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Everything posted by zircon

  1. He's a grad student? Wow.
  2. I hear most of the connections to the original pretty easily... thanks to CHz for pointing the harder ones out. This is a really tough call, though, since there IS a ton of original material. Many of the rhythms and chords have been totally changed, thus even if ONE part of the source is playing, nothing else from it is. There's no question that the arrangement is really liberal. Production-wise, the mix is a little dry. Many of the sounds are high-frequency heavy and I felt like in general more processing would have been nice to spruce things up. However, as the track progressed I got used to it, and I don't think anything in the realm of production is particularly problematic. This is a very tough call for me but I think it's a pass. We have passed songs that were this liberal before, and the source is certainly apparently. YES
  3. That's not really hard to do - you would record the "Stereo Mix" of your computer or something to that effect. The problem is that if one person is too loud, or one person is too soft, or you want to edit something just one person said, you're out of luck. Having the two separate tracks makes post-editing WAY easier.
  4. Kizyr; pixie is relaxing at the moment but she says yes, that is the one she sang for.
  5. Whoops, sorry I'm late, but happy birfday yo.
  6. JustChris, I believe the microX is just for synth sounds. I could be wrong. I was looking for something that had a wide variety of "real" instrument samples as well. That being said, I've never used the microX...
  7. MIDIMan, it was great meeting you... wish we had the chance to talk more! I'm not sure if you caught this but I do pro audio stuff as well so I love talking tech. Jose; fantastic pics!!! I love 'em. You really did an awesome job of capturing the crowd vibe. Dyne; The room SEATING capacity is 750. Even though we had empty seats, I don't believe they were more than 1/3 empty, if you look at some of those pics. My guess is ~500-600 people.
  8. The guitar, BTW, since it's not so visible in that picture...
  9. Man, I really don't understand all the hating on AE's vocals here... the recording of course is great, but his delivery is always flawless. He's one of the best rappers around in the community. Besides; "You know that oil and water don't mix!" How can anyone not like that line?
  10. The drums in the bigshellwestbristol mix are from Reason. They're just a loop.
  11. It's not cynicism, it's that WAVES is SELLING that bundle online and offline. It doesn't make sense that they'd give it away for free.
  12. Jose - Larry got caught up in a bunch of beauracratic BS and red tape. He could NOT get your badge. I left you a message on your phone and I'm hoping you see this so you can still make it on time.
  13. Your best bet would be to find someone that has a car parked nearby... when you first arrive, you can store it w/ our panel gear in back of the "stage". Then after that, you could stow it in someone's car before lunch.
  14. Dude, you're not getting it. Just hit the macro, trust me, it DOES activate it for ALL VSTi and VST fx. I just tried it. You only have to do it once per project (or do it every so often if you add new VSTs constantly). You never have to click anything again - smart disable automatically freezes any VSTs you're not using, completely offloading that CPU until they're actually playing. 0 latency, no wait times, no BS, it's the best "freeze" you will ever see in any sequencer. And it only takes ONE CLICK to activate for your entire project. For automation, there are a bunch of different ways to do it. The easiest way is creating a MIDI Out, point it to your synth of choice. Right click on the slider, hit "Configure". Put "MW" as Full Name and Short Name. Controller should be "1" which is the Modwheel cc. Then, all you have to do is edit the automation for that slider at any point to control the modwheel automation for whatever synth it is pointing towards. You can of course save this configuration as a preset and call it up anytime. To edit that stuff in the piano roll, just right click on that slider control and do the "Edit Events in Piano Roll". You can use the MIDI Outs and configure them to ANY control setup too, which is nice, and since basically everything in FL can be saved separately you can take the Modwheel automation you wrote for a Pro-53 patch, and load it up as the Expression automation for a QLSO patch.
  15. FL has a one click option to turn on "Smart Disable" for all VSTi and effects. Have you even read the instructions, dude? Half the things you've suggested already exist, if not more.
  16. Use the "Make Unique" function on the playlist for the separated slice.
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