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Everything posted by Ferret

  1. On the other hand once the server is updated to the newest version I can replace the stone pallets in my fort with actual beds, and kit out the second floor of the inn, too.
  2. Happy birfday zelda i rote u a fanfic hope u lik it
  3. I still disagree and still feel that such disagreement is warranted.
  4. What's the sun?
  5. It's not retro, it's retraux.
  6. It's not Lan's fault if they don't lock their damn doors.
  7. Jump! Jump! Slide! Slide!
  8. I don't really think it's fair to focus on tree-leaf modeling as an issue. If anything minor environmental details like that should be an afterthought. At least the trees are actually rendered and not just decals on the skybox.
  9. Summoning Eldritch abominations should be limited to weekends.
  10. Let's look at your selection for a moment: Gerudo Valley. If this gets approved (which I doubt it will in its current state) it will join the ranks of the dozens (okay, nine (that survived the standards purge)) of existing Gerudo Valley remixes...and I must ask why the fascination with the track? Is there some illusory "Easy Mode" on it? I get that it's catchy, but so is the Hyrule Field theme. What I look at when I'm listening to WIPs is not how good the remix is technically--I don't give a damn if elements of it sound 'low quality' because let's face it I don't have an ear for the subtler nuances of composition--but rather at 'has it been done before and if so how frequently?'. Granted, I'm not up to the task of counting how many Gerudo Valley mixes are on the Workshop board at this very moment but this is definitely one of them. Not that I'm trying to knock you down but I'm just suggesting that if this one doesn't work out for you (which it doesn't seem to be from other comments here) that a different selection may be in order.
  11. How many in-game days did you spend walking to get there?
  12. Nope, but people will still use the noob combo and you will still get pistol-sniped from across the map.
  13. I have only one stipulation: The game has to be enjoyable. I don't need voice acting, I don't need fancy graphics or 2 hour long cutscenes...it just has to be fun. I think that's what's missing from the industry. Everyone has a story to tell--well, if that's the case they should be making movies instead.
  14. The only reason I could think of for them to remake Halo is to fit in all the shit that they retconned in with 2, 3, ODST, Reach and Halo Wars...
  15. ...Not even close. Dr. Breen was the administrator of Black Mesa before the Resonance Cascade and after the Combine showed up he negotiated the surrender and was installed as arbiter of human affairs.
  16. Crowbar Man, second only to Trojan Man and Dungeon Man.
  17. You try yourself right onto the failboat.
  18. Relieve that idiot of his employment, post-haste!
  19. Don't propose via minecraft. Best advice you've heard all day.
  20. Fucking Zeal. Why doesn't anyone ever do something original? Like build the Death Star?
  21. The internet helped me with my oh wait
  22. The wall around my parcel is still irregular as hell, but screw it. I also completed the tear-down and rebuild of the plaza yesterday, and added lava fountains today. Now I just need to make a greenhouse to grow reeds in.
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