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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Thanks guys... you're two of my biggest fans, for sure. I really appreciate the support Updated the main post with Beatport + iTunes links.
  2. Congrats Malc - will pick it up and let you know my thoughts
  3. There's a channel for cover songs, which that particular piece was entered into.
  4. The thing about making it private is that while we have a fair amount of people on OCR that play TF2, the most I've ever seen in ONE GAME was only like 5 or 6. And TF2 isn't really that fun if you have small teams, in my opinion... I think ~12 players is a good number. So, if we were to do a private server, I would want to know that people from OCR would play on it regularly and not elsewhere. Otherwise, make it public with a bunch of admins so we can kick out pubs if we are trying to do an OCR game.
  5. Here are some of the tunes I'm enjoying in the finals. * SiLOam - "Live Like You Believe" - This one could be on the radio easily. * Justin Hellman - "Furious George" - Excellent jazz. * Two Days Out - "Higher Ground" - Not groundbreaking, but an awesome classic rock style piece. * Brion Riborn - "Wonder Is Gone" - Just a really nice song overall. * A Fool's Conspiracy - "End of Days" - \m/ The production here is awesome, reminds me of A7X.
  6. I didn't say much about this, but I actually signed a small record deal with a progressive dance label, Progressive Grooves, late last year. Non-exclusive, of course, so really, more of a distribution deal. Anyway, PG has a whopping 38 releases so I was pleased to add a two-track EP, System, to their catalog. It is available on basically every digital retailer, from Beatport, to iTunes, Juno Records, DJDownload, etc. Here are a couple links; https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content/release/detail/104205/system http://djdownload.com/artist/zircon/378564 http://www.junodownload.com/ppps/products/1307144-02.htm http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=276233823&s=143441 (iTunes) One of the songs, "Lather to the Sky" (heh) is actually a remaster of a tune from Antigravity, but the other track, the titular "System", is all-new. I'm really proud of it - if you like artists such as Hybrid, BT, and Way Out West, you will definitely like this one. And of course, if you like my remixes or any of my previous album releases, you won't be disappointed. System is, IMO, one of my best productions. If you want to pick up the album, I recommend Beatport. Not just because of the ads they have on OCR, either. It's just a great place to preview (and buy) dance tunes, plus there's no DRM and the MP3 quality is very high. You pay a little more for the quality (~$2 a track) but it's worth it. Prices in other stores for this release are in that same $1.50-2.00 range or so, with the exception of iTunes ($1/track) but iTunes also carries the most restrictions and lowest quality. Anyway, hope you all enjoy System. Feel free to post your thoughts! In the next few months, I'll be doing another, bigger release through PG which is gonna be killer.
  7. Boo Esca/Megaman To everyone else, is someone bringing a Wii? If so, how many controllers do we have?
  8. With <48 hours left in this sale, I've decided I want Ministry of Rock. Anyone want anything else on the list? We can go in 50/50ish.
  9. The inner harbor does have the food court, Chipotle, Blue Bamboo, and that place we ate at last Otakon. All very reasonably priced options, for sure. If we wanted to bump it up a few more dollars, there's California Pizza Kitchen and La Tasca. ... Just kidding about that last one. There's also Never On Sunday (fast Italian/Greek food), Subway, and numerous <$10 buffet Indian places near Jill's apartment, should we choose to hang around there.
  10. Actually, last month I won in Techno/Club... I didn't even make it into the quarterfinals with the same song (Breathing You In) this month. This is the first time I've made it into the Electronic quarterfinals. But yeah, I can definitely believe people are intentionally downvoting and countervoting.
  11. Hmm... cool. I was just going by some Newegg reviews (re: the power not being any greater) but I suppose I trust third party benchmark sources.
  12. I am interested in getting a new quad-core processor - the Q6600 looks like the best bet, in terms of performance, as apparently the new 45nms aren't more powerful - but I'm concerned about heat issues. My computer already seems to be kind of hot to begin with with an E6600, and as I understand it, Q6600s are worse in that area. What sort of temperature difference can I expect? I'm using an nMedia Icetank CPU cooler with arctic silver thermal paste, BTW.
