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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Thanks! Yeah, I'm definitely going to try to meet up with them.
  2. Many developers who propose this don't follow through on it effectively and the game ends up more like a WoW clone anyway; probably because investors want them to go after an established model. But I seriously have heard this proposed at least a dozen times, not only by developers but by MMO critics. IMO it's a flawed model; really user-alterable, persistent worlds are too ambitious, and we already saw UO do that (with some of the best developers around) and it didn't work for them in the end. People LIKE grinding for reward, it's what keeps them playing MMOs to begin with.
  3. Every MMO that claims to break the WoW mold is basically the same. Lots of character customization, less numbers and gear, more player vs. player, less restrictions, and more persistence. It's ALL the same. They never work.
  4. Y'all are haters on the fadeout. When you've done a mix like this in five days while also going to classes full time and working on school projects, let me know In all seriousness, the entire last minute of the mix was written within about an hour of the deadline, and the minute before that was written within a day (keeping in mind I had classes as well.) I don't think the fade is all that bad, though - I think a resolved ending would have been cheesy here. I was envisioning, throughout the song, what the devil's lab area would have been like in an FF6 remake. You fight your way through this massively imposing factory, lots of stuff happens, and then when you're almost entirely depleted of HP/MP, you think you're at the end. Then you zone into the next room and you see the rest of the level, which is even more massive than what you just did. That would be right around 3:16. Plus, musically, where else am I going to go with it after what I had at the end? I've already done the main theme repeatedly, do I really need to do it again? I leave it to your imagination. Anyway, regardless, thanks all for the comments! Yeah, I was kind of thinking of Granite in that part as well as just sci-fi music in general.
  5. The left hand writing here is really plain, considering this is basically solo piano for the entire first half the piece. The right hand melody is also quite simple and unembellished in this time. Considering the fantastic texture of the original "Gusty Garden" and all of its rhythmic and harmonic intricacies, I feel like this remix really simplified that. The left hand writing basically staying very similar throughout in arpeggiation & rhythm was a minus here, IMO. I did like the crystal chimes, but thought they could have had more 'space' to them - stereo reverb + delay would help with that. You probably could have used them a little more sparingly too. The strings were nice, but very simple in that they were just used as a pure pad and again somewhat subtracted from the harmonic complexity of the source material. They also seemed rather mono and dry. I think a more lush and warm sound might have worked better, perhaps even a synth pad. I would have also introduced that element earlier and kept it going longer, possibly with the addition of a fretless or acoustic bass to fill up more of the space in the absence of more engaging left hand piano writing. As it is, the chimes and strings aren't there for very long, but the rest of the piano material doesn't do enough to keep the interest when they drop out. I also think the volume is too low, as Palpable pointed out. That might seem like a lot of critiques, but I think this is a solid start in terms of the foundation. Listen to some recent solo piano remixes here by artists like Dhsu and Bladiator to get an idea of where our bar is at. Expression and dynamics are key, especially if you're going to keep the writing relatively simple. NO
  6. http://enews.penton.com/enews/electronicmusician/email/2008_february_14_february/display Check it out... I just saw this today in one of EM's email newsletters. And I didn't even ask for it! Very kind folks. Y'all should subscribe.
  7. It has been done for like a month now, and subbed. Y'all will have to wait until it's posted. I got Sixto onboard for all live guitars.
  8. EVE Online, and here you go: http://www.wirm.net/nightfreeze/part1.html
  9. There's no such thing as a YES override, only a direct post, which doesn't really compare to a N.O. which the panel technically evaluates. No real difference in how they're evaluated. We'll listen to the source material however we can, either via the OST or through YouTube. We would simply need to hear exactly what the remixer is arranging and then compare their remix to that material. It's not VGM if it wasn't originally written for a game. For example, incidental music in the LoZ series that was not in the games do not qualify as "VGM" even though the series is about a video game character. We spell that out pretty clearly in our guidelines. Unless you're asking if an arrangement of VGM made for something like VGL or Play could qualify as an OC ReMix, in which case, sure, there's no problem in evaluating that. You can make a remix for whatever reason you want and it won't impact our judging. Considering we have remixes of Singing Mountain, it's safe to say that this is acceptable. It just needs to be present in the original game code somewhere; eg. Singing Mountain was on the CT cart even though it wasn't technically used in the playable game.
  10. As far as I know we only have one posted remix that is a "remix of a remix", so to speak. I think that would be tough today; it's ok to quote someone else's remix (eg. using a bit of the original material they used) but I'd say it would be tricky otherwise.. we'd have to evaluate what you added and really did differently. It's hard to say since some people have stayed onboard since they were added, and others left (or were removed) within about a year. It's definitely variable and it completely depends on the person and what their situation is. Some people simply do not have time, even though they have the desire. Others might have some spare time, but they've burned out and judging isn't as rewarding as it once was.
  11. Yeah, it's really a shame people in this community aren't more mature. I guess people that don't like things have to post at great length about them. Color me disappointed. I'd issue warnings but half the people in this thread deserve one. Though admittedly I'm specifically tired of Arek and his haughty, too-cool-for-punctuation posts.
