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Everything posted by Ferret

  1. And now it's over. Hope you got more stuff than I did... Well, I did get a copy of Mass Effect through Steam that someone gave me so I guess that's nice
  2. Yeah probably and the beauty part is we probably haven't even generated a space the size of the USA. Maybe PART of the USA...
  3. Yeah Recettear does not use the mouse for anything in the game except maybe the title menu and even that's not a requirement. And the game is perfectly fine that way Keyboard though. Definitely keyboard.
  4. not that anyone cares but today's my birthday, too. screw darkesword this day is now about me.
  5. Portals are made of obsidian and the interior has to be an empty space 2 wide and 3 tall. You don't need to put corners on the frame but you do need that 2x3 space, any other dimension won't work. Then you just set one of the bottom blocks on fire and the portal will open. But that's only if the Nether is working in multiplayer. Which you have no guarantee it is.
  6. About the only thing you want to bring with you is torches and cobblestone to build a fort with. Since I doubt you have enough obsidian to build a proper defensive structure.
  7. I tried crafting the Caber, then I realized I only have one sandman left (the one I have equipped) because I used the others for metal so I could craft the Caber...
  8. ...YOU CAN'T SAY THAT! Not in Community anyway.
  9. The idea was to have the water as a sort of landing pad So people could just jump down instead of having to take a ladder or an absurdly long flight of stairs. I have all these ideas...that don't work as well in practice mainly because I suck at planning.
  10. Remind me to saturate my bedrock layer with torches. Because I don't want any creepers in my shit. Ahahaha. Actually... yeah. I don't want creepers AND I HAVE TO PUT WATER IN MY DUNGEON FFS.
  11. I wonder if all our hard work is going to vanish when the game hits beta... That would suck, but not unexpected.
  12. The next update will involve major glitches regarding fire now attaching itself to objects that shouldn't be flammable and glass blocks suddenly being as hard as obsidian.
  13. Yay drama! Where do I sit? ...I missed it? Drat.
  14. I noticed that every so often foliage will disappear when you destroy the top log of a tree...but it doesn't always happen. Game feature or server glitch?
  15. That line about bald 30somethings with facial fuzz... makes me want to play a game based off of the Fifth Element now. It'd probably be horribad, though, like any other movie-to-game is.
  16. Makes you kinda glad that Nintendo upgraded to wireless on the handhelds, eh? Although the friend code system is still jacked all to hell.
  17. The new SSX is going to play out like one of those Sci-Fi (I still refuse to call it SyFy) "disaster" movies where the plot is essentially "Event A happens, Scientist warns of event B upcoming, nobody listens because Scientist B said Event A was a random fluke, Scientist B dies in Event B, Scientist A has to help prevent Event C" and it always involves some gimmick like evaporating methane causing earthquakes or a volcano erupting in the middle of an Italian town with a lot of misplaced and utterly nonsensical paranormal overtures. And this game will probably involve alien technology that happens to look like a snowboard and you're racing to keep it out of the hands of the Space Nazis or something.
  18. Although the DDR pad was mentioned you forgot its predecessor: THE POWER PAD. My neighbor had one of those and it NEVER. FUCKING. WORKED. Not to mention you look like a douche trying to play Mega Man 4 by stomping on a giant plastic button that doesn't do anything. It was better off as a cat toy.
  19. Well if him being a member of and posting on the forums is contingent to him getting whitelisted I don't think he's going to go for it.
  20. I've got a buddy of mine who's looking for a place to play; he goes by the tag ForteMaster and was wondering if you guys would be okay with him being whitelisted on the server. He's a pretty OK guy, reads the rules on stuff and all that, won't set things on fire... what say you?
  21. I figure if I dig 8 holes a day my little project will be done in a matter of...well maybe about a week or so. Assuming I don't get tired of it first; because once it's been TNT'ed (which I'd have to ask one of the admins to do) it can't be unexploded. By the way...yeah clay does look a lot like stone, but you can usually tell the difference because stone will have little striations while clay will be a smooth texture. But you knew this already.
  22. as will anything you throw into it. Makes pretty useful for getting rid of that 500 blocks of dirt you don't need.
  23. Well the dong wasn't my doing; I had the dumbass idea of trying to make a cobblestone boat in the sky without planning it out first... and I don't remember where I tried it, either.
  24. Somewhere in that map, a small collection of 3 to 8 cobblestone blocks is hanging in the sky for no particular reason.
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