Let's look at your selection for a moment: Gerudo Valley. If this gets approved (which I doubt it will in its current state) it will join the ranks of the dozens (okay, nine (that survived the standards purge)) of existing Gerudo Valley remixes...and I must ask why the fascination with the track? Is there some illusory "Easy Mode" on it? I get that it's catchy, but so is the Hyrule Field theme.
What I look at when I'm listening to WIPs is not how good the remix is technically--I don't give a damn if elements of it sound 'low quality' because let's face it I don't have an ear for the subtler nuances of composition--but rather at 'has it been done before and if so how frequently?'.
Granted, I'm not up to the task of counting how many Gerudo Valley mixes are on the Workshop board at this very moment but this is definitely one of them. Not that I'm trying to knock you down but I'm just suggesting that if this one doesn't work out for you (which it doesn't seem to be from other comments here) that a different selection may be in order.