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Everything posted by zircon

  1. This is definitely really quiet... not sure why no one mentioned that, but I'd like to see it more compressed/limited by at least a few decibels before we post. I have to turn up my volume by about 6db to get a really full picture of the sound. Low volume aside, his is amazing! Absolutely GREAT arrangement, probably the most creative I've heard of this theme, plus excellent performances. For a one-shot live take this is really, really good even on the mixing end. Killer job guys!! YES (COND - compress a bit)
  2. We've rejected mixes by TO and zyko while they were judges, too. I've had four mixes rejected, but these were before I even had one posted mix.
  3. Well, technically speaking, possibly. But we made the choice to call it more of a cover/arrangement; I mean, hey, we're paying money for it, it's a small project, one song...
  4. I created a project with 33 tasks, a calendar, gantt chart, and network diagram. However, I want to create a work breakdown structure like this: And cannot figure out how. Additionally, even when I set the "current date" of my project (to some date after the start date) & change the task completion percentages, while the Gantt chart updates I can't get the network diagram to. The es/ef/ls/lf times are all the same as they were before, which is useless. IE. If I say a task is 20% completed that should have been done a week ago, it shouldn't still be listed as on-schedule! HELP!
  5. You have things confused here. A cover and an arrangement are the same thing, generally speaking, if by "arrangement" you mean it in the sense of "arrangement for piano" or "arrangement for ten-piece band". The key is that you're not changing the fundamental characteristics of the song, like melody, harmonies, rhythms, and lyrics. IF you are doing a cover, you can get a compulsory mechanical license through the Harry Fox Agency. The current rate for CMLs is 9.1 cents per song per album PRINTED. So, that would be $91 per song if you're printing 1,000 CDs. If you're really changing the songs, adding lots of new material, and otherwise changing the fundamental characteristics, you are creating a derivative work. You CANNOT get a compulsory license of any kind for this. You must actually negotiate directly with the copyright holder. They care because they wrote the music, and they deserve money. Jill Goldin (pixietricks) put out a CD, Origins early this year with a licensed FF7 song on it (Deliverance of the Heart). We went through Harry Fox to get the CML. $91 per song. It is, in fact, unlikely that they paid licensing fees which is a shame because that's copyright infringement. How would you like it if I took songs YOU wrote and sold them without giving you any money?
  6. Well, even though the team I was on had some great player (we generally led in points), a couple of ZUZ guys and other players would switch to engy and immediately build teleporters & sentries right outside our vents, so they immediately had complete control over the middle. We tried spies, heavies, demos, ubers, but could not break through. They had too many engies and people guarding the sentries for us to be able to take care of them without a significantly greater level of skill/coordination on our part. We also tried to stop this at the beginning of the match to no avail. They rolled us with this strategy three or possibly four times (can't remember.) We basically didn't score and were locked in our base. Every time we asked them to stop, they claimed it was a legit tactic and that we just weren't doing enough to counter it. I ended up quitting before the maps even changed out of frustration.
  7. Yep. Have it on Wii I did play MM3, MM for Gameboy, and MMX1-5 prior to doing the MM2 mix...
  8. I'd like to put in my two cents... I've been playing at times where some sort of stupid strategy that wasn't against the rules ended up rolling my team over and over. I know I haven't played much lately, but I HAVE played enough to know that times like that are really just unenjoyable. It's one thing to win ONE match using a tactic like that, but on Turbine for example my team got pwnt 3 or 4 times with the exact same method. And it wasn't even that teams were stacked... I think I had the highest points as Soldier. With regards to last night, I wasn't on, so I don't know exactly what happened in terms of team balance etc. But it did sound really shitty. I'm an admin here and frankly I would have done something. Much like the way we handle things on the OCR forums - adjudicating based on the spirit of the rules, not just the exact letter - I think that's how things should be done on the server. No, that door wasn't a spawn door, but I don't think the situation needed to play out as it did before anything was done or even discussed. I don't think atmuh should be banned from here. I'm the last person you'd expect to defend him, since he kills me over and over in game and has caused countless headaches for me on these forums. But even that being said, I know that he IS just trying to improve the server. That doesn't mean stuff that only benefits him. I've seen him get dominated by players like Joseki over and over again and he doesn't complain. His mistake was in the presentation of the problem as Wes pointed out but his anger was at least understandable (whether it was justified or not is debatable.) So, I don't think he should be banned. I also think that we (as admins) need to pay more attention to the spirit as well as the letter of the rules. I have played a lot of TF2 and I know what it's like to be on a losing team getting rolled. It's frustrating, but tolerable. However, some tactics used by superior teams and players are exceedingly difficult to counter without similar levels of skill, and it's really beyond frustrating to deal with that.
  9. Thanks for the comments guys! G-T really did some excellent work, the product logo is all him as is the interface.
  10. Go with the Producer Edition... the bundled FL tools, aside from the effects, are not worth the price of the XXL Bundle.
