DNB groups. They always make their own style. Since HYC came out there have been countless Pendulum clones which is why they decided to do something new and what THEY wanted to do instead of just releasing more of the same. C'mon, if you don't like the new style, that's fine, but your complaints are otherwise not legit. Also, I think they're probably the most talented DNB group out there overall by far. I've picked up a lot of DNB lately and it's all almost exactly the same. Pendulum makes use of some of the same sounds other artists do but they also integrate original vocals and riffs (rather than sampling EVERYTHING) and their hooks are far better than the simple Arabian scale i->iib nonsense you hear in virtually every dnb track. They deserve a ton of respect.
  15. Wow, I think I carry the most weapons here... * Assault Rifle or Chinese Assault Rifle * Combat Shotgun * Energy pistol of some kind (Plasma or Laser) * Energy rifle of some kind * Frag, plasma, pulse grenades & mines * Sniper rifle * Rock-It / Missile Launcher * 10mm pistol, sometimes * Lincoln's Repeater * Sidney's 10mm I like being able to use any ammo I pick up
  16. You're welcome! I just got my SampleTank code, so I now am the proud owner of: * 3000+ ReTank loops (3+gb in size) * SampleTank 2.5L (2.5gb+) * Sonik Synth 2 (7gb+) * Ampeg SVX Uno Remember, you get the plugins + sound libraries at IKMultimedia.com, not eSoundz, which is just for ReTank.
  17. Just wanna say, HD Remix is absolutely awesome, but it's really, REALLY hard. I can't beat Easy mode. I've tried different characters, I've continued over 15 times, but I just get owned over and over even before the last fight.
  18. OK. First of all, all the judges are well-respected. If there were any serious question about any individual's ability to do the job, we would have brought it up privately with them. BGC is an excellent judge. Let's start with that. Second, it's not uncommon for judges to post a lot in a given thread. Judging is not just posting your opinion and then letting it go. We discuss controversial mixes a LOT. Some threads have been several pages long, and this is VERY tame compared to what has gone on before. In many cases, we have changed each other's opinions, or at least clarified our own stances better, as a result of this extended discourse. There's nothing wrong with this in the least. None of us are going to get insulted if we call each other wrong. Notice the face? He was kidding around. We do it all the time. No big deal. Nothing wrong with this quote at all. He wasn't comparing TheLeviathan's mix to flatulence. He was saying that one bad section of a mix CAN bring the rest down, which is a valid point. Whether or not you believed this section was really bad is a good question. I personally agreed with Jimmy on it. The "awful" quote was harsh, yes, but again this type of language is relatively common and ALL of the judges have done it at some point or another. We get passionate when we're discussing music. Most if not all of us have been rejected before so it's not like we don't know how it feels. We try to avoid getting too heated but it happens sometimes. We're only human. Your concern is appreciated, but nothing needs to be done differently here. Granted the spirit of your post - that we should be as professional as possible - makes sense, but we don't go out of our way to be mean and Jimmy was very constructive in his evaluation of the track. Any further discussion was par for the course - us trying to convince each other of our opinions. Believe me when I say there have been much worse examples than this before. When you go through 500+ mixes a year it's bound to happen.
  19. I'm using that image next time I NO someone
  20. Ugh Please Work On This More And Sub It!!! It's So Good!
  21. Looks a little better than a student film, what's all the discussion about? It's obviously not an officially licensed movie.
  22. No, I do think that MOST modern hip hop is bad. Not all, but I challenge you to go to OurStage.com and browse "hip hop". Out of probably thousands of tracks, maybe 1% are worth listening to.. the rest are bitches, hos, niggas, 808s, terrible mastering, sine waves, and maybe autotune.
  23. The tonality is pretty different. However, the Elfman theme actually quite a ripoff of a Schubert symphony written hundreds of years ago. Here's proof - I made this comparison to a part of the Credits theme from Advent Children (which is just the FF7 main theme in a minor tonality anyway), but it applies here: http://zirconstudios.com/music/random/schubff7.mp3 This is more damning imo
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