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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Lately I've been checking out the iLike application for Facebook. It's a nifty, easy-to-use feature that really helps to promote artists that... you like. Free promotion is awesome; more fans and profile ads = more visibility. Represent VGM! Not only that, but this is also really important for people like sgx, Beatdrop, pixie, and myself who are all building up careers as independent musicians. You can really help all of us with minimal effort and iLike. Here's a bunch of links to get you started. http://apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/zircon http://apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/sgx http://apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/jilliangoldin (pixietricks) http://apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/beatdrop http://apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/tefnek http://apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/djpretzel As you can see, it's an easy link format, so you can find any of your favorite ReMixers and add them no problem.
  2. Everyone: just to clarify, I don't think Larry was suggesting actual new designs, OR distribution of our logo stuff to everybody. I think the plan was more to *possibly* open the floor to other designers than Dave to submit possible ideas for new OCR-branded merchandise to us, and if we like them, implement the ideas.
  3. Mine are as good as ever! Smelnian, maybe you're interested in RI for $50? It won't break your budget.
  4. Might be willing to go down $50 on that. It's already under the *cheapest* price you can find online, and it is literally a new product.
  5. I'll definitely cover the DIY area of music; that was my intent with this, in part. I have a lot of info to share and would love outside contribution. However, I want to appeal to listeners as well as musicians. The reason I'm covering the "big" stuff is primarily because: (1) While it IS covered elsewhere, like CNN, Reuters, etc. there is no singular source. Nearly every music-related story I hear comes from a different source. My blog basically serves to aggregate the most important stories, including many that some major organizations might not cover at all for one reason or another. (2) I am not strictly reporting on news, but also general trends. The general media does this, but not regularly. For example, today I have an article planned on a MIDEM topic that I have not seen written about anywhere (it might have been, but there certainly doesn't seem to be any major media buzz.) However, it's a hugely important topic. (3) The people writing about these topics do not typically have experience, and even when they do, I have read SO much misinformation because the writers have a bad understanding of law or the way the industry works. So, in short, I still think this will be a good, worthwhile resource of music industry developments in general... but your point is well-taken. I'll have something in the DIY field shortly, maybe on Thurs or Fri.
  6. Nope... you get what you pay for. Ra and Ethno World are the only choices, IMO, and Ethno World is as expensive if not more. That said I stil have a GIGA copy of Rare Instruments, a library 1/10 the size of Ra by the same people. What's included is good. Yours for $50, S&H included.
  7. Awesome Deadline is approaching guys, but you still have until 11:59PM EST Feb 1!
  8. You would need to read the manual of your sequencer of choice. In this case, REAPER. And you already have it loaded, judging by the screenshot. Now you need to figure out how to write MIDI notes... that sort of information should be available, again, from the supplemental help material of REAPER. I don't know the software myself so I can't help you there.
  9. You need to load it up in a sequencer and write notes, or play a keyboard connected to that channel in your sequencer.
  10. Well, I haven't bought it yet.. technically... I just want to make sure I can sell some of the parts I already have. But yeah, I mean, I love East/West stuff. QLSO is my main orchestral tool followed closely by VSL (the K2 bundle) which I often use in layers to bring out marcato/staccato parts, or just to add additional flavors. Stormdrum and Ra are also outstanding.
  11. Right. However, you don't need to upgrade to PLAY to use any of these, which is a good thing since PLAY sucks according to everyone I know who has used it. These are still just as functional as they ever were.
  12. New post, y'all check it. Qtrax! http://soundtempest.net/
  13. I'm selling all of these products new, unopened, and unregistered. Why? I'm buying a bundle that has them in it, but I already own them, so I don't need the extra copies. Thus I will sell to you at a discount. All prices below are w/o ship, since I know we have some international people here. You will not find these products for any cheaper anywhere. Note that since I am not getting these with big, clunky, wasteful boxes, you will be getting a slim package of CDs/DVDs instead... cheaper to ship = even more money saved from buying the individual items elsewhere. --- * EWQLSO Gold + XP Pro - $420 http://www.soundsonline.com/EWQLSO-Gold-Bundle-pr-EW-160PROB1.html Fantastic orchestral collection. In my opinion, the best you can find for under $1k. Highly realistic, flexible, and customizable. It has been used on countless OC ReMixes, TV/video game scores, movies, and pro tracks. * Stormdrum - $200 http://www.soundsonline.com/Quantum-Leap-Stormdrum-pr-EW-162.html Bombastic, huge percussive sounds is what SD is all about. However, it also has small and large ethnic percussion (very detailed), drumkits (acoustic & electronic), as well as miscellaneous percussion, prepared piano, etc. Again, very popular and high quality. * Quantum Leap RA - $400 http://www.soundsonline.com/Quantum-Leap-RA-pr-EW-163.html The best collection of ultra-realistic ethnic instruments anywhere. I have used this on multiple albums and remixes. Contains instruments and sounds from all over the world, and not only are there a LOT of instruments, they're also very detailed. --- So if you're looking to upgrade your sounds, these are THE products to get for a commercial, professional sound. Let me know if you have any questions.
  14. It's excellent. I've used it a number of times, and it really works well.
  15. There is also Celemony Melodyne, which comes in several flavors, including "Uno" which is definitely cheaper than Autotune.