  11. Agreed. I had never played Eternal Champions when I made my remix of that theme, for example, and likewise I had never actually played Mega Man 2 either (to my recollection.)
  12. Pretty nice orchestration here. Lots of people use QLSO, but few people use it properly. This is one case where I'd say it was used very creatively, particularly in the slower break in the middle with the quartal movement in the wood percussion. Great original writing! I would have liked to hear more variation in the main melody, though - the chord progression and the melody are basically identical to the original. Some flourishes or variations on the chords/rhythms would have been very welcome there, for example. There are, however, some great fills and transitions throughout, as well as little touches of detail that add to the whole package. One other gripe - the ending... I don't like how it ends on the VI with that last stab, would have preferred VI->i instead. Oh well... Though not particularly risky in the treatment of the source material, this remix IS really well-executed with sophisicated orchestration, good production, and creative original writing as well. YES
  13. No idea what's going on here. The entire first part of the mix before the Epoch melody comes in is just a mess... there are really no discernable harmonies, melodies, or rhythm. Just a melting pot of notes and sounds. When the melody does come in, as Larry pointed out, it's too quiet. Before the part with the string hits, there's another textural mush which really doesn't add anything. During the string part, I'm hearing a lot of "computer" synth style notes that are actually not even in the scale/key being used so they just sound out of place. I agree with Larry that there are some solid arrangement ideas around here, but the mixing/production is definitely holding it back. Most of the time the mix feels very unfocused. I felt the ending was too abrupt as well - the melody could have used more development. Perhaps start with some more traditional sounds to fill out the 'meat' of the track rather than all the crazy pads and arps that are inharmonic, then use that as a base to build on. NO
  14. Not on my main headphones here (disclaimer) but overall I do think the production is a little muddy. Mainly, the bass seems to be too loud. I didn't really have any opinion with regards to the intro. Didn't sound particularly bad or good to me, just a simple lead-in. I do think it could have been more interesting in terms of chords. The drums are very nice in terms of their tone and mixing; very good snare. However, the sequencing is somewhat repetitive. I'm not hearing many variations or fills. I think the synth choices were pretty weird. As zyko said, lots of warbly stuff which I don't think worked. Lots of textural/ambient sounds which just sort of mushed together rather than providing solid chords or harmonies. Ended up sounding harmonically unfocused to me and not tight at all. The leads were often drowned out. Ambience can be nice but I feel like there are too many competing elements for a nice texture to really set in. Too many notes. I'm not sure about the organ & speech break, it's a little unrelated and doesn't add much in my opinion. When the drums come back in, nothing has changed in terms of the instrumental setup. My suggestion... rethink your harmonies and synth choices. If you're going to go ambient, don't use such "mushy" chords. Jazzed up stuff is fine but here it's so unfocused that it's hard to tell what's going on. You could skip around this mp3 and not have a sense of where you are in the track, as everything sounds fairly dynamically equal - drums aside. The interpretation of the source is certainly not conservative... I like the new original writing, but the whole package feels a little aimless with the powerful drums basically carrying the whole thing. NO
  15. As a judge I'd say the vast majority of remixes I end up listening to are ones where I haven't heard the original first.
  16. If you purchased FL Studio legally you get unlimited free updates for life.
  17. Lemme start with production... drums sound nice, as do guitars and synths. My only issues were the fairly quiet rhythm guitars, synth lead being a tad loud, cymbals being slightly too loud, and slightly weak compression on the master track. I wouldn't mind those issues being touched up. However, production IS fairly solid overall. On the arrangement end, I have to say this does feel a bit too close to the original. In some ways the energy level almost feels a little lower, maybe because of the sounds or mixing, I'm not sure. However, it really doesn't change the style nor does it take any major risks with any of the other aspects of the songs, instead sticking pretty close to the same chords, voicings, rhythms, etc. With more interpretation this would definitely be stronger. The verbatim melody usage wouldn't have been a big deal if more elements were changed, but it's already very similar to the original in terms of the mood and feel too. NO, resub
  18. I didn't mean to say that we're mad because we get killed by them, but if they're playing CONSTANTLY, using the same tactics that the same groups of people are unable to counter... then that makes the game not fun. Like you said, it's one thing to get rolled, it's another to get rolled 2, 3, 5, 8 times in a row.
  19. Vahn, the issue is that most people that play on this server are very casual gamers. Even moreso, most of us are simply not that good. That's sort of the fun of the game (and the server) for almost everybody here... we're not pros, if we were, we would all be in clans or whatever doing scrims every night. The problem is that while there are a LOT of people that aren't very good, the small percentage (including you) that is outstanding tends to play more than everybody else by a considerable margin... which makes it a lot less fun for everybody except, well, that small percentage.
  20. Yeah, it's really getting out of hand. These guys need to listen to admin requests or be banned.
  21. Yes, I believe Windows 7 is said to use less memory, have faster bootup times, utilize multiple processors better, and run less unnecessary services.
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