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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Just wanted to post briefly to mention that Jill is down in Baltimore right now for graduation (and has no internet) so this comes up at an inopportune time, since she can't weigh in. But I can say that not wanting to give over "ownership" is not really what our views were (or are.) I think if someone is truly interested in running a new podcast they should go ahead and record a pilot episode, then sending it to us to check it out would be a good place to start. I believe Jill put that out there last time this discussion came up too, but no one ended up sending anything. Honestly though, I think this is not even really the main issue at hand. As Wingless pointed out, doing a podcast is an immense ammount of work. Even when things go smoothly and there are no technical problems, doing a weekly show requires a lot of prep, post-production, and motivation. It's great that people like the idea of an official podcast and want to jump right in, but (and no offense to ThaSauce) I don't think it would be doing the community any favors to revive VGDJ only to have it die shortly after because the host(s) lose interest after they realize how hard it is to maintain. So, y'all just calm down for a bit - to reiterate if anyone is interested, AND realizes the big commitment, they should focus on creating a test episode and sending it over. I would recommend not posting it in public to avoid any conflicts with other people interested (there really isn't any need for drama.) And of course, unofficial podcasts have always been encouraged... the less work for the site staff right now, the better, considering the panel is really behind at the moment because of nearly all the judges running into big patches of IRL. That's our main concern at the moment.
  2. Well, there's a lot of autotuning in these videos. Some of it practically sounds synthesized in how perfectly the voices move together... in fact they might not have even been overdubbed, just copied + pitchshifted to make it tighter. I wouldn't be surprised. My guess is the female voices are a result of that technique too. Not that they aren't cool Just saying, it's not all about vocal skill.
  3. I actually don't think Pro Tools gets marketed that hard these days. When I read magazines like Mix, Recording, or Keyboard, you read about it a lot in interviews and gear lists, but Digi itself isn't the one with the big ads on the back of magazines, for example. That's usually reserved for companies like MOTU. I think the day another company creates as tight a hardware/software combo as Digi has, PT will begin to lose ground. Many people I know prefer using Logic even for multitracking, but the fact that there's no bundled DSP hardware is a minus for a lot of people. It's actually a little baffling why companies like Steinberg haven't created something like that yet.
  4. Pendulum's song "Showdown" from their new album "In Silico" is similar to Flashman at times, from MM2.
  5. On a side note, I can't BELIEVE how cheap TVs are getting. 61" Samsung DLP HDTV, 1080p native resolution, for $1650. WTF? My current TV (32" 1080i LCD HDTV) was $550.
  6. Stephanie is the younger sister of one of my friends from high school. It was WEIRD because I visited 4chan towards the end of high school and saw all the shopped gifs with her. "Uh dude, did you know the internet has a fetish for your sister?"
  7. Thanks Broken The original (Breathing You In) is on my CD "Antigravity", which is at www.cdbaby.com/zircon3 as well as iTunes, www.zirconstudios.com/store.html, and some other digital distributors. BYI is going to be released as an EP/single along with a bunch of remixes in July on a label, at which point it'll be up on Beatport, Juno, and others too.
  8. Happy birthday, RAMAAAAA! From zirkietricks.
  9. Excellent mixes, as usual, though I haven't finished listening yet (I prefer listening on long train rides - all your other mixes are on my iPod too!) What did everyone think of the remix of Breathing You In on 003, by the way?
  10. This can also be called an "expander". Noise gates are intended specifically to be used on background noise, but the concept of an expander applies to anything. It's just a compressor that works in reverse.
  11. Absolutely. PT is pretty much designed for handling huge amounts of audio, and no program I've used does so with such ease. Whereas I hear regular complaints about Cubase & Logic stability issues (and have experienced both first hand), PT is rock-solid. I don't think I've ever had it crash on me or anyone I know in the years I've been here at Drexel, where all the studios are PT.
  12. Moved this topic; the "ReMixing" forum is for questions about the remixing process, music gear, theory, technology, etc. "Works in Progress" is when you actually have a mix to share, and you want feedback.
  13. Thanks for the comments everyone! Just wanted to note, now that the new Pendulum CD is out ("In Silico") you can listen to track 1, Showdown, which has the progression/riff that inspired this remix. I wasn't aware it was gonna show up there but apparently that's where they got it from for their live show.
  14. I suppose now would be a good time to mention that Kanthos is actually working with me on this. I should have just asked OCR to begin with. :3
  15. Yep, gotta agree with Dhsu. You need to get to your points faster and use words more effectively to convey your message. I want to participate in this discussion but don't have time to re-read the same paragraph to figure out what you're trying to say. And this is coming from someone who loves contract law.
  16. Speaks for itself. I cannot figure out where (how) to buy this. And I need it.
  17. You'd think there would be something like this by now, but I haven't heard of anything. I understand what it is he's asking for - a tool that lets you write manuscript exactly as you would normally and have it be read by the tablet and input into the sequencing program.
  18. Teaker is not Tweek, at least Tweek the ReMixer here on OCR.
  19. A lot of studios use ProTools because of its hardware/software integration. It's partially DSP-powered, which, while less relevant today now that we have faster computers, is still very nice. The audio editing really is pretty much unmatched, IMO; it's incredibly powerful in that respect. I've used both HD|2 and HD|3 systems at school as well as Mbox2 systems and even then, the ease of use of the audio editing is apparent. Surprisingly, I actually prefer PT's MIDI editing to Logic, having used both side by side.
  20. Chadly you had some awesome sniper shots, man. My favorite was on 2fort, I was Scout and you just BLASTED me away and I flew all the way into the water from the top of the bridge.
  21. Hey man, how ya doing? DP issues aside. Unfortunately, I don't think many people use DP here... some Logic users, but DP is less common. I recommend checking www.kvraudio.com on their forums ("Hosts") as there's a bigger userbase there.
  22. Not a bad idea (the first one) - I sent them an email. The people who code my DAW (FLStudio) would very likely not be interested in doing this. You'd think developers would have figured this out already but evidently not. Might as well do it third-party.
  23. FX-Max is basically dead as far as I can tell. Otherwise I would have suggested it already. As for the financial success aspect, the people this is marketed to are not really inclined to pirate their software. We're talking career film/TV/game composers primarily, and they don't usually screw around with something that could lose them their livelihood. While conceptually this is similar to FX-Teleport, the implementation would be quite different, and since you can't patent overarching concepts (in this case, VST plugins being loaded in a subhost outside the main host and routed back in to the main host) there would be no IP issue.
  24. Shoot me an IM or PM on IRC... I'll be home later tonight (after 4:30pm EST). I'll also be on skype after that point, "zirconst".
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