  13. Moved to Help & Newbies, simply because this isn't really a ReMixing question per se... monitors are more general computer tech help.
  14. The difference is that in FL, you don't need two separate tools. That's what I can't stand about Logic (or any other sequencer) but love about FL... I just don't have to change tools. The right click IS the eraser tool. Of course, FL also has a select/lasso tool, accessible with one keystroke, if you wanted to work that way. But right clicking to delete notes is far more precise than using the lasso tool, because if you're simply selecting multiple notes you can only do so if they fall within a rectangular box. If you're trying to delete the middle voice from a four part harmony chord progression, you'll have a hell of a time... whereas with a single drag-to-erase motion you could do it in less than two seconds.
  15. The differences you highlighted, avaris, are so major to me that they make Logic almost unusable for sequencing. I can't stand it. I have to play in everything live or I'm not able to use it. In FL, I can simply right click and drag to delete multiple notes. I don't have to double click on EVERY SINGLE note I want to delete, or use a lasso tool - the right click method is the ultimate, because what if I want to quickly delete a harmony a perfect sixth down from the main melody? If there are a lot of jumps, the lasso tool won't capture all those notes. The right click method works flawlessly. Additionally, the inability to move a note immediately while placing it, and have it sound off there AND always sound off while it's being moved without using any other tool, is really a dealbreaker. The way I sequence, I NEED those things to work quickly and accurately. You might say you don't want to hear the full note because of release times, but this is never an issue for me in FL. If you click briefly on a note, even if it's long, you only hear the note for the duration of your click, pretty much. Likewise with dragging it around.
  16. Nah, I disagree with this too. In Logic, the behavior is not nearly as simple. I don't have both programs in front of me, but I know with FL's pencil tool - and NO OTHER tools or shortcuts - you can do virtually anything with extreme easy. Right click to delete, left click and drag to move, left click and drag while placing a note to drag in any direction (and hear the notes sound off while doing so) etc. Logic takes 2-3x as long to sequence anything in.
  17. I'm glad y'all are liking the album. It was really a pleasure to work on, and Jill put her heart & soul into from start to finish, from writing the songs, to overseeing the mastering (each song usually took at least a day to mix/master), doing the artwork, and even the packaging - what with the personal notes and all. She and sgx make me feel like a bum for just shipping my stuff out to CD Baby and being done with it.
  18. $130. This is the pre-Kontakt2 Player, but it still comes with the Kontakt Player which is quite functional. You can load the samples into Kontakt 1-3 if you have that. A great sample library if you're looking to upgrade from the free stuff.
  19. Thanks for the votes so far everyone! We're all doing well for the time being, and if this keeps up, we'll make it into the semifinals no problem. One request... please report the song "SAX & SUNRISE" as a Copyright Violation ("Flag This" button). It's a remix/mashup of two songs, which you're not allowed to do. If it asks for links to the copyrighted material, give them: http://youtube.com/watch?v=yB7ttuJjpxI
  20. I remember you, Kitsuta Also, Dhsu is right, they're playing by the book here.
  21. Put Your Hands Up For Baltimore! (I love this city...) (square wave bassline)
  22. Logic's piano roll is harder to use than FL's. It makes me extremely frustrated every time I have to put up with it, with weird behavior that I can't figure out how to change or turn off, such as making all the notes from other MIDI parts randomly appear in the part I'm currently editing, simply because I'm dragging a note around.