  12. This is SO GOOD dude. You have no idea. The changes are excellent. Here are some more critiques for you if you want to perfect this: * Drums still don't seem that varied before 1:38. Duplicate the pattern and just change the kick/snare rhythm at least every so often.. maybe a fill here or there. Not the end of the world if you don't do it, but it wouldn't hurt! * The main melody at 1:55 (I think it's played on a synth) is really quiet.. could be brought out more and/or doubled, the new harmonies sound great though. * Your overall EQ balance sounds good. I really wouldn't change it. You could probably get away with a little additional compression/maximization overall but I don't think you *need* to. * I liked what you had before at 3:50; the chopping of the sines seemed more 'up front'. * By 4:34 I feel like you COULD be going into your ending, eg. fading out the drums and other parts and maybe bringing in a soft choir + electric piano ending, or something like that. A lot of your new instruments are cool, but could be applied earlier. Likewise, the drum variation is great here... use that earlier in the 1minute (or more) spans where the drums are simply looped? * 5:47 is really cool, as is 6:07. I LOVE this stuff. It's more interesting than the preceding section; maybe consider cutting the previous section, using those parts in other parts of the song, but keeping this. Overall, definitely an improvement in general. Wonderful stuff. PLEASE keep at it.
  13. We are proud to announce that you can find a 1/3 page feature about OverClocked ReMix in the latest issue of Electronic Musician (March 2008) in their "Front Panel" monthly feature! Electronic Musician (or EM for short) is one of the most popular periodicals for musicians, producers, and composers using modern music technology. Our contact at the magazine, Tracy Katz, had not heard of the site prior to our getting in touch with her in early January, but she became a fan after reading what it was all about. In the future, we'll definitely be providing EM with news of any major OCR developments. I think I speak for the rest of the staff when I say it's great to see OCR, with it's growing population of highly skilled producers and composers, get some recognition from a music tech magazine! Check out the scan of the article (courtesy of Larry) here: http://www.zirconstudios.com/OverClocked%20ReMix%20-%20Tracy%20Katz%20-%20Electronic%20Musician%20(March%202008).jpg
  14. As of now, several individuals in the Ormgas community appear to have the bandwidth and ability to maintain the site and the station. However, we (the staff) are not 100% sure we want that to be our official radio stream, now that we have the opportunity to implement something ourselves... eg. something involving last.fm, perhaps, which doesn't use our bandwidth and is basically all set to go as it is.
  15. It's March 1st, so we'll be heading up Feb 29th.. probably will not have internet at the hotel so you might not hear back until the 2nd or 3rd.
  16. This mix sort of strikes me as a bit low-energy overall. Maybe it's the drums, which seem kind of 'soft' in tone overall, or maybe it's the lack of really fast rhythms throughout (in any of the instruments.) Either way, it doesn't feel very dramatic or tense, and sort of just seems to plod along, especially after the 3 minute mark or so. There aren't any significant key modulations or time signature changes, nor does the texture really vary significantly throughout. I feel like this either needs to be condensed, or the existing material made more interesting in some way. The production is pretty good, though the sound is generally not very aggressive. Even the organ at the beginning doesn't sound very foreboding, and while the guitars are performed and recorded expertly, they just don't seem as heavy as a lot of other guitar mixes I've heard (here and at DoD) - maybe it's just a mixing/EQ thing, or maybe some additional overdrive/distortion is needed? In general, more volume would not hurt at all. With regards to interpretation of the source, I thought this mix was fine in that department, with some nice embellishments and new writing. Nothing really stood out at me, but it's more interpretive than most rock mixes we get, so good job here. The Bach usage was OK by me; not essential to the interpretation of the mix, and not substantial enough to be a problem. This is close, IMO, but the production and overall structure are pulling it below yes territory for me... please resub! NO, resubmit
  17. This track starts off pretty abrupt... no intro of any kind, which is a little disconcerting. Also, I'm not a big fan of how the original "Hard Corps" theme was changed. Before, it was basically "F, G#, F F# F# F# G" but you changed it to "F F G# G# G G F# F#" which is less interesting, rhythmically and melodically. The drums are meaty, particularly the kick, but they don't really sound realistic in either the sequencing or tone. Doesn't blend well with the live guitars. The FM synths are nice, but not as aggressive as those in the original. The transition to GTR attack was rather sudden, I thought, and could have been smoothed out a bit. The treatment of that theme was not too different from the original as Palp pointed out, though there were some additions and subtractions here and there. The texture is fairly muddy throughout with lots of distorted noise. Use some palm mutes more, IMO, to clean up the sound and make more interesting rhythms than just guitar 'pads'. Again, the drums need work here. Solid foundation, and I agree with Palp that there were some good processing ideas, but this mix still needs more work overall. Keep at it. NO
  18. Haha, GTFO Actually, the both of us were going through this article on WP, which is really interesting.
  19. I'd argue that because of sites like YouPorn, the porn industry has much less of an influence now than it did with the last format war. YP is within the top 100 sites (in terms of traffic) on the net.
  20. How is it NOT a double standard or abuse of power to punish someone when they're not breaking the rules? How is he any worse than people like Xerol telling us about his winning poker hands or his stories of bad luck? Or StarBlast ranting about how he wishes he could "shit in the skull" of women that are too affected by politics? Or people like DrumUltimA (and countless others) coming into the chat drunk and typing near gibberish? Or people like me coming into the chat three days in a row to get tech support on installing my RAM? We allow people a GREAT deal of freedom to talk about just about anything they want. There is no good reason to NOT give it to bluefox.
  21. bluefox isn't doing anything against the rules. He annoys people because he talks about himself at great length. News flash, tons of people do that too (myself included.) Again, if you don't like it, IGNORE HIM and encourage other people to do the same. If and when he breaks any actual rule we'll take care of it, but thus far he hasn't.
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