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Everything posted by zircon

  1. We discussed the possibility of other, program-specific subforums when we were first redesigning the Workspace category. Live was brought up, but we determined that there were not enough users to merit its addition. It would be interesting to see how many there are now though, so I'm going to change the topic name and encourage any Live users here to speak up!
  2. Blatantly against our forum rules. We even say in the description of this forum not to ask questions like this. Nicholestien, you make a lot of really thoughtless posts and threads. Please THINK before you post something here. Consider this a warning.
  3. Whoa, that I didn't know. How do you do that?
  4. Just to be clear, I'm not looking for recommendations of specific artists, but the compilation recommendations are awesome so far. Thank you. AndyC's Nightlife is the kind of thing I'm talking about, but they tend to be a little homogenuous in style - you won't find someone like photek on there. That said, I already have several of his collections, so more things LIKE it would be cool I haven't heard of Weapons of Mass Creation. When I looked at Amazon (vol 1) I saw this review, though: "I'm a huge fan of ambient electronic, and this compilation is my new favorite." Is this accurate? Or is the album really DNB?
  5. Recently, I was commissioned to do a drum and bass album. I'm interested in picking up some reference material, preferably showcasing a number of DNB styles. LTJ Bukem, Photek, Omni Trio, Luke Vibert/Plug were some example artists I was given, but basically I'm looking for lots of styles (but no hardcore/noisecore.) I see "Best of Trance", "Best of House" and various other compilations all over the place, but nothing similar for DNB. Any recommendations for CDs or collections like this?
  6. $300 a month is strictly for bandwidth. There's also... Manufacturing fees for promotional items like Voices of the Lifestream. Printing fees for shirts, hoodies, and any other OCR merchandise. To my knowledge, we haven't broken even on the latest run of shirts, or if we have we certainly haven't made much of a profit. Stamps and all other costs associated with a trip to the post office or FedEx, which comes up regularly as a result of promotional mailings There are certainly more items on the list, but you get the idea. The more money the site has above the cost of bandwidth, the more flexibility we have to expand and do all sorts of cool stuff.
  7. I am a fan of this mix. It has a strong interpretation of the original if you actually listen to the source; there's a lot of interesting stuff going on. It might sound repetitive if you're not listening carefully, but there's a reason the consensus among the judges was that it was strong there. Yeah, it's ambient in the sense that it's never in your face, much like many older OCReMixes, but even considering the lack of heavy midrange freqs, the spectrum is still balanced. The only real question for most of the Js that voted was whether or not the level of energy and the 'structure' worked.
  8. I think their goal was to push their new WaveRT thing, but it didn't catch on with third parties...
  9. Admittedly, for musicians, our requirements are different. We want absolutely minimal RAM overhead, because we need every last MB for loading maximum simultaneous audio tracks and lots of samples. Inactive RAM isn't wasted for us because we WILL be using it. That, combined with Vista's inferior and inefficient audio processing (even with native Vista or 64-bit apps) makes it a weak platform for music. XP32 outperforms it (and every other Windows OS) with X64 coming in a close second.
  10. RAM usage better with Vista? The RAM requirements for that OS are higher than XP, even if both are tweaked roughly the same way.
  11. Injin, yes, Maryland laws support that but not all states do, obviously. So, no, it isn't assumed to be "self-defense" hence why the article specifically had to point it out. It wouldn't have been worth mentioning if the woman just defended herself. People defend themselves all the times and it's not newsworthy.
  12. I don't care what y'all say, I thought the sci-fi miniseries was good.
  13. 64-bit is already getting heavy use in music. The new samplers getting rolled out are all 64-bit, and old ones are being updated to it.
  14. I think he's asking about guitar effects not guitar samples... Incinerator have you looked here yet? http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14222
  15. Wow, this is incredibly exciting!! I'll be following Windows 7 closely.
  16. The music throughout the video was really great, in my opinion. The battle theme does quote "Sabre Dance" a bit but it's definitely not a real arrangement, it takes far too many liberties. It's more like an original piece that borrows a bit from "Sabre Dance".
  17. Well, you can change the subdivision of the grid at any time, so it's very easy to go from 4/4 to a triplet feel, or subdivide smaller than that. Then, you can also change the beats per bar on a per-pattern basis. It's not as intuitive as simply selecting a time signature to use, but I have no problem doing stuff like this: http://www.zirconstudios.com/music/fullsongs/Wilmeth-Battle(Revise).mp3
  18. Considering it says "Slip Edit", yes, I think that's the slip edit. You can do more with it than that, though.
  19. Well, it's simply a stripped down version of Maximus, which would give you all the controls and parameters. Maximus is a multiband limiter/maximizer so the presets are probably just different comp + excitation settings.
  20. They had percentages only before, now it will display more precise details where possible.
  21. I've been using it since the betas, so I can't quite remember all of the features that are "new" since they add them one by one in each beta version. However, there is definitely some good stuff. A few things off the top of my head: * Automatic delay compensation for plugins like Trilogy that previously rendered with latency (very annoying) * New *free* instruments/effects: SliceX (advanced slicer), Limiter (new comp/limiter), Soundgoodizer (maximizing/finalizing), FL Synthmaker (design & share your own synths and fx), etc... * "Plugin picker" feature for easy organization and selection of your plugins via a graphical interface * Tweaking any control will show text in the hintbar in the upper left when possible. So now when you move a slider you can see it go from -2.4db to -1.9 db, for example. VERY useful for precision mixing. * 24bit WAV rendering, FINALLY * Slip Edit tool in the audio window of the playlist lets you do editing functions just like Pro Tools or any other high-end DAW * FL Chan. New mascot. Sooo cute!
  22. That's because I did this at the last minute. We had something else planned but Dave was doing real work on the site and we wouldn't have had anything, otherwise. It's amazing how many people contacted me about it though. McVaffe coming back to the community to co-direct a project? Come on now.
  23. Well, since I'm not at a conservatory it wasn't a big deal. I took an entire year of theory plus a term of arrangement and I'm taking Jazz Theory now. So, I've learned quite a bit since. But it would have been nice to have better knowledge of it prior to coming here - it's so useful!
  24. * Not learning theory better prior to coming to college. * Not spending more time on proper jazz improv technique, or chart reading. I'm working hard to catch up, now!
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