  23. Welcome back! This month, lots of OCR artists entered into the April OurStage contest in a variety of different genres. Last month, though there will millions of votes cast total, the OCR community made a difference in helping myself, pixietricks, and sgx ascend to the top of the rankings, and ultimately, Jill's grand prize win. There were other artists who had MANY more fans sign up to the site to vote for them, of course, so if you think you've somehow "cheated" another artist... don't worry about it. In fact, there was one band who had recruited more people than Jill and myself combined - just goes to show, it's the public taste that wins out, in the end Anyway, excitement abound as we've again made it past the first, grueling round of judging... Update 3: 4/30/08 We're in the FINALS now, with $5,000 up for grabs. Thank you for all of your votes thus far - there are over 900 available rounds so you can vote a whole lot in the next 24 hours should you choose (and we'll love you if you do!) The three songs that made it were "Coactive", "Red July", and "Visions". Update 2: 4/28/08 All four of us have made it into the semifinals of our respective category. sgx and myself in Electronic, Audix in Techno/Club/Dance, Jill & myself in New Age/World. This represents the top 10 of each category. Thanks for the support so far, OCR! Update 1: 4/24/08 We're in the quarter finals, where less than 10% of the original entered songs remain - only the top 20 of each category. Here's who made it from OCR... Audix - "Visions" - Techno/Club/Dance pixietricks (Jillian Goldin) w/ zircon - "Red July" - New Age/World sgx - "Coactive" - Electronic zircon - "Throwdown" - Electronic As with last month, your support is greatly appreciated. Simply go to www.ourstage.com and click "Judge", select a category, and pick which songs you like most as they are paired up against each other. You do have to register an account on the site first, but it hardly takes any time, and once you get into the groove of judging it's actually quite fun. I've discovered lots of great new music through my own judging there. What's in it for me? We all really appreciate any votes, whether you only cast a few, or you judge literally as much as humanly possible. Besides that, you're helping OCR musicians get more exposure and possibly money, too. All of us who made it this far are at least part-time musicians, and several of us want to do it as a career. You're making an impact and helping us toward that goal. But in addition to all that, I personally would like to offer an incentive. Anyone that judges in each final of the month (assuming I make it into the next ones) and posts here by the end will have a shot at winning any CD of mine (their choice). I'll be giving them out to two randomly selected people. Last month, it was Master_Yoshi. Don't be an ass, though; if you didn't judge at all, don't post. Jill has offered up a similar prize. If you vote for "Red July" in New Age/World for all the stages of the contest that she makes it to (quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals), you'll have a chance to win her new CD, "Origins"! She asks that you post in the thread to update her on your participation in each stage, as otherwise it will be tough to keep track. Here's Audix: To "Become a Fan", you simply click the button "Become a Fan" on an artist's profile... and here are our profile links, though you don't need to do this to be eligible for either my or Jill's giveaway. http://www.ourstage.com/fanclub/audix http://www.ourstage.com/fanclub/jilliangoldin http://www.ourstage.com/fanclub/sgx http://www.ourstage.com/fanclub/zircon Thank you in advance for helping us out! Judging FAQ Q. I want to support you guys more. Can I make multiple OurStage accounts using different emails? A. NO! OurStage is not only excellent at detecting (and discarding) votes like that, but I think I speak for all the OCR artists involved when I say we don't want to win by cheating. OurStage strongly encourages people to ask their fans to vote, but don't vote dishonestly like that. Q. Do I HAVE to listen to every song for at least 15 seconds? A. Yes, but only once. That is, after you hear a particular song for at least 15 seconds, you never have to listen to any of that song again. This will allow you to go through "battles" more quickly once you've heard most or all of the songs. Q. How many times can I vote? A. It depends on the round. You can judge up to 190 battles (song matchups) in the quarterfinals, 45 in the semifinals, and ~600-800 in the finals. Basically, every song gets matched up with every other song once, so you can vote on literally every combination. Q. Does using the "Add to Favorites" feature or clicking on Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down help or hurt a song? A. Those actions don't affect rankings at all.
  24. Oof. Boiling pudding looks like boiling.. anything else, though. When you see it bubbling, it's boiling. Once it gets thick enough that it's actually sticking to your stirring spoon, it's basically done, you just boil it for an additional ~60 seconds.
  25. This gag made me laugh out loud IRL. Awesome.
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