  16. Advocating piracy is not allowed here.
  17. I like the interpretation here a lot. The writing really builds and expands on the simple Cheetahmen theme effectively, plus the original stuff like the solos and new chords fit very well with the feel of the source. Specifically with regards to the solos, I didn't think the concepts were bad at all and in fact enjoyed those sections quite a bit. I didn't have a big problem with production either. This is on par with the Chumble Spuzz sub we got (TMNT4) and I think I YESed that one even when it was a bit rougher. The drums were probably the weakest area, with a dull snare and flabby kick that is difficult to hear. Sequencing was also lackluster on the kit throughout, though it did get the job done. Guitars do sound mechanical but they're used like synth guitars IMO, which is fine. While production could have been spruced up, I think the arrangement is definitely strong enough to make up for it. YES
  18. Still sounds too abrupt. Skipping issues never really bothered me, but the ending is way too sudden.
  19. We did, in fact, get Al Lowe's autograph addressed to both Anso and OCR. I'm posting here at the OCR dealer table, last day of the con, and it has really been great. We've sold a ton of shirts & hoodies, maybe even comparable to how many we sold at Otakon (which is at least 25x the size of this one.) This is easily one of the best-run cons we've ever been to - the staff has been AMAZING overall and we've been treated very well. In fact, this is the first time OCR has been invited anywhere as official guests (ie. all expenses paid.) I really can't emphasize enough how tightly run Genericon has been. Plus, while we couldn't to make it to many panels, the ones we did go to were very enjoyable. I'm sure Larry will hook everyone up with the details but suffice it to say it has been really fun. The panel went well too, with an increased emphasis on video content and Q&A, which we hope to do more of in the future. No live performances this time around, but hey, it's hard to cart around instruments (plus, no pixietricks )
  20. The pitch bending bass is absolutely awesome. I love it. I heard this way back so the hentai clips aren't as surprising as they were initially, but they're still an... interesting touch... probably not the weirdest thing that has been sampled for a ReMix, but it's up there. The sounds here are generally pretty simple and sparse. Not a lot of thick, bright stuff except for the lead towards the middle. Still, it works well, primarily due to the creative sequencing of harmonies and counter-melodies. Drum programming is also nice even though the samples aren't amazing. I would have liked a little more reverb on that sine synth, or possibly delay, but it's no big deal. Arrangement is very creative. This theme has been covered a number of times but this interpretation is definitely unique, with a good amount of variation and original writing. The structure remains fairly groove-based and chill throughout with no big surprises, and I might have liked to hear some additional layering towards the end for a bombastic climax (eg. distorted guitar, strings) but that's more personal preference. Very nice. YES
  21. 4/9/09 - REDESIGN!! Thanks to Chad (aka Cyan_Ide aka Steam Powered Design), SoundTempest now has a fresh, NON-generic WordPress template design and some awesome new features. For example, all of the guides are now available as downloadable, snazzy PDFs and you can now Digg/Stumble/Email any post or page. If you haven't visited before, SoundTempest is a music industry news blog covering various trends and events that affect consumers and artists alike. Additionally, I regularly write articles intended for musicians and producers, such as "How to Detect (and Avoid) Music Scams", "How to Pick a DAW Computer", "How to Distribute and Sell a CD", and various others. There are about 8 guides in total - over 40 printed pages of content! - for your reading pleasure. --- This domain has been basically unused for years, but recently I decided I would actually use it for something useful. Welcome to the new SoundTempest, a blog reporting on and analyzing the latest developments in the music industry. A lot of important industry news, especially anything relating to entities like the RIAA, SoundExchange, iTunes, Universal, etc. is often improperly reported and thus misunderstood. My goal with this blog is to not only cover news properly, but also break down why it's important (or perhaps, why it isn't), what impact it might have on both the consumer and the artist, and my own personal thoughts on the issue. I hope to differentiate this from any other site that might report on music business news because I practically eat, sleep, and breathe this stuff day in and day out. My degree is actually called "Music Industry", so I have a pretty thorough knowledge of not only the historical aspects of the industry, but things like record label operations, copyright and publishing law, marketing, and everything in between. I'm also a working musician myself that pulls in a decent part-time income from my personal endeavors, so I've learned (and continue to learn) a great deal from firsthand experience. One more time, the link is www.soundtempest.net and I hope y'all check it out. Feel free to give suggestions on stories and comment on my posts. I like discussion. Whether you're a listener or an artist I think you'll like the site's content. BTW yes it's a default WordPress theme right now. I figured content first, design a little later. If you want to design something nicer for me, let me know - I think I'll just choose some other random theme, until then.
  22. Yes. I wasn't really playing them for the last few years, except for GBA titles, but since getting a Wii, DS, and 360, I've been having loads of fun. Still, I'm not as much of a gamer as I was - I don't play for hours on end every day. Just an hour or two here and there.
  23. Well, what I'm saying is that we might need more of a standard for lyrics, for consistency. When someone takes the melody from a source tune and uses it verbatim, they are often heavily criticized (though this does not necessarily merit a NO, if the harmonic changes are excellent.) However, in a case like "Rhapsody in Poo", where someone uses all the lyrics verbatim, it's a non-issue. In general, it just seems to me like we don't care as much about lyrical content. Maybe Dave should weigh in.
  24. I guess it's just that we routinely post stuff where the lyrics have nothing to do with the game, and treat these the same as lyrics that are directly ripped from the game, or lyrics that are merely inspired by the game... etc. Historically, it doesn't seem like we've ever really cared what lyrics have said. If we're going to let people get away with 0 effort lyrics, eg. directly ripping them from the original song, why are we going to make a big deal out of original lyrics that we just don't happen to like?
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