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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I agree with basically everything Jesse said. The rhythmic looseness doesn't bother me as much but it is a little iffy. There's a real balance problem here; there's too much going on all the time that I don't really know what to pay attention to. Vocals are a bit odd around 2:50, watch the intonation on that entrance. Really ambitious arrangement. Would be nice to see on OCR someday. NO, resub
  2. Great start but it feels REALLY conservative and that dubstep breakdown is just so boring; nothing really happens there. Percussion fills are killer. I like that. I'd replace the dubstep section with some really groovy soloing or something; go crazy nuts over the chords and build some real energy. NO, resub
  3. This year's TT2 mix used a track from TT and they didn't care that much, BUT since we have a lot more time I'd prefer it if we used a song specifically from TT2.
  4. Apex 2014 January 2014, NJ, USA http://apex-series.com So at PAX East I met up with the Apex folks and we got to talking about doing another album for the Apex tournament that's going on next year. I wanna get a jump on this and start WAYYY earlier. There's a big time restriction on this because physicals have to be done for the event. Here's a list of games for confirmed for Apex 2014 as of June 23, 2013. Remixers: final mixdowns of your tracks are due Nov 30. Finished Tracks Super Smash Bros. - Amphibious Super Smash Bros. Melee - Flexstyle and OA Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Benjamin Briggs Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition - Neblix Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Hakstock Mortal Kombat 9 - Jivemaster Pokemon X & Y - timaeus222 Injustice: Gods Among Us - DarkeSword Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 - WillRock The King of Fighters XIII - Jason Covenant Super Smash Bros. Series Part I - OverClocked Assembled Super Smash Bros. Series Part II - OverClocked Assembled Super Smash Bros. Series Part III - OverClocked Assembled Open Tracks None As with Straight to the Top, I'd like high energy, groove-oriented tracks. For Smash Bros. games, original Smash tracks are preferred, but not required (e.g. Metal Mario theme is better than Kirby Gourmet Race). I'll consider anyone for the project but you gotta be good. This isn't the album to be cutting your teeth on. Let's hear what you got, folks. If you're interested in doing a track, PM me a WIP and I'll see if it's a good fit.
  5. Brandon, don't post in this thread anymore. Good luck with your project Jimmy. Looks really ambitious.
  6. Mirby's post contained an image from alfabetajuega.com that was located in a passworded directory and was throwing up a login dialog. I've removed it. General FYI; if you're putting an image in your post, try to host it yourself from a reliable location.
  7. It's from an image Mirby was remote linking in her HarmoKnight review. I've removed it.
  8. If not you, then someone else. It never fails, no matter how ridiculous we make the jokes, someone always believes.
  9. Pretty sure EA ReMix is the best one. Either that or OC ReMix Premium Memberships. Dunno if you were around for that one. April Fool's Day doesn't work like that. Pointing out the joke is the most obvious way of ruining it. And you can't make a joke and then tell everyone it isn't a joke. April Fool's Day is about fooling people, not outright lying to them. You make your joke and you hope that people fall for it, and when they figure things out for themselves, there's a nudge and a wink and they're in on it too. You can't convince anyone of anything when 15 people are all screaming at the top of their lungs that it's the one day of the year where you can't take anything at face value.
  10. It got deleted because that's spoiling the joke. It never fails; every year a whole load of people think they're so clever that they've figured out the joke before everyone else, and they'd better tell everyone that it's April Fool's Day because God forbid someone actually gets fooled for just a little bit. You say "WTF man" because we deleted (many) posts pointing out the date and the fact that it was April Fool's Day. To that I say: Why The Fuck are you spoiling the joke? April Fool's Day jokes are the best when they actually fool people, when the joke is believed for as long as possible before the inevitable realization. And it's the realization that makes the day fun for the people being fooled, and once they get it, they get to be in on it. Telling people the whole thing is a joke just ruins it. And as a final note, I guarantee that next year I will make this same exact rant to someone else who doesn't understand why we delete A1 comments.
  11. Guys, this thread is for actual requests for username changes. Please don't post a request unless you actually want your username changed.
  12. See, this is what I'm talking about. You guys always do stuff like this, talking about yachts and corporate jets and shit, and "oh DarkeSword doesn't know what actually goes on." This kind of thing stopped being funny like 6 years ago. You're not on staff, you don't know jack shit. We work really hard on this site and on projects and we don't get anything aside from personal satisfaction out of it. So just knock it off, and enjoy the music. And stay on topic. This thread is about the release of the FF6 album, not your baseless and insulting accusations.
  13. No it didn't. I really wish people would stop accusing us of pocketing the money. We've been above board about the entire process from the get-go.
  14. The Red Mage is a Fabled Warrior that channels the healing powers of white magic and the destructive powers of black magic to support her allies and annihilate her enemies. With a crimson cape, high-heeled boots, and a feather in her hat, she enters the battlefield with a suave confidence. I'm looking for a Red Mage track for the second volume of The Fabled Warriors. Stylistically, I want something that melds acoustic sounds (White Magic) with electronic sounds (Black Magic). It should be a remix of Unknown Lands. If you are interested in doing this track for me, send me a WIP that's at least two minutes long by April 6th, 2013. I will take submissions from anyone (regardless of whether you are a posted remixer or not) and I will evaluate and choose the piece I like the best. Don't post the WIPs publicly; send it to me via PM. Thanks guys.
  15. Only mods can create them. I use them for big tournaments because there's often a lot of different votes that need to be tracked for the duration of the competition. For something like a weekly compo (PRC, etc.), it's not really necessary.
  16. You don't need a voting area for this kind of thing. Just get PMs from people.
  17. That's not a specific deal. Read the guidelines.
  18. FF12 really does look amazing when you play it on an emulator in 720.
  19. I'll start! Tor has discounted the eBook of Brandon Sanderson's Way of Kings down to 2.99 for a little while. This is a great book and a kick-off to his big fantasy series. Lots of cool magic systems and great characterization. He's also an OCR fan! http://www.tor.com/blogs/2013/03/the-way-of-kings-299-ebook-giveaway-2 WHAT A DEAL!
  20. What a Deal! This is a thread for sharing great deals for stuff like games, books, movies, etc. that you like. Guidelines: Post deals for specific items that you want to recommend, not big sales with of tons of items you don't really know about. Include a personal recommendation, not just a link to the deal. Share stuff that's available for a discounted price. It's gotta be a deal. No regular price items. This isn't a thread to pimp out your own stuff (i.e. your new album, game, whatever you're working on) Don't keep posting stuff multiple times a day. Space things out a bit. Let's see your deals!
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