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Everything posted by Ferret

  1. How often does the map get updated?
  2. Whose idea was it to make trees flammable anyway? All's well that ends well, I guess.
  3. This is why I'm not allowed to use the grill:
  4. Yeah, that would piss me off too for sure. Is that why you ragequit last night or was it just because it was getting close to 3 AM? Anyway, if people wouldn't mind helping fill the moat around my quarry with water...I'd appreciate that. You can find Fort Longroot south of the big Abadoss sign. Can't miss it. The highway doesn't extend all the way out to the fort, but I do plan on extending the road at the bottom of the stairs eventually; mining the quarry and building a village for the imaginary quarry workers takes priority for now.
  5. Building my fort near Abadoss' stuff. Do me a favor and don't blow it up. I know some of you are jerkers like that
  6. Well seeing as how a /topic in the server window reveals that there's already an #ocremix on freenode I guess this has already been decided. Eh, you can have it. I'm gonna stay lurkermode on ##4eCO and no I'm not telling you what nick I'm using so people can't come and bug me for no reason.
  7. Shezari. That's also my Steam name if anyone cares.
  8. I dunno. I only tried the server today. And with 125 pages I kinda didn't bother to read the first post
  9. So it seems that you need to be on the whitelist before you can join the server. How odd.
  10. Well if people wouldn't be dipshits and get themselves banned I'm sure this wouldn't be a problem.
  11. You know, you could have used the headphones and snes pad log that's been the site's visual moniker for years... Just a thought.
  12. How is it then that they managed to get a record contract? What tone-deaf drunkard at the studio heard this and said "hey, let's give these guys money!" And the...the hell is with their hairstyles?
  13. I guess I'm going to pick up these games over the weekend coming up; I'm gonna need something to do while my stuff is in storage and I don't have a laptop to surf the net with
  14. Sure, for stadiums, but those aren't really TVs. Also Blue where the feck is your sig from? I know it's Arsenio Hall. What movie?
  15. Fifty-six FEET? I don't think they make TVs that large, d00d.
  16. You couldn't put this on youtube? This had to be a direct download?
  17. It's still annoying and I like to counter it with some stickies. You may be invulnerable but you can still take falling damage! As a Bonked-up Scout found out once. What goes up must splatter on impact.
  18. Uberchaining is the dumbest idea ever and the only reason that you should see medics chained is if one of them is under fire while healing a different class. Otherwise it's just a waste of an uber to deploy it on a medic who's already GOT an uber out--unless it's a kritzkrieg/medigun combo and even then they should be deploying on the same target rather than one medic ubering another. It's utterly ridiculous. (the only OTHER time Medic/Medic uber is acceptable is during a zombies game.)
  19. It sounds like you have something against Brandon. So who's the badguys? UnMod? Or PPR?
  20. What's the movie's plot? Return the Genre Samples to the Sonic Leylines and along the way learn some crap about friendship and how to get your enemies on your side by rocking out?
  21. It'd be nice to see this as Wiiware or something. That'd be great.
  22. I never once implied that I think you look like a vampire. I said you have this image of yourself as one... As for putting your face in all your... I won't even call them videos, because they're not. Videos involve movement. But anyway, you're doing the musical equivalent of ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL, which I find hilarious but not for the reasons you might imagine.
  23. How come I'm not on this list? Huh? HUH?! Oh. Well then... You shall be hearing from my lawyers as I demand representation!
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